Recent Appli changes. For documentation changelog, check here.
VERSION 1.4.10 (2025-03-05):
- Improved: Updated OpenAI model lists, including the addition of gpt-4.5-Preview. Caution: The price of inference of 4.5 preview is very high.
- Improved: GPT vision can now take in a set of images in a single prompt. Instead of giving the action the Image binary data, you. can now give it an array with indexes that contain a key “ImageData” for each each image you wish to upload. As before, the ImageData key in each index should contain the binary data of the image.
VERSION 1.4.9 (2025-02-27):
- Improved: Fixed a problem with dropdowns which have their options set using the two pipes delimiter ‘||’
- Improved: Save scroll location when expanding/collapsing project browser elements
- Fixed: Fixed an issue where elements within a Layout element would not properly delete and/or display records.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where the “wait” action wouldn’t work with variables.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that could prevent nocode changes from saving for layout elements.
VERSION 1.4.8 (2025-02-19):
- Improved: Internal speed and stability improvements.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug which could prevent an app from loading.
VERSION 1.4.7 (2025-02-12):
- New: “count down timer ended” event. Use this event to perform an action when a count down reachers 0.
- Improved: Added “o3-mini” to the list of GPT Chat Completion models
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that could occur when using “count down timer” action.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that would allow an event to be added without an event selected.
VERSION 1.4.6 (2025-02-05):
- New: “count down timer” and “stop count down timer” actions. Use these actions to start and stop a count down on a field or text element.
- Improved: When closing Appli, or closing an App by returning home, you will be prompted to save any unsaved lowcode tabs, and all tabs will be closed.
VERSION 1.4.5 (2025-01-29):
- Improved: Deleting elements from the playground will now show feedback to the user.
- Improved: When the Lowcode editor is the most recently focused pane tool, and ESC is pressed, you are prompted to save changes the same way you would if you had clicked X or Close all Tabs.
- Improved: Support for image element added to Form Element’s No-Code binding.
- Improved: Improved performance when switching screens in play mode.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where icons in the radio element don’t resize when the zoom level is changed.
VERSION 1.4.4 (2025-01-22):
- New: “Scanner” keyboard type for field elements. Using this keyboard type along with actions, a field can be setup for hands-free processing when scanning multiple consecutive barcodes.
- New: “Line Number Column” and “Column Name” properties for the report element. Use these properties to enable and name a line number column.
- Improved:
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that prevented the buttons in the radio element from being selected if icons were used for the options.
- Fixed: When cutting lowcode actions, the editor now correctly updates the UNDO count.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where the label in the radio element retained its text size if the zoom level was changed.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where the low-code editor may remain visible after loading an app.
- Fixed: The low-code dispatcher ran element code in elements when it should only run openScreen code. This made opening a new screen appear slower than it should have been.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that would cause the wrong records to be displayed in a report element.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where opening a new tab in the low-code editor may undo changes to an action’s argument in the current tab.
VERSION 1.4.3 (2025-01-15):
- New: Introducing Lowcode Editor tabs. Now you can have more than 1 lowocde script open and switch between them using tabs. Upon closing a tab or closing the lowcode editor, you will be prompted to save your unsaved changes.
- New: “Get list of Keys” action enables you to extract a return delimited list of the keys of an array variable.
- New: Text action to compose a message in SMS.
- New: “Get dropdown records list” action in the “dropdown” category to retrieve a line-delimited list of record IDs of the options in a dropdown element that has been connected to a database table.
- New: Array support for layout elements. Data context setup now has an “array” option.
- New: “ArrayToJSON” action turns an Array Variable into a UTF-8 encoded JSON String. “JSONToArray” action turn a valid JSON string into an Array Variable.
- New: ‘selectPhoto.action’ allows user to select an existing photo from a library to an image element.
- Improved: The options of a dropdown element can now be scrolled with a mouse wheel in play mode.
- Improved: Added HTMLText to the available properties of the Browser element. Now you can set or get the full content of the browser element’s current webpage.
- Improved: Added an option to open an element’s documentation from its contextual menu.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that would occur if the variable used with the “go screen” action is a screen that does not exist.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where moving an element within its parent element may cause it to relayer to the front.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where changing the “password field” property of the field element may not correctly hide or show the password.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug with element selection in the query element no-code window.
- Fixed: Fixed bug where events like openscreen are needlessly sent to screens that are not the current screen.
VERSION 1.4.2 (2024-12-18):
- Improved: Made improvements to dragging elements to the bottom of the project browser.
- Improved: The answer file dialog importing exported Appli projects on disk will now allow you to select exported Appli apps.
- Improved: If a sorted line delimited list of recordIDs is provided in the ‘Display Records In Layout’ action, the order will be maintained in the layout element.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug which occured in large apps and large scripts where the lowcode script was not always successfully applied to its element.
VERSION 1.4.1 (2024-12-11):
- New: Custom lowcode events have been added. Double click or add “custom” event and give it a name. Then you can use “dispatch event” action to call it. (Must select “custom” and set CustomEvent argument)
- Improved: When you want to add actions to a specific event, just click its header before adding. Also, after adding a new event, it becomes the destination of all new actions until another action changes the context.
- Improved: GPT Vision and GPT Chat Completion actions now use the same GPTConversations array so that the two actions can part take in the same conversation. (Now your GPT Vision queries can be in context of a larger conversation.)
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where undo points were not made when performing some lowcode actions.
- Fixed: If you send just a ‘number’ to GPTChatCompletion or GPTVision, it no longer returns an error asking for a string.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where a minimized window pane could still be interacted with.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that could cause Appli to hang when switching modes after using the “print report” action.
VERSION 1.4.0 (2024-12-04):
- New:
- Improved: Fixed a reference bug with dispatching lowcode events.
- Improved: Code editor got another round of love. We added line numbers and further improved the compilation of custom code.
- Fixed: In certain circumstances references to appli elements in custom code would not work correctly.
- Fixed: Fixed an issue with indentation of custom code.
- Fixed: Custom code editor did not always recognize that a script has been changed again after it has been saved.
- Fixed: Fixed a visual bug that occurs when toggling full window view in the data viewer while in the array key view.
VERSION 1.3.39 (2024-11-13):
- Improved: Updated the “dispatch event” action to support screens.
VERSION 1.3.38 (2024-11-06):
- Improved: Expanded the list of selectable events in the “event” argument of the “dispatch event” action.
- Improved: Pressing the backspace key in the layout element’s no-code template editor will now remove the entire key reference if applicable.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug in the “dispatch event” action where the “result” argument would not be populated after execution.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where the inserted key in the layout element’s no-code template editor may not match the specified key name.
VERSION 1.3.37 (2024-10-30):
- New: “Export as CSV” action to export the provided column headers and row data as a CSV file.
- New: “Reindex Array” action lets you reorder a numerical index that has had keys removed or added to it. “Timer Log” action lets you time how long things take and log the execution flow of your code.
- Improved: Added a “cancel” button to the template text editor in the layout’s no-code
- Improved: All running repeat loops in Lowcode scripts will exit (as soon as possible) when returning to Edit mode. Requires re-applying the low code script.
- Improved: No-code option is now available in the element’s right-click contextual menu if applicable.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where the create and edit interface in the data viewer’s users table may get cut off.
- Fixed: Editing template text in the layout’s no-code window will no longer save immediately.
- Fixed: “repeat over array” action will now correctly indent its code block.
VERSION 1.3.36 (2024-10-23):
- New: “Update user record” action in the “user accounts” category to update a record of an existing user in the ‘cdbUsers’ table.
- New: “Resend verification email” action in the “user accounts” category to send a verification email to an existing user who has not been verified.
- New: “Delete account” action in the “user accounts” category to delete a user account.
- Fixed: The screen gallery is now automatically hidden when switching to play mode.
VERSION 1.3.35 (2024-10-16):
- New: “GPT Vision” action has been added. This action allows you to send an image to Chat GPT’s Vision API.
- New: “Process Variable” action has been added. Available functions are: base64encode / decode, binary encode / decode, compress / decompress.
- New: “Batch create blob”, “batch read blob”, “batch update blob”, and “batch delete blob” actions in the “blobs” category.
- Improved: Updated the icon that indicates an item can be dragged and moved.
- Improved: Improvements were made to table arrangement in the data modeler.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug in the “ask for file path” action which requested a location to save a file instead of an existing file.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where cancelling the color dialog in the data modeler would change the color of the selected table.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that could prevent records from being displayed in a layout element.
- Fixed: Correct sizing for a layout element’s scrollbar while in edit mode.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where apps may not load with the last used orientation.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug which could cause elements in a layout element to draw out of place when an app was loaded.
- Fixed: Layout elements with “multiple rows” disabled can now scroll to the bottom.
- Fixed: “Learn more” text in the hover assist tooltips is now hidden if there’s no outgoing link.
VERSION 1.3.34 (2024-10-09):
- New: Added “clear current orientation” to the screen’s right-click contextual menu which will delete all elements on the current screen’s current orientation.
- Improved: Updated the list of GPT AI models available for the chat completion lowcode action.
- Improved: Updated the “ask for folder” action’s dictionary entry for clarity.
- Fixed: A bug in “save photos to database” lowcode action has been fixed.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug with the “list files” action where the output was incorrect if a variable was used in the “folder name” argument.
- Fixed: No longer default to all records if the “record IDs” argument in the “delete record” action is empty.
- Fixed: Fixed issues with “read blob” lowcode action.
- Fixed: Fixed issues with “create blob” lowcode action.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug which could cause the “create qr code” action to create the qr code in the wrong image element.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where clicking in and out of the asset manager’s text size field would result in an error.
VERSION 1.3.33 (2024-10-02):
- New: “Set platform color” in the “utility” category to set the color of the platform’s background.
- New: “Get platform color” in the “utility” category to retrieve the color of the platform’s background.
- Fixed: Fixed a visual bug in the layout element that can occur if the zoom level is changed.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where an empty “path” argument in the “count indexes in array” action would produce an incorrect result.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug which would cause layout elements with multiple rows enabled to display the same record in all rows.
VERSION 1.3.32 (2024-09-25):
- New: Lowcode action “Add 1 To Variable” is an easy way to increment a variable by 1
- New: Lowcode action “Get Key From Variable” reads a specific key from a variable which has array keys
- New: Lowcode action “Get Item From Variable” reads a specific item from a variable which contains one or more items separated by a comma or a specific character or string.
- New: Lowcode action “Save File To Path”, saves a variable as a file to a specific path on the file system. “Load File From Path” loads a specific file from the file system into a variable. Optionally, both actions let you specify the mode of the operation: Text or Binary.
- Improved: Added input option to the “record IDs” argument in the “read records” action.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug in Select File action where an unfilled FilenameVariable argument created an Appli variable whose name is empty.
- Fixed: Components will now stay in sync when using “set value” action.
VERSION 1.3.31 (2024-09-18):
- New: New event and actions for sockets. Use event “socketHostClientDisconnected” along with actions “socket host get last client IP” and “socket host get last client port” to manage socket connects.
- Improved: “Path” argument for “count indexes in array” action. Can now provide a path for accessing nested arrays.
- Improved: New default property values for shadows and glows applied to elements.
- Fixed: Output for “count indexes in array” action could be incorrect.
- Fixed: “Element” was not an output option for “count indexes in array” action.
- Fixed: Dictionary entry for “count indexes in array” action.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug which could prevent all variables from being displayed when using the “delete array element” action.
VERSION 1.3.30 (2024-09-11):
- Improved: Modified desktop calendar to reflect updated appearance.
- Improved: Remove auto resizing of text in a button’s label.
- Improved: Added compatibility for variables to be used in the search element’s no-code input and output values.
- Improved: Unified some of the visual attributes of Appli containers to match on creation.
- Improved: Adjusted the default properties of layouts to use the most common settings that once needed to be set manually.
- Fixed: When clicking a locked field, a second mouseUp was being sent, which would cause the low code in that element to run twice.
VERSION 1.3.29 (2024-09-04):
- New:
- Improved: Improved responsive resize for button elements.
- Improved: The result provided from the sync action will now return true (good) or false (bad).
- Improved: Added dictionary entries for events to the low-code editor.
- Improved: Added mouse wheel scrolling to action and event panes in the low-code editor.
- Improved: Updated the rectangle element to be selectable via a double-click inside containers.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug with default row height of Layout elements. The default row height is now set to 50 pixels when “multiple rows” is activated.
VERSION 1.3.28 (2024-08-28):
- New: “Get character count” action in the “utility” category to retrieve the number of characters in the specified text.
- New: “Get text offset” action in the “utility’ category to retrieve the character position of the first occurrence of the text to find in the text to search.
- Improved:
- Fixed: Elements that use visual effects in a layout may find their elements to not fully render the shadow or other effects.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where changing the “text” property of a text element component with low-code actions wouldn’t sync to all components.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that can occur with saving custom code scripts.
VERSION 1.3.27 (2024-08-21):
- New: Create UUID action creates a v4 uuid made of 36 characters.
- Improved: Fixed Appli Connect bugs having to do with endpoint URL variables.
- Fixed: Fixed Appli Connect bug with keys that have an element input. The “full response variable” is emptied before the new result is written.
VERSION 1.3.26 (2024-08-14):
- New: Introducing Appli Connect, our newest low code action / input method. Appli Connect makes it easier than ever to work with external web apis and web services from any provider. Check out our demo app to see our mini Dropbox app & more.
