Actions: Control Structures


Break out of the current control structure and continue.


Create a case to use within a switch control structure.

Argument Description
Value The value to set variable to (input or another variable)


Defines the block which runs when a try structure encounters an error.

Argument Description
Variable The variable to store the error, if one occurs


Adds a block for ‘all other cases’ of a control structure.

else if property

Additional condition to check the value of a property.

Argument Description
Element The element to have its property compared.
Property The attribute that is to be compared.
Operator The comparison operator to use
Value The value to compare to

else if variable

Add an additional if condition to an existing control structure block, referencing a variable.

Argument Description
ThisValue The value to set variable to (input or another variable)
ThisVariable The variable to set the value of.
Operator The comparison operator for comparing values in the table against the input value.

end if

Marks the end of a IF/ELSEIF/ELSE structure.

end repeat

Marks the end of a repeat structure.

end switch

Marks the end of a switch structure.

end try

Ends a try block.

exit repeat

Exits the repeat current repeat loop.

exit script

Exits the current script.


Runs all lines below it, inside a try structure, whether there is an error or not.

if property

Creates the first condition referencing a property.

Argument Description
Element The element to have its property compared.
Property The attribute that is to be compared.
Operator The comparison operator to use
Value The Value to compare to

if variable

Creates the first line of an if condition referencing a variable.

Argument Description
ThisValue The value to set variable to (input or another variable)
ThisVariable The variable to set the value of.
Operator The comparison operator for comparing values in the table against the input value.

next repeat

Skips the rest of the repeat control structure and returns to the top for the next repeat.


Repeat a code block n number of times.

Argument Description
Number Specify the number of times the repeat block will run

repeat over array

Repeat loop over the indexes or keys of an array.

Argument Description
RepeatOver Repeat loop over indexes or keys? Indexes are numeric, keys are strings like IDs. This action will repeat over every index in the array in order from lowest to highest. Or in an undetermined order of the keys. Note: If the number of indexes or keys changes during the loop, the new key or index will be included as part of the initialization of the next repeat.
ArrayVariable The array variable whose indexes or keys you want to loop over.
ArrayPath The path of the array key which contains the indexes or keys you want to repeat over. Expressed in ‘/key1/key2/’ format.
IndexKeyVariable The variable to hold the current index or key. Note: When using repeats inside repeats,this variable must be different.

switch property

Begins a switch block where the value of a property is compared.

Argument Description
Element The element to have its property compared.
Property The attribute that is to be compared.

switch variable

Begins a switch block where the value of a variable is compared.

Argument Description
Variable The variable to use in the SWITCH control structure


Runs the code within its block, and returns and runs the catch block if an execution error occurs.

This chapter was last updated on Tue 11 Mar 2025 17:58:55 GMT