Actions: Camera

clear captured photos

Clears out the temporary photos captured or selected from a camera element.

create qr code

Creates a QR code in an image element with the given data.

Argument Description
Image The image element where the QR code will be displayed.
Data Input, variable, text or field element containing the data to be in the QR code.

display captured photo

Displays a captured or selected mobile gallery photo from the camera element in the selected image element.

Argument Description
Photo The variable containing a single, temporary photo ID of a captured or selected mobile gallery photo from a camera element.
Image The image element where the camera element’s captured or selected mobile gallery photo will be displayed.

get captured photos

Outputs a line-delimited list of temporary IDs of the captured or selected photos from a camera element.

Argument Description
Output A variable to store the returned list of temporary IDs of the captured or selected photos from a camera element.

save photos to database

Saves the captured or selected mobile gallery photo(s) from the camera element to the database.

Argument Description
Output An optional variable to store the blob ID of the photo that was saved to the database.
Photos The variable containing a temporary, photo ID or a line-delimited list of photo IDs of the captured or selected photo(s) from a camera element.
Target The place to save the photo to. (local or cloud).

select photo

Allows users to select an existing photo from a library and use the image element’s dimensions or modify the size.

Argument Description
Image The image element where the selected photo will be displayed.
Target The place to save the image (local or cloud).
Width The width for the selected image.
Height The height for the selected image.

set camera output

Sets the output element for a camera element.

Argument Description
AspectRatio The aspect ratio for the image.
Camera The camera element to have its output adjusted.
Image The image element where the camera output will be displayed.

This chapter was last updated on Tue 11 Mar 2025 17:58:55 GMT