- New: Helper action “Delete Empty Variables” which clears all empty Appli Variables. Useful in cleaning unused variables. Variables which your app populates will reappear.
- Improved: Display of long project and app names.
- Improved: Added a “pull to refresh” property to layout elements to control whether pulling down on the element on mobile devices will trigger a refresh.
VERSION 1.3.25 (2024-08-07):
- New: “Quit player” action in the “player” category to quit Appli Player and return to the device’s home screen.
- New: “Get screen names” action in the “Appli” category to retrieve a line-delimited list of the current app’s screen names.
- New: “Get app names” action in the “Appli” category to retrieve a line-delimited list of the current project’s app names.
- New: “Create QR code” action. Creates a QR code in an image element with the given data. QR codes can be scanned with a camera element set up as a barcode scanner. The result will go into the assigned variable.
- Improved: Added convenient optional arguments to new file selection actions.
- Improved: The “disabled” property has been added. When set to true, the element is “greyed out” and all mouse / keyboard events are ignored.
- Improved: Added “duplicate” option to the screen contextual menu in the footer.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug which could cause the input field to draw over the hint label in the create account and login elements.
VERSION 1.3.24 (2024-07-31):
- New: “Select File” action lets you ask the user to select one or more files.
- New: “Ask For Folder” action lets you ask the user to select a folder.
- New: “Ask for File Path” action lets you ask user to select a filename and path.
- New: “Orientation changed” event that can be added to the low-code of screens.
- New: “Get orientation” action to retrieve the current orientation of the screen.
- Improved: Dialogue and interaction in the onboarding guide for new accounts.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where commented actions that have an argument populated with an array would still run.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where text elements with “auto height” sizing may change in width and x-coordinates when their contents are changed.
- Fixed: Fixed regression bug with repeat_over_array action. It will now work as expected.
VERSION 1.3.23 (2024-07-24):
- New:
- Improved:
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where “set property in layout row” and “set property in row from variable” actions would change the properties of the base elements in a layout element.
- Fixed: When typing in a cell of the data viewer, text past the width of the cell would be cut off and couldn’t be seen when moving the cursor with the arrow keys.
- Fixed: Changes to a field element’s font are now applied immediately.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where the “layout refresh” event could be added to elements that weren’t in a layout element.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where badge elements may not display the correct background, border, or text color properties.
VERSION 1.3.22 (2024-07-17):
- New:
- Improved: Adjusted the property inspector selection highlight color.
- Improved: UI and UX improvements. More control over the tables and data to copy when moving or copying an app.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where an error may occur if a pinned badge element is moved to a layer below the element it’s pinned to.
- Fixed: Moving and copying apps to another project would not update certain references correctly.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where saving a project to disk with an empty password would still require a password to import it.
VERSION 1.3.21 (2024-07-10):
- Improved: A local save now occurs when creating or deleting variables via the variable viewer.
- Fixed: Importing projects will now import all variables.
- Fixed: UseHTML option in the text element. When active, the text of the field will be interpreted and rendered as HTML in PLAY mode only. In edit mode the text remains as it was entered originally including the html tags.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where text elements whose sizing property is set to auto height or auto width may display scrollbars.
VERSION 1.3.20 (2024-07-03):
- Improved: Unverified accounts can now log into Appli a limited number of times before account verification is required.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug in the dateDifference action where two compared dates might not compare dates or times in the right order, which would result in an empty value.
- Fixed: Manage “load app from disk” button when selecting apps.
VERSION 1.3.19 (2024-06-26):
- New: Socket support. New events and actions for creating connections and sending data to sockets. Actions can be found in the “Sockets” category.
- New: ‘dateClosed’ and ‘timeClosed’ events can now be dispatched when a date or time element is closed.
- Improved: The dateDifference action raw values are rounded to two decimal places.
- Improved: Badge elements can now be attached to field elements.
- Fixed: Fixed the wrong error message appearing when email has not been verified.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug with dropdown options not being refreshed when the options and values are set via lowcode, without a connection to a table.
- Fixed: The dateDifference action was out of sync with recent changes to the date/time pickers behavior.
VERSION 1.3.18 (2024-06-19):
- New: Added a new event called timeSelected for the low-code actions.
- Fixed: Clicking on ‘cancel’ button will now hide the time element on desktop.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where “LF” stored in a variable or element for the “replacement text” argument of the “replace text” action didn’t translate to a line feed.
VERSION 1.3.17 (2024-06-12):
- New: bindTimePicker action added to define the field element to receive the selected time from the time picker.
- Improved: Added line-delimited list as an optional format for the returned keys of a database table.
- Fixed: Fixed the argument dropdown options for the “replace text” action.
- Fixed: Pressing “Cancel” when duplicating a screen will now correctly cancel.
VERSION 1.3.16 (2024-06-05):
- New: “cell selected” event. Use this event to perform an action when the cell of a table element is selected.
- New: “cell edited” event. Use this event to perform an action when the cell of a table element is edited.
- Improved: Updated argument names and descriptions of the “replace text” action.
- Improved: Onboarding for account creation.
- Fixed: Hide scrollbar when dropdown element options are empty.
VERSION 1.3.15 (2024-05-29):
- New: “Replace text” action in the “utility” category to replace text from the provided source with other text.
- Improved:
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where some events would not work if the element they belong to was in a layout element.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug which would cause component elements on other screens to lose their action scripts or not stay in sync when updating the current screen.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where the “cdbRecordID” is not output if it’s selected with other keys in the “read keys” action.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where nothing is output if “all items” is selected in the “keys” argument of the “read keys” action.
VERSION 1.3.14 (2024-05-22):
- New: “get all selected recordIDs” action for table elements.
- New: Repeat Over Array action has been added to enable you to iterate over a set of keys or indexes of an array. For example, the results of an API call. Allowing you to process the result and display it in your application’s front end.
- New: “Checkbox selected” event for the checkbox element that’s called when the element’s value is changed.
- Improved: GPT Chat Completion models list updated to include the newest model GPT-4o
- Improved: Made “get array value” action much faster for large arrays.
- Fixed: The “link to key” checkbox of the layout element’s no-code window will now populate correctly for non-text elements.
- Fixed: The low-code multi-selection argument input will now populate with selected items if applicable.
- Fixed: Corrected the dictionary entry of the “list records” action.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug with the “list records” action if “all items” is selected in the “keys” argument.
- Fixed: Made “get array value” action return only the exact path specified, rather than allowing multiple results if the same path was found deeper in array.
- Fixed: The action list dropdown of the blank action in the low-code editor will now move and display accordingly if the actions are scrolled or selected.
VERSION 1.3.13 (2024-05-15):
- New:
- Improved: “sort table” action now maintains highlight for the table.
- Improved: “update record” action can now take multiple recordIDs to update multiple records with the same value.
- Improved: Added compatibility for the checkbox, switch, and radio elements to the layout element’s no-code binding.
- Fixed: Fixed an error that may occur when deleting a screen from an app that contains a camera element linked to a deleted output element.
- Fixed: Fixed an error that may occur when removing a deleted element from a camera element’s output elements.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where setting the value of a radio element to empty wouldn’t be retained in certain cases.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that could prevent apps from being moved or copied to a different project.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that can occur when ungrouping elements within a tab element.
- Fixed: The “mouse click” event will now work with non-native field elements.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where arrow keys could be used to change the insertion point in a field element’s hint text.
- Fixed: Searching for data in arrays now properly indexes the array to search, providing accurate results.
- Fixed: Fixed the inability to set visible property of elements using custom code editor. Included some other potentially affected properties.
VERSION 1.3.12 (2024-05-08):
- New: “Get screen rect” action in the “utility” category to retrieve the dimensions of the screen’s rectangle of the current device.
- Improved: Modify date picker to match the date of the bound field.
- Improved: In the Custom Code Editor, active tabs are no longer colored. We removed the 3-dot menu in favour of right click to access the options for the tabs.
- Improved: Added HH:MM:SS formats to ‘get current time’ action.
- Fixed: Fixed an issue with resizing of charts when the app is first loaded. + Overall improvement of resizing of chart element.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that caused an unstable state of the custom code editor.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that could occur when using “cdbDateCreated” or “cdbDateModified” to sort a table element.
- Fixed: There was an intermittent error when using hotkey to minimize pane tools to the
- Fixed: Issue with disabled animations on chart elements which caused the charts to be un-selectable on the playground.
- Fixed: RestAPI Action now correctly passes endpointURL when specified as a variable.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where the “reset element” action didn’t clear the stored value of the radio element.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that could cause projects to not load when saved to disk.
- Fixed: Fixed the delay between switching to play mode and the display of the mode-switching message.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug with the “combine multiple values” action where the “value4”, “value5”, and “value6” arguments didn’t correctly populate their options.
VERSION 1.3.11 (2024-05-01):
- New: “REST API Call” LowCode action. This generic action allows you to define HTTP calls to any rest API on the web. GET, POST, PATCH, DELETE methods are available, You can define an array of custom headers, and an array for your payload. Status updates for your call can be sent to a variable or an element.
- New: “bind date” action to bind a date element with the provided field element.
- New: “dateSelected” event to use in low-code script for date element.
- Improved: “display records in table” action now maintains sort and highlight for the table.
- Improved: The custom code editor will now close when switching apps.
- Improved: Fixed the way Map API keys are handled, and improved help for users. Now, if a specific key is assigned to a map, the map will use this one. If none is assigned, the map will use the one specified in Appli Connect Settings.
- Improved: Chart element has animations turned off in Edit mode, to speed up the rendering of the chart when changing its properties.
- Fixed: When using setChartDataFromTable action, the chart no longer redraws 3 times, but only once.
VERSION 1.3.10 (2024-04-24):
- New: “set date” action to modify date element with provided date.
- New: “Get search input” action in the “search” category to retrieve the input from a search element.
- Improved: Added MaintainScroll and MaintainHighlight arguments to “refresh table” action.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where the date element’s no-code setup didn’t save changes when resetting the connected element or variable output and clicking “done”.
- Fixed: Maintain consistent sizing for date element on ios platform.
VERSION 1.3.9 (2024-04-17):
- New:
- Improved: When inputting lowcode action arguments, the Keypad Enter key will now apply changes and close the input method, not close the lowcode editor entirely.
- Improved: You can now “Clear All Arguments” of a LowCode action using the right click menu.
- Improved: The createRecord action now supports storing multiple records. It also directly takes record data from a query action.
- Fixed: Fixed accidental flip of ENTER and RETURN functionality in the lowcode editor. Now, only they Keypad Enter button can “Apply” and Close the lowcode editor.
- Fixed: Fixed a regression where the project browser sometimes did not correctly show the status of the script icon of an element.
- Fixed: Minimized floating windows will now be behind the screens list popup.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where date actions with a format of “seconds” would output an empty value.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where dragging an action to the top of an event sometimes did not work.
VERSION 1.3.8 (2024-04-10):
- New: “Exit Field” event has been added and triggers when focus on a field element is lost WITHOUT changing the field’s content. “Close Field”, on the other hand, is triggered when the content HAS been changed.
- Improved: The order of the User Icon in the playground has been adjusted.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that caused “open screen” and “close screen” events to run when switching screens in edit mode.
- Fixed: Addressed a bug that manifested when clicking on the background in the Projects screen.
VERSION 1.3.7 (2024-04-03):
- Improved: The custom code editor now has improved support for local variables inside your commands / functions handlers.
- Improved: Your app’s lowcode action scripts will now be automatically compiled and stored in a more advanced state. Improving the performance of loading Appli apps in both the builder and the Player. This optimization happens when your app is loaded in the Appli builder, and occurs only once.
- Fixed: We’ve improved handling of properties that are both Livecode and Appli properties when using Custom Code functions.
- Fixed: Don’t allow option copy for elements inside of components.
- Fixed: Actions with a parameter requiring an operator from a dropdown will eventually break due to a regression.
VERSION 1.3.6 (2024-03-27):
- Fixed: Fixed a visual bug with layout elements that have multiple columns and alternate row colors.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where changing the layout element’s “column” property would display alternate row colors despite the property being off.
- Fixed: Pasting into custom code editor will now work as expected.
- Fixed: Added checks to make sure the Lowcode editor does not open with its bottom below the footer when the user’s resolution changes, or the appli window is made smaller.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where the low-code editor settings may be cut off.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug with referencing elements in the custom code editor.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where deleting a parent element containing a badge element could result in an error.
VERSION 1.3.5 (2024-03-20):
- New: Reset query element action clears the values of every field in the container.
- Improved: When the auto completion field displays above the cursor, pressing the up arrow focuses the auto-complete field to allow selection.
- Improved: “Edit Custom Code” action was added to the right click menu of a “custom code” action’s argument.
- Improved: We’ve optimized the way action scripts are saved and applied, resulting in overall performance improvements. This improvement is only applied to scripts that are opened and resaved using the lowcode editor. NOTE: Once in use, this requires an updated version of the Appli Player.
- Improved: Improved usability of the operator and delimiter options in the search element’s no-code window.
- Fixed: The playground settings window will now resize correctly.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that caused an error if an element with a badge element pinned to it is deleted.
- Fixed: The “return” button no longer closes the Lowcode Editor when typing in an action name. Only the “enter” button applies the LowCode changes and closes the lowcode editor.
- Fixed: Can now scroll layout elements to the bottom when they have multiple rows enabled.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug preventing the “get property from layout row” action from working.
VERSION 1.3.4 (2024-03-13):
- Improved: Appearance and usability of the search element’s no-code window.
- Improved: Make selection lines for components a different color.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where changing the playground’s zoom level will cause the search element to lose its rounded corners.
- Fixed: “Query element” action will now work when using an element or variable for the “logicalOp” and “queryOp” arguments.
- Fixed: “Query element” action will now work when key names have spaces.
VERSION 1.3.3 (2024-03-06):
- New: A new LowCode action which lets you combine up to 6 values in one action.
- Improved: Typing speed in the custom code editor has been optimized. The displaying of the auto-complete is now delayed until the user stops typing.
- Improved: Our various pane tools now return to their previous known location if you happen to relaunch a tool that is already open but minimized.
- Improved: CTRL/COMMAND + W has been improved. All panes will have new state assigned when this hotkey is used. It will minimize all open panes if the last focused pane tool is not minimized. It will un-minimize all pane tools if the last focused pane is minimized.
- Improved: The “camera captured” event will now run if a barcode is successfully scanned.
- Fixed: Native Elements were not displaying properly on initial app launch.
- Fixed: Fixed undo functionality with element low-code.
- Fixed: Fixed sizing of badge element’s no-code window.
- Fixed: Mitigated 2 conditions which made custom code editor behave strangely.
- Fixed: Emails sent with low-code actions will now come from “”.
- Fixed: “Get line from variable” action can now output to elements.
- Fixed: A LowCode editor that has been full-screened and closed will now correctly return to it proper position when opened again.
- Fixed: The cloud or local target was not stored in the query element no-code.
- Fixed: Fields that could not be found in any table would not show up in the query element no-code window.
- Fixed: The query element action is out of sync with recent internal improvements.
- Fixed: The camera element’s barcode scanner can now output to a variable.
VERSION 1.3.2 (2024-02-28):
- New:
- Improved: Error handling of GPT actions has been improved further.
- Improved: Make gradient adjustment tools easier to grab.
- Improved: General appearance of answer dialogs.
- Improved: Added the ability to include an icon on answer dialogs through the “answer dialog” action and the “player” tab of the settings.
- Improved: Improved the auto-binding to handle more cases, like renaming a previously known element to a new name.
- Improved: Layouts can now have multiple columns.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where custom answer dialog colors wouldn’t display correctly.
- Fixed: Tab elements could not receive element children in their second tabs.
- Fixed: Creating elements would sometimes create elements in a parent that was not the front-most element.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug in creating a correct message history in a GPTChatCompletion.
- Fixed: Multi-selection input method would display wrong values after filtering.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that prevented the first call in a GPT Chat or Image generation to work reliably.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug preventing the “count lines in variable” action from working.
VERSION 1.3.1 (2024-02-21):
- New: Added ClearGPTConversation action to enable you to clear GPT Conversations to start them from the beginning.
- Improved: Colors for the interface and its text in answer dialogs can now be customized in the “answer dialog” action and the “player” tab of the app’s settings.
- Improved: GPT actions will display all errors returned from the API endpoint.
- Improved: Added an optional argument to the “answer dialog” action to allow custom titles.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where an “input” argument which contained line breaks or other special characters would cause lowcode actions script not to start.
- Fixed: Addressed an issue where the auto-binding would not properly handle new fields added to an existing query element.
- Fixed: Larger argument inputs will be truncated to 100 characters when displaying in the lowcode argument box.
VERSION 1.3.0 (2024-02-14):
- New: Introducing Appli Connect, our 3rd party API gateway. Our first supported endpoints are OpenAI’s Chat Completion, Image Generation and Text 2 Speech. You can find them in our new “AI” actions category.
- New: Lowcode action to count the number of indexes in an array
- New: Play Audioclip action.
- New: Added a input method for logical operators to be used in actions.
- New: Added CRUD actions for CanelaDB blobs. The blob’s data filepath can be specified by a variable or the user can select the file from their device’s file system.
- Improved: Increased height and added scrolling to answer dialogs.
- Improved: The operator’s input method has been enhanced to support both the symbol and words. Eg: ~ contains
- Improved: The query element action has a new operator parameter that was initially hard-coded to ‘~ contains’
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that can cause blank apps to display within an app project folder.
- Fixed: ImageText property of images can now be correctly set to binary image data, which includes the transparency channel.
- Fixed: Query element no-code table and key selection is broken.
VERSION 1.2.44 (2024-02-07):
- New: New “Hello World” template app
- Improved: Updated new account onboarding process.
- Improved: Clicking on the grey area outside the device boundaries will deselect all elements instead of selecting the screen.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that caused the fill color of a rectangle graphic element to not change if its fill gradient property was on.
- Fixed: Close open dropdown elements in play mode if a hotkey shortcut is used.
- Fixed: “set array value” action would not work when a variable was used for the path.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where a dropdown element’s options text may be misaligned.
VERSION 1.2.43 (2024-01-31):
- New:
- Improved: Clicking on the grey area outside the device boundaries will disengage edit internal elements mode and will select the screen.
- Improved: Updated the query element container to handle adding and removing elements.
- Improved: Updated the query Element to handle broken binding references. They will be ignored when the queryElement action processes.
- Improved: Minor improvements to the query element no-code UI.
- Improved: Interactions with the Asset Manager can now be undone.
- Improved: Further improved the management of our various pane tools. Now when you drag them to the bottom they collapse, into a compact rectangle, to just above the footer. CTRL W will collapse all open pane tools to the footer. The same hotkey will restore them.
- Fixed: Form elements would not fully scroll down to the bottom of their children.
- Fixed: Minimized Pane Tools now stick to the footer when the Appli window is made shorter or taller.
- Fixed: Assets were not saving for projects with multiple apps in them.
- Fixed: All pane tools now return to their previous size and position when returning from Fullscreen.
- Fixed: A bug in custom code editor where the compiler did not always correctly recognize Livecode properties.
- Fixed: Prevents a bug where auto arranging panes while having panes minimized does not always restore them correctly.
- Fixed: Keys dropdown in no-code for the query element will now correctly show available DB keys for the selected table.
- Fixed: Removed the cdbUsers table from the available tables in the no-code for the query element.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where “close screen” and “close app” events didn’t run when switching from play mode to edit mode.
VERSION 1.2.42 (2024-01-24):
- New: Usage tab in the account screen.
- New: roundToNumber.action action to round a value to the nearest whole number.
- New: Add Save App to Disk – allows saving app to disk without having to save the entire app project.
- New: The query element is a special group used to define the fields to be used as sources of input for a query.
- New: The query element action runs the query as defined from the no-code window for the query element. The action runs the query using the logical operator parameter and output parameters to control the query and its result. The matching recordIDs are output on a successful query.
- Improved: Add more options when saving apps/projects to disk.
- Fixed: Button elements would freeze if autosizing when deleting all text.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug in the custom code editor where deleting a new function didn’t close its tab.
- Fixed: Fixed incorrect positioning of Hover Assist.
- Fixed: Low-code date actions will now calculate variables as an input properly.
- Fixed: Sort rows were incorrectly showing when clearing connected table in Layout no-code.
- Fixed: Search elements were not maintaining their output element when copy pasted.
- Fixed: Setting the value of a dropdown element to empty will now show the hint text.
- Fixed: Hover assist for icons in the footer now consistently appears near the footer.
VERSION 1.2.41 (2024-01-17):
- New: Introducing the integrated Custom Code Editor, which enables you to add custom Livecode scripts to your LowCode event flows. It is used by adding the the “custom code” action from the “Code” category. You can access the editor itself via its icon in the footer. Documentation for this feature will arrive in the coming weeks.
- Improved: Can now expand a dropdown element by clicking anywhere on it.
- Improved: Pane tools can now be moved out of the way to below the footer and past the left/right edges. Going fullscreen and auto-arranging now also takes the playground’s header and footer into consideration.
- Fixed: Changing the text size of a dropdown element will now manage the placement of its label.
- Fixed: Fixed errors that could occur when using the “set array” and “set variable” actions.
- Fixed: The screen selector will now appear overtop of any open pane tools.
VERSION 1.2.40 (2024-01-10):
- New: setDatePart action and getDatePart action to modify date components.
- New: findRelativeDate action output the first or last date of the month.
- Improved: Added a “Cancel” option to the popup for closing the LowCode editor.
- Improved: Updated the dictionary entries with more details for createRecord, setArray, and updateRecord actions.
- Fixed: Alignment tools would not work correctly if zoom level was not 100%
- Fixed: Sometimes reference would fail to launch custom scripts.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that may cause an error if the dropdown element is open.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug preventing “Refresh Apps” from working in the Projects screen.
- Fixed: Fixed cases that would cause false positives for local changes needed to be saved to the cloud.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that would disable date elements when they are within the rect of form or layout elements.
VERSION 1.2.39 (2023-12-20):
- New: SetFormTable and SetFormRecordID actions to set the table and recordID of a form.
- Improved: Allow filtering of variable viewer to show only variables that pertain to the specified screen or element.
- Improved: Add property “AutoUpdate” to forms – allows devs to control whether forms from auto-update whenever the form comes on screen.
- Improved: Add property “DontUpdateOnStart” to allow layouts to not update when app starts.
- Improved: Allow variables to be used as Target parameter for database actions.
- Improved: “queryRecords” action now accepts variables for the following parameters: TableName, Key, Target, ResultFormat.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that would cause button elements to lose properties when making a copy or creating components.
- Fixed: You can now remove table reference in Layout element’s no-code pane.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug preventing the “sort records” action from being used.
VERSION 1.2.38 (2023-12-13):
- New:
- Improved: Sign out from the projects screen and playground screen will force a re-authentication the next time the developer signs in.
- Improved: Create account will more actively get the tier information when switching regions.
- Improved: When an app is loaded, the orientation with elements is now displayed if one exists.
- Fixed: CloseField event now works with non-native fields.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug preventing native fields from being drawn.
- Fixed: Date picker on mobile will now close after a date selection.
- Fixed: Multi-selection input method visual fix.
- Fixed: Dropdown element was not handling scrolling or resizing of screen while in edit mode.
VERSION 1.2.37 (2023-12-06):
- New: Badge Element - this element can be used to decorate another element to show users a status, notification, or event.
- Improved: The “Use Native Field” property for field elements has been split into “Use Native on iOS” and “Use Native on Android”. Use these properties to control which platforms use native fields.
- Improved: Optimize cloud performance and experience.
- Fixed: Some property inspector fields were incorrectly showing as enabled.
- Fixed: Sometimes dialogs were unclickable due to being stuck behind loading screens.
VERSION 1.2.36 (2023-11-29):
- New: “Border”, “border size”, and “border color” properties for the checkbox element.
- Improved: Sorted records in the data viewer will now retain their sort when switching to cloud or local and back. Sorting for cloud and local data are independent of one another.
- Fixed: If an element is selected, right-clicking the screen background will now select it and display the contextual menu.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that prevented the data viewer’s contextual menu from working.
VERSION 1.2.35 (2023-11-22):
- Improved: “Duplicate” option has been added to the low-code editor’s contextual menu to quickly copy and paste actions.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where the orientation of the low-code’s element input method may be empty.
VERSION 1.2.34 (2023-11-15):
- New: “focusField” action. Use this action to focus on a field element.
- New: Hotkey to open the low-code editor if an element or the screen is selected (Shift+E).
- Improved: Made the border of window panes clearer.
- Improved: The age to birth date action does not handle spaces between the number and ‘y’ or ‘m’ value.
- Improved: Allow cdbDateModified and cdbDateCreated keys to be used in sortTable action.
- Fixed: Fixed an error that can occur when changing the size of “create account” elements whose “autosize” property is on.
- Fixed: Fixed bug where some commented actions did not end up being commented in final script assigned to the element.
VERSION 1.2.33 (2023-11-08):
- Improved: The low-code editor can now be accessed in the contextual menu when an element is selected.
- Improved: Label alignment can now be adjusted in the form element’s no-code window.
- Improved: Make saving to disk occur from what is on your computer, instead of what is in the cloud. Also add option to save data tables from cloud or local.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that prevented grouping multiple image elements.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that may cause windows to open in Appli and become cut-off.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where a window that was toggled to full size will continue to open to full size after being resized smaller.
VERSION 1.2.32 (2023-11-01):
- New: Added ability to quickly adjust child element properties in the form element’s no-code setup.
- New: sortTable action will sort the chosen column of a table element with control of the sort direction (ascending/descending) by sortType (text, numeric, dateTime).
- Improved: Query input method in lowcode editor now has an “Ignore Empty Input” checkbox. This allows “batch query records” action to find matching records when “AND” is used and there is an empty input.
- Fixed: Fixed an error that occurred when selecting “use document color” from the color editor contextual menu if there were no colors added to the asset manager.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where scrolling the playground with “show offscreen elements” disabled could cause the playground to move off-center.
VERSION 1.2.31 (2023-10-25):
- Improved: “ageToBirthDate” action - allow the last char of input to be a ‘y’ to represent year.
- Fixed: Query input method is sized to fit in the lowcode editor.
- Fixed: Fixed an error that would occur when using “set table columns” action and attempting to select keys before selecting a table element.
- Fixed: “clear search” action now resets the hint text.
- Fixed: Lowcode Settings tab opens correctly from within Lowcode Editor.
- Fixed: Map Element (API and Geolocation) errors were not correctly alerting the user.
VERSION 1.2.30 (2023-10-18):
- New: ageToBirthDate action will provide a rough approximation of birth date from the data provided.
- Improved: Don’t allow form, table, and layout elements inside of form elements.
- Improved: Pane Tools now appear “focused” or not.
- Improved: Added an argument to deleteArrayElement.action that determines what gets deleted by variable.
- Fixed: Date inputs on mobile platform will now match with the picker.
- Fixed: Convert date actions now correctly outputs the result based on the format.
VERSION 1.2.29 (2023-10-11):
- New: resetTable and resetLayout actions.
- New: Plus icon in the Database Modeler provides quick table creation.
- New: Updated the form element’s no-code window with an “appearance” tab to allow quick child element arranging and deleting.
- Fixed: Fixed a regression that prevented the ability to copy content from the internal action dictionary.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where text elements with “vertical align” enabled may load with an incorrect “Y” value.
VERSION 1.2.28 (2023-10-04):
- Improved: When switching from edit to play mode in Appli Builder, Appli will not run low-code actions until after initializing the app.
- Fixed: Reset date input method after selection.
- Fixed: submitFormtoDB.action would create a new record for local/cloud when the expectation was to update an existing record.
- Fixed: Updated the dictionary entry and fixed a bug that caused the “set variable from row” action’s “key” argument to remain unpopulated.
- Fixed: Updated the dictionary entry and added error handling to the “set property in row from variable” action.
- Fixed: Fixed issue with wrong number of panes being included in the resize operations.
- Fixed: Make locked fields remain locked even if their value is set from a different source.
- Fixed: Pane tools return to their previous position when exiting full screen.
- Fixed: Pane windows were sometimes drawing too large or partially hidden.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that could cause apps to load with an incorrect platform size.
- Fixed: submitFormToDB.action will fail if the recordID in the form does not exist in a database table.
VERSION 1.2.27 (2023-09-27):
- New: Action “getDateFormat” added to retrieve a date format.
- Improved: Group labels and their elements together when creating a custom form with the form builder.
- Improved: In Appli Builder - when going into play mode, set the radio button to the last known value.
- Fixed: Other date formats added to options including seconds in findDayofWeek.action and convertDate.action.
- Fixed: Radio button graphic inner circle was not centered.
- Fixed: Corrected spelling in the title of the Data Modeler.
VERSION 1.2.26 (2023-09-20):
- New:
- Improved: When grouping elements, the default group name will now match the name of the first selected element.
- Fixed:
VERSION 1.2.25 (2023-09-14):
- New: “Start print process” action to start a print job to send to a printer (desktop only) or save as a PDF.
- New: “Add to print job” action to add the specified element’s rectangular boundary of a given screen to the print job as a new page.
- New: “End print process” action to end the print process and send the open print job to the printer or save it as a PDF, as specified by the ‘start print process’ action called prior to this action.
- New: “Set print orientation” action to specify the orientation of the page(s) when printed.
- New: “Set print margins” action to specify the margin widths of the page(s) when printed.
- New: “Get print setting” action to retrieve the value of the specified print setting.
- New: “Get current date” action to retrieve current date in chosen date format
- Improved: Added date picker sub-input to compareDates.action and checkDateRange.action.
- Improved: Allow Desktop applications to change size by dragging on the corners of the screen.
- Improved: Allow for editing of Desktop screen sizes via the property inspector.
- Improved: Moved the “print to pdf” and “print screen” actions from the “utility” category to the “printing” category.
- Fixed: Date picker sub input was not showing up properly in Low Code Editor.
- Fixed: Time/Date/Rectangle elements were not saving their “Stretch to fill notch” property.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that caused the “exit script” action to run despite being commented out.
VERSION 1.2.24 (2023-09-07):
- New: “set table columns” action for table elements.
- New: “get last selected recordID” action for table elements.
- New: “rowSelected” event for table elements.
- Improved: Add button to copy appCode from App Project screen.
- Fixed: Make fields lose focus when clicking on the rest of the app.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where the hover assist tooltip may remain on screen after the mouse has been moved.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug which would reset the lowcode of table elements after loading an app.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where adding an action after using undo would insert a blank line into the event.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where some arguments in date/time actions may display as blank.
VERSION 1.2.23 (2023-08-30):
- New: Default setting for date and time format in “General Settings”.
- New: Border properties for radio elements.
- New: Hybrid option added to local and cloud options to form element
- New: “Exit Script” Action will exit out of a script
- Improved: Auto-populate format parameters for date inputs and outputs based on default setting in low-code.
- Improved: Structured resizing of floating pane tools is now cancelled as soon as any pane is manually resized, moved, or closed.
- Improved: submitFormToDB action improved to support hybrid mode.
- Improved: Improvements when using a search element to filter a layout element.
- Improved: Allow double-click to edit screen names in screen list.
- Improved: Add right-click menu for screen list.
- Improved: “layoutRefresh” event is now available for all elements.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where window panes may open up with sizes below the set minimum.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where window panes with “full window” toggled on may be positioned incorrectly when reopened.
- Fixed: Fields wouldn’t correctly respond when tabbing in certain cases.
- Fixed: Maintain scroll location after reordering screens.
- Fixed: The low code editor dictionary can now be resized.
- Fixed: “Exit Repeat” action was not working
- Fixed: Fixed a bug which would prevent apps from being moved or copied to another project.
- Fixed: An open dropdown element’s options will now retain its location when scrolling the playground in play mode.
- Fixed: Make screen thumbnails draw correctly and move correctly after duplicating a screen.
VERSION 1.2.22 (2023-08-24):
- Improved: Multiple table keys can now be added, removed, renamed, and rearranged with the “edit keys” option in the data modeler.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where refreshing a table in the data viewer may display its keys in the incorrect order.
- Fixed: Creating a new app will correctly show the initial screen name as “Untitled”.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug which would cause the cursor to jump to the end of the field element when typing.
- Fixed: The readKeys action does not correctly handle reading cdbRecordIDs as the key.
VERSION 1.2.21 (2023-08-23):
- New: We have added line/action numbers to the LowCode Editor. This new setting is on by default and can be turned off via new checkbox at the bottom of LowCode editor settings.
- Improved: Optionally, submitFormToDB action can take a target parameter that will overwrite the target as defined in the form’s no-code setup. This is useful if one desires to store data in the cloud and locally using two submitFormToDB actions in a row.
- Improved: If calling submitFormToDB twice in a row and before using the resetForm action, they will share the same recordID.
- Improved: Resizing the Appli window with Pane tools that have been “arranged” now retains their relative size and position. The arrangement is deactivated if one of the pane tools is closed. With no arrangement active, the pane tools are unaffected by the resizing of the main Appli window.
- Improved: Adding new keys to tables in the data modeler will no longer move the table to the center of the window.
- Improved: The data viewer will now retain the order of table keys.
- Improved: Allow drag/drop to reorder screens visually.
- Improved: The process of creating new tables in the data modeler has been improved.
- Fixed: Setting the “text” property of a field element with an action will now work when the field is focused.
- Fixed: Time picker now closes properly with property toggled on.
VERSION 1.2.20 (2023-08-16):
- New:
- Improved: Pickers will close after setting date/time on desktop.
- Improved: LiveCode integrations should sync to get the latest version if possible.
- Improved: When you hover over the name of an action, the tooltip now shows its action / line number.
- Fixed: Make all other elements deselect when editing a text element.
- Fixed: Addressed an issue when saving a project to disk and then saving to cloud would result in a hang.
- Fixed: Removed ‘hidePicker’ property for consistency. Visibility on play-mode will be set like other elements.
- Fixed: readKeys.action was not offering target of local or cloud.
- Fixed: Add back icon picker.
- Fixed: After HoverAssist is popped up, subsequent HoverAssists can be viewed without delay. The delay is made active again once after the user clicks on something on the Playground.
VERSION 1.2.19 (2023-08-10):
- Improved: Add checkmark besides named color if it matches current color when attempting to ‘use document color’
- Fixed: Corrected and issue that may cause errors when writing data to the cloud.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that caused the data modeler refresh button to go missing.
- Fixed: Fixed error messages for control structures in the low code editor’s error inspector.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug which would prevent a new app from being created.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug which would prevent an app from being loaded.
- Fixed: Deleting an app through the right-click contextual menu will now manage the icons when viewing in list mode.
VERSION 1.2.18 (2023-08-09):
- New:
- Improved: Group icons in the header so it works better for small screen sizes.
- Improved: Add hotkeys to tooltips and hover assist panes.
- Improved: Add (Q) hotkey for Date elements and (Shift-Q) hotkey for Time elements.
- Improved: Date and time pickers will close upon clicking on the background when the ‘closebg’ property is toggled on.
- Improved: The data modeler now displays the “cdbUsers” and “cdbBlobs” table and allows user-created keys in these tables to be modified.
- Improved: Slider and checkbox elements can now be linked to table keys in the form’s no-code setup.
- Improved: Text font dropdowns in the form builder’s style screen can now take text input and will filter through the list of fonts.
- Fixed: Fixed an error that would occur when deleting a table from the data modeler while in the middle of adding keys to it.
- Fixed: Changing the “selected color” property in the checkbox element while the checkmark is visible will no longer hide the checkmark.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where checkbox elements with the “sizing” property set to “fixed size” may load its UI incorrectly.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where double-clicking to add an event in the low code editor would cause the undo count to increase by two.
- Fixed: Non-native field elements now correctly disable the keyboard when the ‘lock text’ property is enabled.
- Fixed: Properly convert from AM/PM to military time.
- Fixed: Date picker was clipped on mobile after initial creation.
- Fixed: Fixed an error that may occur when trying to create a user record in the cdbUsers table of the data viewer when the table has no records to display.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where “try” control structures were being added incorrectly in the low code editor.
- Fixed: The low code inspector will now report errors involving control structures.
VERSION 1.2.16 (2023-08-03):
- Improved: Can now multi-select apps in the Projects screen when viewing in list mode. Multiple apps can be deleted, moved, and copied at the same time.
- Improved: An interface to facilitate the process of creating new users and modifying existing users in the “cdbUsers” table has been added to the Data Viewer.
- Improved: Boolean input method is back.Ê Set Property Action now resets the value argument when the property is changed, this prevents faulty inputs.
- Improved: Number values of LowCode action arguments now appear as numbers without quotation marks.
- Improved: Low Code “Comment” actions are greyed out.
- Improved: Low Code argument boxes resize better for smaller values.
- Improved: Add hotkey to open/close data modeler via cmd/ctrl-d.
- Improved: Updated icons in footer – added data viewer, variable viewer icons.
- Improved: Prebuilt Contacts form now connects to cloud table rather than local. Also resets form on submit.
- Improved: Make loading projects default to the filename.
- Fixed: Properly disable keyboard on field elements with ‘lock text’ property toggled on.
- Fixed: The “value” argument dropdown of the set property action now correctly changes based on the property selected.
- Fixed: Fields were sometimes un-selectable after toggling the “LockedText” property.
- Fixed: Linking a time picker to a field was not correctly locking the field.
- Fixed: Hide/Show element actions now display elements properly.
- Fixed: Some fields were requiring use of “ctrl-return” on macOS instead of “cmd-return”
- Fixed: Invisible elements that are selected will no longer be draggable on the playground.
VERSION 1.2.15 (2023-07-26):
- New: Checkbox Element. This element shows a checkbox that can receive user input.
- Improved: Error handling for table creation has been improved in the Data Modeler tool.
- Improved: All pane tools now open in front of the others.
- Improved: Appli now remembers the last position of each of its pane tools. (On a per app basis). When exiting fullscreen the pane tools will now be restored to their position prior to pressing fullscreen.
- Improved: Data Viewer now has a new icon differentiating it from the Data Modeler.
- Improved: Keys can now be renamed or deleted in the data modeler through the right-click contextual menu.
- Improved: Can now view apps as a list in the Projects Screen.
- Fixed: the Lowcode editor’s top left collapse/expand button now has a tooltip when Lowcode first starts.
- Fixed: Refreshing the data viewer on cloud mode will now keep tables and their keys in sync with what’s in the cloud.
- Fixed: Fixed an error that may occur when renaming table keys in the data modeler.
- Fixed: Refreshing the data modeler will now keep tables and their keys in sync with what’s in the cloud.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where deleting an element row of the form builder if it has only one row would produce an error.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where the form builder would create an incorrect amount of options for the radio element.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug with the time and date elements where their dimensions may be inaccurate when created on zoom levels above and below 100%.
- Fixed: Maintain field element’s ‘lockedText’ property to match property inspector on mobile
- Fixed: Fixed a bug preventing apps from being loaded.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug which would occur when going to “Play” mode.
VERSION 1.2.14 (2023-07-19):
- New: A color swatch appears on any lowCode action argument that contains a color as a value.
- Improved: Improve speed of deletion of elements.
- Improved: Creating multiple elements via Form Builder and Copy/Paste was slow; improved speed.
- Improved: Table keys in the data modeler can now be renamed by double-clicking on them.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that may display a blank app inside of a project folder.
- Fixed: Playground would sometimes shift while going into play mode.
- Fixed: Changing a field element’s “password field” property will now switch its contents to the password font only if it’s in play mode and doesn’t contain hint text.
- Fixed: Fixes for errors that could occur in the player when there is a dropdown element inside of a form element.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that could cause the low code editor to display an unnecessary, horizontal scrollbar.
- Fixed: Colorpicker will only be available as an inputMethod for Color related properties.
- Fixed: HoverAssist setting will not reset to true when Appli is restarted.
- Fixed: Saving and creating components would not update element lowcode references in some cases.
- Fixed: Color picker is now displayed as an input method option for the set_property action when the selected property is a color.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that caused the dropdown element’s scrollbar to be positioned incorrectly and the scrolling to stop working.
- Fixed: Fixed an error that would occur when switching to play mode if a dropdown and layout element were on the same screen.
- Fixed: Fixed an error that can occur when loading an app.
- Fixed: Regular tooltips are removed while HoverAssist is active, and restored when the user turns it off.
- Fixed: Fixed missing HoverAssist for ellipse element.
VERSION 1.2.13 (2023-07-12):
- New: Move an app from one project to another through the right-click contextual menu in the Projects Screen.
- New: Copy an app from one project to another through the right-click contextual menu in the Projects Screen.
- New: “Load table” action.
- New: Introducing “Hover Assist”, an advanced tooltip feature to help new users learn Appli faster. These advanced tooltips will grow in richness. It can be turned on and off in the General Settings.
- Improved: Option to create your own form in the form builder. This allows you to specify keys and generate a form and connected table.
- Improved: AppliBot now exists on its own stack to avoid issues with native layers.
- Improved: Added the ability to quickly add text label increments in the slider element’s no-code window.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug in the dropdown element that can cause an error when switching from edit mode to play mode.
- Fixed: Chart element would not draw.
- Fixed: Fixed an error that can occur when pressing option/alt key while the mouse is over the project browser.
- Fixed: Fixed cases where the horizontal scrollbar in the low code editor may not display correctly.
- Fixed: Browsers, maps, and charts will now be correctly hidden when a dropdown menu is opened and its options intersect with a browser, map or chart.
- Fixed: Native layers elements no longer show when switching back to Edit Mode.
- Fixed: Scrollbar no longer shows up in the middle of the screen when in play mode.
- Fixed: Removed drop shadow from create account screen.
- Fixed: Fixed display order of increments in the slider element’s no-code window.
- Fixed: Missing tooltip for Bug Inspector, empty bug inspector field showing up, and highlight of Bug inspector when hovering.
VERSION 1.2.12 (2023-07-05):
- New: AppliBot support bot has been integrated into Appli Builder. Click on the Chatbot icon in the footer.
- New: “Refresh dropdown” action in the “dropdown” category to refresh the options of a dropdown element that’s linked to a data table.
- New: Added a guide to walk through new users on starting a blank project or downloading a template when they first log in.
- New: Form builder with Prebuilt forms. You can use these prebuilt forms as a jumping off point for creating your own forms. Using these forms will create a form element along with the data table it is connected to.
- Improved: Add ability to save forms for future use.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug in the dropdown element that can cause an error when switching from edit mode to play mode.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug in the low code editor that can cause certain events to be excluded from the events list.
VERSION 1.2.11 (2023-06-28):
- Improved: Unify date and time toggler low-code actions into one.
- Improved: Smoother scrolling when moving tables in the data modeler.
- Improved: Added links to download Appli Player in the App Code tab of the settings and after account creation.
- Fixed: Properly dereference binded-field element from picker after deletion.
- Fixed: Enable mouseClick event for picker’s binded-element (given lockText property is on and useNative property is off).
- Fixed: Undoing of adding screens would cause an error.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where declining the prompt to delete a table in the data modeler caused the table to change in color and location.
- Fixed: Apps imported from disk now display their app code in the Projects screen.
- Fixed: Components now work with the undo/redo system.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where tables in the data modeler could be moved off-screen.
- Fixed: Dragging actions into empty events now works consistently
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that could occur in the lowcode editor when the return key was pressed while using the field input method.
- Fixed: “Get array value” action would add a line feed to the value.
VERSION 1.2.10 (2023-06-21):
- New: Date Element - This element allow users to enter a date, using the native datepicker on mobile, or a datepicker widget on desktop. This element can be used by itself, or attached to a text/field element.
- New: Time Element - This element allow users to enter a date, using the native timepicker on mobile, or a timepicker widget on desktop. This element can be used by itself, or attached to a text/field element.
- New: “Get Date” action - used to get the date of a Date element in a specified format
- New: “Get Time” action - used to get the time of a Time element in a specified format
- New: “Show Picker” action - used to show a Date or Time element.
- New: “Hide Picker” action - used to hide a Date or Time element.
- New: “Toggle Picker” action - used to toggle visibility of a Date or Time element
- New: “Filter lines” action.
- New: “Get property from layout row” action.
- New: “Set property in layout row” action.
- Improved: Date difference action has been updated to support the new time and date picker elements.
- Improved: Updated Store tab in the Account screen for displaying current tier details, updating current tier, and switching tiers.
- Fixed: When a blank action is added, along with a new event, the blank action did not focus.
- Fixed: Prevents user from being randomly locked out of typing into a blank line field they just created.
- Fixed: Using an action to set the minValue or maxValue of a slider element would prevent subsequent actions from running in some cases.
- Fixed: Lowcode editor settings were displaying incorrectly.
- Fixed: When using Variable Editor to change the value of a variable, pressing enter no longer closes the LowCode Editor.
- Fixed: Reset input method variable when using “merge record” action.
- Fixed: The lockedText property of field elements on the mobile player will now be consistent with the IDE.
VERSION 1.2.9 (2023-06-14):
- New: “Merge record” action. This modifies a record’s key value using comparisons like “is”, “is not”, “is in”, and “is not in”.
- Improved: All pane tools have been given a header with pane management features. You can toggle between full window panes, and you can also arrange them Horizontally and Vertically if more than one pane tool is open.
- Improved: Allow CSV and JSON files to update an existing database table if dragged onto an existing data table element. It is required that the schema matches.
- Improved: You can press Enter or Return in the LowCode editor to “Apply” the changes.
- Improved: When pressing ESC in the LowCode editor, you will be prompted with the option to save changes or not.
- Improved: Updated tier selection screen in account creation.
- Fixed: Each time a pane is clicked on, it now correctly takes focus above other panes.
- Fixed: LowCode Script Verification state is correctly updated if the LowCode editor is open when elements are deleted.
- Fixed: Fixed an execution error when going to the LowCode editor from one of the lines of the LowCode Verification Tool.
- Fixed: ESC will now exit LowCode editor without saving. Only the ENTER key saves the LowCode script.
- Fixed: “Populate form data” action will now populate the “lastSelectedText” property of dropdown elements within the form element.
VERSION 1.2.8 (2023-06-07):
- New: “Batch query records” action.
- New: InputMethodQuery for lowcode editor.
- Improved: Low-code verification inspector will no longer detect errors in commented out actions.
- Improved: The LowCode editor has been moved to a resizable pane similar to other tools in Appli. Using the top left button, the left most pane can be collapsed giving you a full screen LowCode experience. Click again to expand.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug with importing CSV files that caused the last key to go missing and ordered the keys incorrectly.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug in the low code editor where deleting and adding actions may add blank lines to an event.
- Fixed: Fixed dropdown element’s option(s) to overlap other elements.
VERSION 1.2.7 (2023-05-31):
- New: “SliderValueChanged” low-code event for slider elements.
- Improved: Updated visuals for slider elements with a corner radius greater than zero.
- Improved: Updated the slider element’s no-code setup to improve usability.
- Fixed: Creating lines while zoomed in would sometimes result in the angle of the line being different.
- Fixed: Creating lines is now undo-able.
- Fixed: Drawing a line on top of a group, tab, form, or layout will now create the line inside that element.
- Fixed: Thumbnails of apps, screens and components were showing as blank.
- Fixed: Prevent elements from being created in hidden elements when an element is first drawn.
- Fixed: Made bug fixes regarding the current value and visual improvements for the slider element.
- Fixed: Hide the screens list when the lowcode editor is opened.
VERSION 1.2.6 (2023-05-24):
- New: Added a Slider element to depict a numerical value. (Hotkey: Shift + S)
- Improved: Improved handling of various click actions in the data modeler tool. Added the ability to reset custom arrangement.
- Improved: Side and Bottom scrolling in the data modeler is now smoother, and the resize handle now accounts for the scrollbars.
- Improved: Dragging operations in the data modeler are now smoother.
- Improved: You can now rename a table via double click in the data modeler.
- Improved: “Get element value” and “set element value” actions have been updated to support the slider element.
- Improved: Dragging a single element around the screen was sometimes slow.
- Fixed: Data Modeler: Fixed an issue where tables were mispositioned on first switch to custom arrange mode, and when new tables were created.
- Fixed: Enter, Return, and Tab Key are now treated the same when using the data modeler.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug which would prevent using the no-code setup for a form element after deleting the table it was connected to.
- Fixed: You can now access the “low-code” button via the project browser even for deeply nested elements.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug which would prevent using the no-code setup for a layout element after deleting the table it was connected to.
- Fixed: Pressing “Return” key when typing in a button element will exit. Use “shift-return” to type a line-break.
- Fixed: The clipboard will no longer be cleared when Appli auto-saves.
- Fixed: Option-dragging to copy is now undoable.
- Fixed: Fixed an error that would sometimes occur when option-dragging to copy elements.
VERSION 1.2.5 (2023-05-17):
- New: Data Modeler Tool - Use this tool to visualize and model data in your Appli project. You can view and edit tables and their keys. You can auto-arrange or customize the arrangement of tables, as well as change their colors.
- Improved: Make corner radius adjustment dots larger and easier to click.
- Improved: Add variables, elements, and raw input as sources for the recordIDs argument.
- Improved: Add variables, elements, and raw input as sources for the recordIDs argument for deleteRecord.action.
- Improved: Lowcode Verification tool now lists only the present issues.
- Fixed: Stop corner radius adjustment dots from disappearing after autosave.
- Fixed: Tab elements would sometimes draw their child elements improperly if you had resized the tab.
- Fixed: Add error handling for downloading templates.
VERSION 1.2.4 (2023-05-10):
- New: Projects and apps that have been accessed online can now be accessed offline without internet connection.
- Improved: readKeys.action output is now a string.
- Improved: setBrowserURL.action updated to accept input for URL from a variable, element, or raw input.
- Fixed: ReadKeys output will produce a useful result with comma-delimited keys and LF-delimited rows.
- Fixed: readKeys will now properly support variables, elements, and raw input for the RecordID argument.
- Fixed: Issue when clicking on the icon of a pane that is already open.
VERSION 1.2.3 (2023-05-03):
- New: Added “show element” and “hide element” actions
- Improved: Clean action names by using lowercase characters and remove wordy articles.
- Fixed: Reset Create Account element after successful creation of new account
- Fixed: Fixed a case where an error may occur when deleting a camera element and a potential camera output element in quick succession.
VERSION 1.2.2 (2023-04-26):
- New: Added a “Dispatch Event” action to run actions from anywhere in an app.
- New: “Camera Captured” event that gets called after a photo is taken or selected in the mobile photo gallery with the camera element.
- New: “Display Captured Photo” action in the “Camera” category to display a camera element’s photo in an image element. The “Reset Element” action can be used to reset the displayed image of the image element.
- New: Lowcode Editor tab in Settings panel. Configure these settings to customize the look and feel of the lowcode editor.
- Improved: Add “Zoom To Selection” as option for right click
- Improved: Allow pasting text when renaming elements in the project browser.
- Improved: Events can be folded and unfolded from the context menu.
- Improved: Improved sizing and positioning of auto-complete actions list to prevent it from getting cut-off.
- Improved: Sign in performance improvement. Load template apps from local when possible.
- Improved: More actions have their verbose format descriptions
- Improved: Users can now specify how to sort action lines in Action List.
- Improved: Repeat control structure is now just “Repeat”
- Improved: Updated “Reset Element” action in the “Utility” category to support the image element.
- Fixed: Fixed another bug dealing with focusing new blank lines.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where actions in an event may be incorrectly displayed or removed.
- Fixed: Prevent action selection after drag & drop
- Fixed: Low code bug with drag & drop.
- Fixed: Issue with focusing on blank actions.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where clicking on an action in the body of the low code editor may cause an action to be added to the current event.
- Fixed: Data Viewer icon in Lowcode Editor will now display the data table when clicked.
- Fixed: Fixed text display of argument values that include “<” in the low code editor.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that prevented “if variable”, “else if variable”, and “case” control structure actions from working when compared against a variable.
- Fixed: Update margins on text element so zooming will look more consistent
VERSION 1.2.1 (2023-04-19):
- New: “Get Captured Photos” action in the “Camera” category to output a line-delimited list of temporary IDs of the captured or selected photos from a camera element.
- New: “Clear Captured Photos” action in the “Camera” category to clear out the temporary photos captured or selected from a camera element.
- New: “Save Photo to Database” action in the “Camera” category to save the captured photo or selected mobile gallery photo from the camera element to the database.
- Improved: Optional Arguments no longer appear as gray “unfilled”.
- Improved: Action Blocks. Now when selecting actions from the control structures category, the “end” action is also added for you.
- Improved: Changed the desktop photo gallery back icon of the camera element.
- Improved: LowCode editor will now scroll to where new lines are added if they are off screen.
- Improved: Better reading of the user’s context when adding new lines. Lines will add one after the other when clicked consecutively. They will add to the bottom of an event after you select one. And when you select a line, the next action you add will be added below it.
- Improved: Display captured photos in the camera element’s desktop photo gallery with aspect ratio.
- Improved: Automatically resize the variable and data viewers if they are larger than the window size.
- Improved: Clear Argument right click menu option now works.
- Improved: setAvariable.action now accepts text and field elements as a source for ‘Value’.
- Improved: Multi-dimensional array support is more robust.
- Improved: Moved RecordIDs argument to the end as an optional entry. No entry is the same as providing an ’*’.
- Improved: Sign in performance improvements. Load from local if possible. Projects and Apps in the cloud created on different computers can be seen using “Refresh Apps” through the user icon in the Projects Screen.
- Improved: Added ability to output a camera element’s captured or selected photo ID to a variable. This photo ID represents a temporary image and will exist on the local device during the app’s session. The setting can be accessed in the camera element’s no-code setup.
- Improved: Support raw input as a source for dates.
- Improved: Accept fields as an element source.
- Improved: Updated and improved process for capturing photos and selecting photos from the mobile gallery in the camera element.
- Improved: setArrayValue.action will now accept variables and elements in addition to raw input for the path.
- Fixed: Fixed the ocassional bug with focusing newly added blank lines.
- Fixed: Commented Lines remain commented as user adds or deletes lines.
- Fixed: Adding an action to the bottom of an empty event would add the action to the wrong event.
- Fixed: Optional arguments now validate correctly
- Fixed: Commented actions also validate correctly
- Fixed: Fixed a bug in the tooltip for variable arguments in the low code editor.
- Fixed: New blank actions created using the + button will now correctly become focused.
- Fixed: Error when shift selecting from 2 different events. Shift-click is now ignored if clicked in a different event.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where the orientation dropdown in the camera element’s no-code setup was hidden.
- Fixed: When updating arguments of indented lines, the indent is no longer cancelled out. Similarly, unexpected indents also will no longer occur after updating arguments in an action line.
- Fixed: Make IfProperty and ElseIfProperty correctly display variable or input options.
- Fixed: Scrolling when the event flows have a vertical scroll bar is much improved.
- Fixed: Unfilled arguments will always render using the correct colour.
- Fixed: Lowcode display updates after adding blank event.
- Fixed: Make InputMethodColor work correctly.
- Fixed: Fixes left-clicking of events in the low code editor on Windows.
- Fixed: Fixes left-clicking of actions in the low code editor on Windows.
- Fixed: Can now shift-click to select a range of actions in the lowcode editor.
VERSION 1.2.0 (2023-04-13):
- New: Visual Low Code Editor: The Low Code Editor has been completely revamped. It now shows arguments visually, with an english-like syntax. You can type to search for actions and add them directly to events.
- New: You can now show App codes in the Apps screen.
- Improved: Explanation of “blank action” has been improved.
- Improved: Better Drag & Drop in Low Code editor
- Improved: Better recognition of events in a script. The dialog of whether to use MouseClick will only appear when the script editor has no prior context.
- Improved: Changed the order of arguments changed for better experience for setTheProperty.action.
- Improved: Merge notch properties into a single property
- Improved: Improved scrolling projects and template apps in the Projects Screen.
- Improved: Add image support for BMP and PICT files.
- Improved: Added properties “save to mobile device” and “show photo gallery” to the camera element.
- Improved: Added variables, elements, and input to RecordID argument for “get Array Value” action.
- Improved: getArrayValue.action now accepts variables, elements, and hard-coded input as a source for the path. Added record IDs delimited by LF or comma delimited and ’*’ for all record ids as an argument. The path can be in a multi-dimensional array and database records in Appli.
- Fixed: A bug that occured when you cut or delete actions from an event that contains commented actions.
- Fixed: Commented actions now copy, cut and paste correctly.
- Fixed: Allow setTheProperty action to take a variable or input.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug with the “repeat x number of times” control structure when the “number” argument is a variable.
- Fixed: Make wrap for text elements apply automatically when auto-height is set.
- Fixed: Text elements were moving incorrectly when zoom was changed while in a different orientation.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug which prevented scrolling template apps in the Projects screen with the scroll wheel.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug which would cause projects in the Projects Screen to cutoff when scrolling.
- Fixed: Fixed an error that could occur when editing elements of a parent element.
- Fixed: Autosave while zoomed and showing offscreen elements would sometimes cut off the screen
- Fixed: Fixes for importing csv file. Support for quotes in header. Improved error checking.
VERSION 1.1.0 (2023-04-05):
- New:
- Improved: Option-copy revisions and improvements.
- Improved: UI for the Projects Screen has been improved.
- Improved: Display an error message in the chart element if its data set contains invalid data types and cannot be displayed.
- Improved: Make text styles in assets manager manually add/delete.
- Improved: Make colors in asset manager manually add/delete.
- Improved: Support for drag and drop JSON file to create table.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where the camera element may not be initialized after switching screens on desktop.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where the browser, chart, and map elements may be visible in play mode when they shouldn’t be on certain platforms.
- Fixed: Fixed an error that can occur when changing the text size or text style of a button element’s label.
- Fixed: Text styles in assets no longer track deprecated “dynamic text size”
- Fixed: Can now scroll templates in Templates Screen with the scroll wheel.
- Fixed: Handle errors that can occur when a chart element’s data set contains invalid data types.
- Fixed: Fixed a case where saving locally could cause the playground to have incorrect scroll positions.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug which would cause text elements to draw in the wrong location when an app is loaded.
VERSION 1.0.4 (2023-03-29):
- New: Added an action that generates random integers.
- Improved: Updated database actions dictionary entry where necessary. Introduced “” for recordIDs argument. Certain database actions can accept ”” to specify all records in the table.
- Improved: Added “highlight elements” option to the contextual menu of components in the asset manager.
- Improved: Table element performance improvements when scrolling.
- Improved: Table element cache system improved.
- Improved: Improved scrolling apps in apps screen.
- Improved: Add option to save App projects from playground.
- Improved: Increase contrast for selection in project browser.
- Fixed: Closing an answer dialog will no longer cause native controls in elements to become visible in edit mode.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where the preview image of the map element may display incorrectly in edit mode after loading an app.
- Fixed: Dropdown element no-code setup now shows the correct values in the key dropdowns when it is opened.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that may prevent switching screens with the screen dropdown menu.
- Fixed: Table element would display empty rows when scrolling large data sets on desktop.
- Fixed: Table element visual fix on desktop.
- Fixed: Table element would highlight incorrect rows when pulling down to refresh on mobile.
- Fixed: Turning on multiple rows on layouts while zoomed would cause the rows to display with incorrect height.
- Fixed: Zooming in while showing offscreen elements would sometimes cut off the screen.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where map and chart elements may not display live data when switching to a screen that contains these elements in play mode.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where dragging elements within a tab element may cause it to be moved into elements on a different tab.
VERSION 1.0.3 (2023-03-22):
- Improved: Update template apps with descriptions and screenshot of apps
- Fixed: The location of newly created auto height text elements would jump up when resized.
- Fixed: Double-clicking on a button to change the label will now adjust the size of the label correctly to fit the new content.
- Fixed: Prevent elements from being renamed to blank name and remove any extra empty lines from the new name.
- Fixed: Input method variable will no longer use the hint text as the variable name.
- Fixed: Display correct sort order when loading datacontext for layouts.
- Fixed: Can now deselect one of the selected orientations in the player settings.
- Fixed: Clicking on elements inside a layout element row would not highlight the row.
- Fixed: Layout elements with multiple rows enabled that aren’t connected to a table now highlight correctly.
VERSION 1.0.3 (2023-03-22):
- New:
- Improved: Update template apps with descriptions and screenshot of apps
- Fixed: The location of newly created auto height text elements would jump up when resized.
- Fixed: Double-clicking on a button to change the label will now adjust the size of the label correctly to fit the new content.
- Fixed: Prevent elements from being renamed to blank name and remove any extra empty lines from the new name.
- Fixed: Input method variable will no longer use the hint text as the variable name.
- Fixed: Display correct sort order when loading datacontext for layouts.
- Fixed: Can now deselect one of the selected orientations in the player settings.
- Fixed: Clicking on elements inside a layout element row would not highlight the row.
- Fixed: Layout elements with multiple rows enabled that aren’t connected to a table now highlight correctly.
VERSION 1.0.2 (2023-03-15):
- Improved: Smarter responsive sizing for layout and tab elements.
- Improved: On account creation, trial tier is now permanently displayed and no longer requires entering a promo code.
- Improved: Shift-tab support for create account screen.
- Improved: Chart Element - Moved the Axis related properties to near the top of the property set, where they are closer to the dataset.
- Improved: Chart Element - Better calculations of SUGGESTED MIN/MAX and consistency of updates to graph.
- Fixed: Shift-click to highlight records in the data viewer would include duplicates of records.
- Fixed: Fixes for highlighting records in the table element. Shift-click to highlight a range of records now works. Records remain highlighted when scrolling.
- Fixed: Manage Lowcode Error Reporting Tool bug icon when a new app is created.
- Fixed: Prevent components from being added or pasted to a screen if the same component already exists on the screen.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that would occur when pasting elements into a component.
- Fixed: Blank Chart Element Issue.
VERSION 1.0.1 (2023-03-08):
- New: Tooltips added to the property inspector’s “text” section.
- Improved: Deleting elements is now much faster
- Improved: Added SuggestedMin/Max properties to enable better displaying of values that are at the min or max of the Y axis. Requires “begin at zero” property to be disabled.
- Improved: When creating components, name it with the element’s name.
- Improved: dateDifference action by providing verbose and array as formats.
- Improved: Error checking for dateDifference action.
- Improved: Date calculation is more accurate and better supports a range of outputs.
- Fixed: Fixes for highlighting records in the data viewer. Shift-click to highlight a range of records now works. Records remain highlighted when scrolling.
- Fixed: Refresh_The_Form and Reset_Form actions will now correctly clear form data.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where hint text in field elements may become highlighted when interacting with a field input dialog.
VERSION 1.0.0 (2023-03-01):
- New: Added Get Date Difference action to get the difference between two dates.
- New: Print Screen action (Desktop only)
- Improved: Appli’s window will now retain its top-left location when switching to the login, projects, or playground screen.
- Improved: Reset scrollbars for groups and field elements when switching from play mode to edit mode.
- Improved: Added optional “records” argument to “sum the column” action in the “database” category to retrieve the sum of the values of the specified records.
- Improved: Combine The Values action now allows Value1 and Value2 to work with variables, input, and text/field elements.
- Improved: Combine The Values action now allows line feed (LF) to be an acceptable separator.
- Improved: Combine The Values action now allows the output to go to a text or field element.
- Improved: Added more details to the dictionary for launchURL action
- Improved: Allow users to copy content from the dictionary.
- Improved: Horizontal scrollbars will show up when needed.
- Improved: Added a ‘dropDownSelection’ event for the dropdown element.
- Improved: Make Undo/Redo when editing text element maintain cursor
- Improved: Make Undo/Redo when editing text element have more waypoints and act more consistently
- Fixed: Clicking “cancel” was still returning to app project screen
- Fixed: Pasting into an empty field element will now replace the hint text.
- Fixed: Fixed false positives with the Lowcode Error Reporting Tool related to actions being update with new optional arguments and events missing “end_if” actions.
- Fixed: Apps loaded from disk will now display the correct device type.
- Fixed: Can no longer uncheck both supported orientations for the player.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where scrolling was affected when text was pasted into a text element.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where the wrap property was affected when text was pasted into a text element.
- Fixed: Colors passed in name format would not convert to HEX for internal storage.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where focus and blinking cursor may be missing when tabbing into a field element.
- Fixed: submitFormToDB action would not work with variable reference
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where element input selection doesn’t occur and duplicates an action line in the low code editor.
VERSION 0.9.20 (2023-02-22):
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where new lines may sometimes be entered into a single-line field element.
- Fixed: No longer display fixed guidelines in play mode if zoom level is changed.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that would prevent scrolling in an app with the scroll wheel.
- Fixed: Issue where error would be thrown when re-doing actions after undoing too many actions
- Fixed: Allow scrolling of the playground in play mode with mouse wheel and trackpad.
- Fixed: Allow both horizontal and vertical scrolling for groups, text, layout, and form elements with mouse wheel and trackpad.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where ungrouping elements in a scrollable appligroup may cause the child elements to be positioned incorrectly.
- Fixed: Template apps will now display the correct device type when they are downloaded.
- Fixed: Handle errors with saving more gracefully.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that would prevent populate_form_data action from working correctly on mobile.
- Fixed: Creating app would sometimes show error “The app you are trying to save no longer exists on the cloud”.
- Fixed: Creating app would sometimes show error “There was a problem creating a guest user in your app: User already exists”
- Fixed: Contacts App would not show contact details.
- Fixed: Appli Invoice was updated on all regions.
VERSION 0.9.19 (2023-02-15):
- New: Added ‘lock screen’ and ‘unlock screen’ actions to help improve the visual performance of lowcode scripts which make multiple updates to the screen
- New: Compatibility settings in Player Settings tab. Enable this setting to prevent apps from running on older versions of Appli Player.
- Improved: Improved performance and error checking when adding a new screen.
- Fixed: Fixed an issue with crashing when using the Low Code Editor. Some coloration features were removed as part of this fix; they will be added back in the future.
- Fixed: Populate_form_data action now manages field element scrollbars.
- Fixed: On mobile, mouseClick actions will be skipped if the element’s parent layout is being scrolled. (Fix adds code to the script)
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where the categories list in the low code editor wouldn’t display all the categories until the refresh button was clicked.
- Fixed: Low code error inspector will no longer output errors for multi-nested control structures that have matching open and end actions.
VERSION 0.9.18 (2023-02-08):
- New: “Show Player Menu” action in the “Player” category to display Appli Player’s in-app menu.
- New: “Refresh App” action in the “Player” category to refresh the currently loaded app in Appli Player.
- New: “Go to Player Home” action in the “Player” category to exit the current app and return to Appli Player’s home screen.
- Improved: Add selectedTabChanged event for tab elements
- Improved: When importing a project from disk that has a password, don’t attempt to create the project if the password is incorrect.
- Improved: Ask for new name when duplicating screens.
- Improved: Allow cdbRecordID to be the value of dropdown.
- Improved: appliGroup element will resize accordingly to fit newly added/removed elements from playground and project browser.
- Improved: The layout and row based layoutRefresh now work without error with search results. Also fixed stability and other less visible issues with using this combination of Appli features.
- Improved: Don’t allow changing of orientation for Desktop applications.
- Improved: Allow ESC key to save and exit low-code editor.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that would cause apps to not load in the player.
- Fixed: Thumbnails would sometimes not update in UI.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that prevented Cmd/Ctrl + Scroll to zoom in/out of the playground from working when the low code error inspector was open.
- Fixed: Fixed incorrect error reporting in the low code error inspector for control structures that have matching open and end actions.
- Fixed: Unnecessary undo steps were created with some dragging operations.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where form data was not properly set internally, which would prevent access to the text value when referencing the affected element.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where the low code editor error inspector may display an error when variables were used in action arguments.
- Fixed: Sidebar icons in the low code editor will now position correctly with horizontal scrolling.
- Fixed: App low code error inspector no longer outputs duplicate error reports for control structures.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where the app low code error inspector may incorrectly output “missing screen reference” errors.
- Fixed: The scrollbar for non-native, multiline field elements will now display correctly when their height or width is changed.
- Fixed: Fixed an error that can occur when pressing the alt/option key while in edit mode.
VERSION 0.9.17 (2023-02-01):
- New: Added a setting to adjust how users can toggle the menu in Appli Player. Options include icon, long press, and triple tap. To change this setting, load an app, select the gear icon on the right-hand side of the header, and select the “player” tab.
- New: “searchPerformed” lowcode event for search element.
- New: UNDO feature for the LowCode Editor. Now you can undo recent actions you have taken. Simply click the Undo button, which shows you how many undo steps there are. The undo buffer clears each time the LowCode editor is closed.
- Improved: Lowcode’s internal bug popup recognizes missing variable issues
- Improved: Added back button to device selection screen when creating new app.
- Improved: Allow non-“appliproject” files to be opened by Appli IDE (option must be selected in file picker).
- Improved: Lowcode Error tool - Added the ability to increase and decrease font-size by holding Control /Command and using wheel mouse, Verification tool now remembers the Vscroll when re-opening after low code editor has been closed.
- Improved: Adjust text size of the message in the loading dialog box.
- Improved: Autosize property added on login and createAccount element.
- Improved: Add option to save users when saving a project to disk.
- Improved: Updated Appli to the latest CanelaDB.
- Fixed: Display flicker issue when opening arguments.
- Fixed: Loading a project from disk would sometimes show incorrect snapshot and app name.
- Fixed: Deleting images/video from a disk-loaded project would sometimes cause the original to be affected.
- Fixed: Sorting a table element now displays local data correctly.
- Improved: Restored the message for the user telling them about saving fixes and changes to their scripts made by the error module. It is displayed only once per session.
- Fixed: Display issue with deprecated actions, shortened more error strings.
- Fixed: Appli projects with multiple apps can now be loaded from disk.
- Fixed: Stop dropdown element from making unnecessary db calls when zooming and resizing, which would sometimes cause Appli to freeze.
- Fixed: Re-index dropdown element table reference when project is loaded from disk.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that would occur when applying lowcode changes to a project that was loaded from disk.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that could occur with the create account and login element.
- Fixed: Handle scrollbar visibility for non-native field elements when text property is changed and reset the scroll position if it isn’t active.
- Fixed: Layout actions which specify row data now correctly display search results.
- Fixed: Layout actions which specify row data now work correctly with duplicated layouts.
VERSION 0.9.16 (2023-01-25):
- New: Lowcode Error Reporting Tool (Bug Icon in Footer). This tool will report: Missing Screens, Missing Variables, Missing Elements, Deprecated Actions, Changes in Argument Set, Missing Arguments, Errors in Conditional Structures. It will also check for Lowcode integrity issues. Use the pencil icon to open the script to correct the errors, and hit “apply” to save the corrected data.
- New: You can now save and load projects from disk.
- Improved: Image elements will now display the default image when their blob is deleted.
- Improved: UI update for Projects screen.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that could occur in the lowcode editor when clicking on an event flow.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug with the button element that prevented the “fill” property from being changed in play mode if the “ripple effect” property was on.
- Fixed: Fixed an error that could occur when adding more than one event in the low code editor.
- Fixed: Don’t scroll the playground when scrolling the variable viewer.
- Fixed: Screen will now stop jumping when scrolling to the beginning/end with a mousepad.
VERSION 0.9.15 (2023-01-18):
- New: New action set_camera_output. Sets the output element for a camera element.
- New: clearVariable.action added to set a variable’s value to empty.
- New: “Ping” and “Ping Node” actions in the “database” category to ping the cloud server where a specified or random table is located.
- New: New action select_record_in_layout. Selects the specified record in a layout element.
- New: New action unhighlight_the_layout. Unhighlights the highlighted row of a layout element.
- New: LowCode Script Error Module
- Improved: Make text responsive resize based on smaller of width or height
- Improved: Add cancel button to icon picker. Make button icons default to previous chosen icon.
- Improved: Allow text elements to have mixed textSize (selected chunks of text can have different text size).
- Fixed: Height/Width property inspector editors were disabled every time Appli restarted.
- Fixed: Fixed an error that occur with the camera element when the device camera is being used by something else.
- Fixed: Clicking on icon in the dock (MacOS) will now un-minimize the program.
- Fixed: Label was not showing up properly for switch and radio element.
- Fixed: Dragging elements into tab elements via the project browser was causing errors.
- Fixed: display_records_in_layout would display all the records in the table when the recordIDs argument was empty.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that occurred in the low code actions list when the low code editor was re-opened.
- Fixed: Icon Picker will now display the correct icon.
VERSION 0.9.14 (2023-01-11):
- New: New properties “Highlight Row on Click” and “Highlight Color” for layout elements with “Multiple Rows” enabled.
- Improved: Change Text Elements autosizing and responsive geometry options.
- Fixed: Fixed UI for icon dropdown menu on text/icon layout.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where native controls in elements would be shown after making a selection in message dialog boxes in the low code editor.
- Fixed: Dropdown element backwards compatibility with actions.
- Fixed: Empty label on button element was causing app to crash after reopening from project screen.
- Fixed: Preview image was getting deleted after undo command following an image upload.
VERSION 0.9.13 (2023-01-04):
- New: New action display_records_in_layout. Displays the specified records in a layout element.
- Improved: Dialog prompt for user to specify output format and prevent empty search result to text & dropdown element.
- Improved: Dropdown element - lastSelectedText property has been corrected, and lastSelectedValue property has been added.
- Fixed: Save locally when pasting elements or creating line elements.
- Fixed: Prevent multiple clicks of the login button in the login element from firing.
- Fixed: clear_search action was only accounting for user input and not no-code queries.
- Fixed: Fixed an error that would occur when deleting copies of elements.
- Fixed: Creating a copy of an element with the option key would group the element and the new copy.
- Fixed: Lowcode/No-Code now open correctly right after creation of new field
VERSION 0.9.12 (2022-12-20):
- New: Includes new property editor to create label / value pairs for dropdown elements.
- Improved: “App Project” option to return to app project screen.
- Improved: The dropdown element has a new property editor for label / value pairs. Label / Value database keys can be specified for dropdowns accessing tables. (In the no-code editor)
- Fixed: Reset cursor after signing out.
- Fixed: Handle errors in actions where a referenced element no longer exists.
- Fixed: Graphic name changed to re-enable return/enter key when creating new app.
- Fixed: Fixed relayering bug in Appli Stack
- Fixed: There was a reference error in the relayering of controls which moved controls from one “setup” window to another.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where deleting an app from a project would cause apps from other projects to disappear from the list.
- Fixed: Fixed issue with incorrect relayering, causing issues in selection of table names.
- Fixed: Filtered out date operators in FindValueInArray action.
- Fixed: Reset cursor when leaving playground.
VERSION 0.9.12 (2022-12-20):
- New: Includes new property editor to create label / value pairs for dropdown elements.
- Improved: “App Project” option to return to project screen.
- Improved: “App Project” option to return to app project screen.
- Improved: The dropdown element has a new property editor for label / value pairs. Label / Value database keys can be specified for dropdowns accessing tables. (In the no-code editor)
- Fixed: Reset cursor after signing out.
- Fixed: Handle errors in actions where a referenced element no longer exists.
- Fixed: Graphic name changed to re-enable return/enter key when creating new app.
- Fixed: Fixed relayering bug in Appli Stack
- Fixed: There was a reference error in the relayering of controls which moved controls from one “setup” window to another.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where deleting an app from a project would cause apps from other projects to disappear from the list.
- Fixed: Fixed issue with incorrect relayering, causing issues in selection of table names.
- Fixed: Filtered out date operators in FindValueInArray action.
- Fixed: Reset cursor when leaving playground.
VERSION 0.9.11 (2022-12-14):
- New: Action to read a key value of an element in the current row of a layout into variable.
- New: Action to change a property of an element of the current row from variable.
- New: “layoutRefresh” event flow to be used in the low-code script of elements inside a layout.
- Improved: Changed the “Done” button to “Create” when creating a new app.
- Improved: Clear action panel search input when clicking on category.
- Improved: “Go To Screen” action now accepts variables as input.
- Improved: Auto-highlight search inputs on category and action panels.
- Improved: Display comment’s input option directly with one click instead of from a dropdown.
- Improved: Variables created in the variable viewer can now be named and are shown in variable dropdown lists.
- Improved: Keys added to a variable in the variable viewer can now be named.
- Fixed: Handle errors in actions where a referenced element no longer exists.
- Fixed: Reset cursor after signing out.
- Fixed: Fixed a spelling mistake in a dialog message.
- Fixed: Apps would load when double-clicking on an app project.
- Fixed: “Open screen” and “close screen” events were missing from the events list when modifying low code for screens.
- Fixed: Moving action lines within the low code editor will no longer cause input method windows to occasionally appear on screen.
- Fixed: Allow “set element value” action to work with empty inputs in the “value” argument.
- Fixed: Lowcode search fields were accepting enter key and returning empty list.
- Fixed: Fixed an error that can occur while resizing columns in the data viewer.
- Fixed: Fixed an error that could occur when selecting text in a text element.
- Fixed: Values in nested arrays of variables can now be modified in the variable viewer and will remain in sync.
- Fixed: Fixed an error that would occur when moving an element inside of the first row of a layout element with multiple rows enabled.
- Fixed: Increased minimum size for the variable viewer to fit the editor window.
VERSION 0.9.10 (2022-12-07):
- New: Added a “LastSelectedText” internal property to the dropdown element. This is needed when we want to read what the user had selected.
- New: Added lockedText property to lock Field elements.
- New: The FindValueInArray action is used to search through the keys of an array to match one of its keys to one of the actions parameters. When found, the key value or the whole record can be returned.
- New: resetForm action to clear form element.
- New: Create a layout from selected elements.
- New: Guidelines for layout row when layout element has Multiple Rows enabled.
- Improved: SubmitFormToDB action can now place the recordID into a variable.
- Improved: When pasting elements, if you have an element selected it will paste into that element (if it can have children) or into the element’s parent
- Improved: Enable cancel button to stop creation or grouping of elements from dialog box.
- Improved: Allow dragging of any direction when corner radius dots overlap, and make dots appear more consistently.
- Improved: Delimiter parameter added to appendToValue.action
- Improved: Variables are no longer deleted automatically if no elements or screens are using them. They can be deleted through the variable viewer (Shift + V).
- Improved: Improvements for copying elements with the option key. While moving an element around, press and hold the option key to create a copy of the element in the location it was in before it was moved. Release the option key while the element is still being moved and the copy is removed. Release the mouse while the option key is still down and the copy remains.
- Improved: Measure distances between elements via option key.
- Improved: Change hotkey for “show distance” to Alt/Option. This will also show distances when resizing from center.
- Fixed: Basic low-code mouse events are now available for dropdown, tab, table elements.
- Fixed: Renamed grouping contextual option on PB to match playground.
- Fixed: Allow dynamicHeight text elements to draw correctly when vertical align is set
- Fixed: Make corner radius dots display at the correct distance when zoomed.
- Fixed: When resizing window, sometimes the screens gallery would draw in the wrong location.
- Fixed: Stop allowing resizing of elements less than 0 width/height beyond their bottom/right sides.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where some keyboard shortcuts wouldn’t work if the variable viewer or data viewer was open.
- Fixed: Fixed a case where local saves may cause the playground to scroll to the top and left.
- Fixed: When resizing from center, guidelines will properly snap on edges opposite of the dragged edge.
VERSION 0.9.9 (2022-11-30):
- New: appendToValue.action appends a value to a column of the selected recordID.
- New: Can now create a form element by right-clicking on selected elements and selecting “Create Form Element” in the contextual menu.
- Improved: Performance improvements for scrolling layout elements.
- Improved: Set tablename parameter before data parameter for better workflow.
- Improved: Can now view the cdbBlobs table in the data viewer.
- Improved: Resizing of the data manager to avoid getting covered by the scrollbar.
- Improved: Allow drawing from center via option key when creating new elements.
- Improved: Auto focus on search for low code editor inputs.
- Improved: Store new accounts with the email set to lowercase.
- Improved: Allow resizing from center by holding down the option key while resizing.
- Improved: Make buttons ripple by default.
- Fixed: Fixed an error that occurred when trying to delete a key from a table in the data manager.
- Fixed: Fixed an error that occurred when right-clicking a tab group in the project browser.
- Fixed: White, text components are now displayed with a gray background in the asset manager.
- Fixed: Guidelines no longer appear for elements that are not visible.
- Fixed: The asset manager search function will now filter components.
- Fixed: Data-linked images in a layout element now respect the images original aspect ratio.
- Fixed: TextStyle would sometimes cause error when selected.
- Fixed: Text pasted into fields of the property inspector will no longer retain original formatting.
- Fixed: Support older accounts where emails may have mixed casing.
- Fixed: The sign-in button hover state and adornments are broken.
- Fixed: Appli does not correctly handle signing into a region where a user does not have an account.
- Fixed: Option-drawing of line from center.
- Fixed: Newly created elements in the project browser will now match the left pane’s width.
- Fixed: Fixed queryRecords action, re-ordered parameter.
- Fixed: sortRecords action had mismatched parameters.
- Fixed: Make nudging of elements work at all zoom levels
- Fixed: Make nudging of elements work when multiple elements are selected
VERSION 0.9.8 (2022-11-23):
- New: Validate date action.
- New: Guidelines appear near the edge of the screen when you are going to create an element. If an element is created when these guidelines are visible, the element will snap to those edges.
- Improved: Updated properties validator to make layout elements backwards compatible with the property name change.
- Improved: Checking for empty table names and rearranging TableName parameter for better workflow.
- Improved: Updated variable creation and selection in table element’s no-code setup.
- Improved: newly created components are unlocked by default, keeping the master component in the asset manager in sync with its instances.
- Improved: Changed “don’t wrap” property to “wrap” in text elements.
- Fixed: Prevent table names with multiples lines in the table setup.
- Fixed: Displaying the cdbUsers table in a table element would cause an error.
- Fixed: Comparing date was not outputting the correct result.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where the “delete selected action(s)” option can cause blank lines in the low code editor.
- Fixed: Hide data viewer when an app is loaded.
- Fixed: Unify record ID property for layout and form element.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that could occur when releasing the mouse over the screen background.
- Fixed: Reset scroll position in form elements when populating data into its linked elements.
- Fixed: Retain playground scroll position when an element has been deleted.
- Fixed: An error will no longer occur when renaming keys in the data manager.
- Fixed: Stop fixed guideline indicator from drawing strangely in some instances.
- Fixed: Error when going to play mode when there is a Form that has element inside it that have been moved.
- Fixed: Allow odd-lengthed dimensions to match centers for alignment.
- Fixed: Retain playground scroll position when capturing screen thumbnails.
VERSION 0.9.7 (2022-11-16):
- New: “findDayofWeek” action determines what day of the week it is from the given date.
- New: “checkDateRange” action checks if the date is ‘below’, ‘above’, or ‘within’ the specified range.
- New: “compareDates” action determine if the date occurs before or after the specified date.
- New: “addValueToDate” action adds value (day, month, or year) to the specified date.
- New: “subtractValueFromDate” action subtracts a value (in day, month, or year) from a date.
- New: Map Element can now geocode addresses and fill in lat & lng (uses Google GEOCODING API)
- Improved: Keyboard shortcut Cmd + Q (macOS) or Alt + F4 (Windows) can be used to quit Appli.
- Improved: Update guidelines to work more smoothly while zoomed.
- Improved: Display of maps on mobile devices. Ability to select maps with click. Map does not update when resizing height. Maps can not be edited without an API Key.
- Improved: arrow key support for numerical input fields in the property inspector. Use the up and down arrow keys to adjust numerical values
- Improved: Updated keyboard shortcuts for element layering. Bring to front is Shift + Cmd + ] or Ctrl + Shift + ]. Bring forward is Cmd + ] or Ctrl + ]. Send backward is Cmd + [ or Ctrl + [. Send to back is Shift + Cmd + [ or Ctrl + Shift + [.
- Improved: All native controls will hide correctly when displaying answerDialog, in play or edit mode.
- Improved: Map Element Title & Subtitle now both display when clicking on a map marker
- Improved: Remove cut/copy screen from contextual menus in favor of duplicate screen.
- Improved: Display the current orientation for all screens in the screen thumbnail view.
- Improved: Layout element performance improvements.
- Improved: Adjust the default text alignment when clicking to create text elements to Left.
- Improved: Turn off text wrapping as a default.
- Improved: Make left pane minimum width larger to accomodate for scrollbars in asset manager
- Improved: Make elements move to front of layouts/forms/groups when they are dragged in
- Fixed: Fixes for errors that could occur when moving elements into, out of, relayering/deleting/creating child elements, and ungrouping appligroup components.
- Fixed: PI was losing focus on map element’s marker property field input.
- Fixed: PI regression bug that didn’t disabled copy+paste shortcuts
VERSION 0.9.6 (2022-11-09):
- New: Updated Map Widget. This is the first iteration of the new map widget based on Google Maps API. You will need a google API key, which you can get here:
- New: “closeField” low-code event to detect when field input has changed.
- New: “deleteArrayElement” action.
- New: “setArrayValue” action provides a method to modify a value in an array.
- New: “parseArray” action to allow developers to get values from an array.
- New: “get_user_first_name” action. Gets the first name of the logged in user.
- New: “Populate Form Data” action in the “Form” category to fill a form’s linked elements with data.
- New: Low-code editor: Add support for updated value to a dictionary entry.
- Improved: Converted Linegraph element to be named “Chart”
- Improved: Ability to scroll the form element by toggling the “show scrollbar” property.
- Improved: Add layering commands to right-click and hotkeys. [,],{, and } will send backward or forward or to back or to front
- Improved: Data manager UI improvements – will default to first table, and will resize when resizing the left pane.
- Improved: Make dynamicWidth for text elements anchor based on text alignment.
- Improved: Add elements as an optional value in setArrayValue.action.
- Improved: Improve form performance when looking at cdbUser table.
- Improved: Show cdbUsers table in data viewer.
- Improved: Provide indication refresh categories have been completed with a beep.
- Improved: Adjust readUserRecord.action to not have userEmail as the primary key in the array output.
- Fixed: App projects will sort correctly when returning from the playground to the Apps Home screen.
- Fixed: Display dictionary entries for commented-out actions in the low code editor.
- Fixed: Problem where screens would sometimes partially draw.
- Fixed: Tables created from a CSV file were defaulting to “cloud” instead of user selection.
- Fixed: Make formatting of hex values in color of asset manager more consistent.
- Fixed: Make fixed guideline indicator hide when changing zoom levels.
- Fixed: Issue where clicking on a property would give an error that the element does not exist.
VERSION 0.9.5 (2022-11-03):
- New: “Filter Duplicate Lines” action in the “Utility” category to remove duplicate lines from an input source.
- New: “Sort Lines” action in the “Utility” category to sort lines from an input source.
- New: “Convert Month” action in the “Date/Time” category to convert to a month’s name or number.
- New: “Perform Search” action in the “Search” category to command a search element to perform a search query.
- New: Array support for data viewer. Arrays are displayed as “Array Value” in the table. Clicking on a cell with “Array Value” in it will display the array in a tree where you can view its contents
- Improved: Added LineGraph setting for using Font Size Ratios on Apple or Android
- Improved: Added LineGraph sliders for the font size of hover tooltips (Title and Body)
- Improved: The changelog now uses New,Improved,Fixed for categories.
- Improved: Updated launchURL action - date to the expected format.
- Improved: Added more URL examples to the dictionary
- Improved: Ability to set HTMLText using the low-code editor and render the field as HTML by checking new “Render as HTML” checkbox. If htmlText is not set then it is ignored and the “text” property is rendered.
- Improved: Resize items in the project browser when the left pane is resized.
- Improved: Right-click menu of action lines now lets you Comment, UnComment one or more actions.
- Improved: Moved the “Clear Search” action from the “Text” category to the “Search” category.
- Improved: Allow field elements to be used as parameters for launchURL action.
- Improved: Allow field elements to be used as parameters for setElementValue action.
- Improved: Add multiline support for table element.
- Improved: Made deleting records in a table element more reliable.
- Improved: Add support for cdb_Users table in table setup.
- Improved: Layouts of the buttons on creating an account screen. Added dialog after create account UI creation for user feedback.
- Fixed: Handle an error that can occur when selecting the “property” argument in property related actions if the selected element doesn’t exist.
- Fixed: Possible crashing bug when selecting arguments in Low Code editor.
- Fixed: Pie chart now displays correct min / max values of Y axis.
- Fixed: Copying and pasting multiple lines at once would cause the pasted lines to be out of order
- Fixed: You can now view downloaded template apps on the player without having to re-save the app.
- Fixed: Fields contents are not cleared as expected.
- Fixed: Fix a bug that could occur when deleting a newly created record from a table element.
- Fixed: Stop a bug that could occur when updating a record in a table element
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that would prevent a table element error dialog from displaying.
- Fixed: Horizontal scrolling in the low code editor body was causing issues.
- Fixed: Possible execution error when generating app code.
- Fixed: Issue where downloading a template app would delete blob data associated with the template.
- Fixed: No-code editor wasn’t working on layout with images.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where some cases of text elements may not apply “show scrollbar” or “truncate text” properties.
VERSION 0.9.4 (2022-10-26):
- New: Data viewer. Data manager now has a “View Table” button. This view allows you to create, read, update, and delete data.
- New: Low code - “Delete Selected Action(s)” command
- New: “Get Element Value” action in the “Utility” category to retrieve the value of the specified element.
- New: “Set Element Value” action in the “Utility” category to set the value of the specified element.
- Improved: Low code - Confined selection to one event flow at a time
- Improved: New properties to set a mobile ratio for the axis label font size and font size for LineGraph Element
- Improved: LineGraph Element interactivity as numerical values are all sliders and update as you slide
- Improved: Make project browser’s contextual menu to match playground
- Improved: Added cdbUsers table to layout no-code.
- Improved: Corner radius property on login element and creating account element.
- Fixed: Low code - Fixed selection highlight being removed by red/green indication
- Fixed: Low code - Shift Selection sometimes created inaccurate visual state
- Fixed: Low code - Other issues fixed by improvement below
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where an error may occur when selecting a radio element’s options or changing its “orientation” property.
- Fixed: Add better error messaging when downloading template apps
- Fixed: Right clicking on locked element was causing execution error
- Fixed: Allow users to edit forms after child element was deleted
- Fixed: Issue with autosized buttons not retaining the correct fontsize when opening app.
- Fixed: Clearing recordIDs when selecting tables in layout no-code UI.
- Fixed: Don’t show dropdown element scrollbar when resizing the element in edit mode.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that prevented scrolling the dropdown element’s options with the scroll wheel.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where child elements of the initial, saved component element weren’t in sync.
- Fixed: No-code editor was not able to work on layout element containing images
- Fixed: ‘Done’ button wasn’t closing dimension setting modal view
- Fixed: Issue where Appli would stay on a blank screen after deletion
- Fixed: Allow clicking to change cursor position when modifying names in the asset manager.
- Fixed: Changes in properties of nested child elements in components will now stay in sync.
VERSION 0.9.3 (2022-10-19):
- New: “Verified” argument for create_account action. Users that are verified will not receive a verification email.
- New: count_Lines_In_Variable action. Gets the number of lines in a variable.
- New: read_user_record action. Reads the user record from the cdbUsers table of the user with the email provided.
- New: The action script allows other default applications to open the URL scheme (sms, telephone, websites) within their respective devices
- Improved: Appligroup elements can now use the “loginSuccess”, “loginFailed” and “accountCreated” events
- Improved: Updated argument names to be consistent for the following actions: “convert date”, “convert date time” and “convert time”.
- Improved: Removed unneeded argument “TimeFormat” from “convert date time” action.
- Improved: Improved error checking for LiveCode integration action.
- Improved: Low code - Ability to copy entire eventflow handlers
- Improved: Low code - Ability to right click event flow header and select paste to paste to the end of handler
- Improved: Low code - You can now double-click on an event to add it to a flow
- Improved: Updated low code error verification to handle additional cases of arguments with deleted or renamed elements.
- Improved: “value” argument for query_Records action can now take a variable
- Improved: Ask user to define layout/form names on creation
- Improved: Stop icon is now shown in the header when currently in play mode.
- Improved: Restrict certain hotkeys from triggering in play mode.
- Improved: Change hotkey for toggling between play and edit mode from “P” to “Escape”.
- Improved: Change hotkey for clearing copied elements and screens from “Escape” to “CMD + Escape/CTRL + Escape.
- Fixed: Low code - Fixed bug where the incorrect action argument is updated
- Fixed: Make multiline fields wrap text on desktop platform
- Fixed: Make dynamic text sizing work with wrapped text
- Fixed: Zooming with offscreen elements shown was sometimes causing issues
- Fixed: Toggling visibility of fixed guidelines now apply to all screens.
- Fixed: create_account action would trigger accountCreated event when account failed to be created
- Fixed: Send_email action was using the ToEmail argument instead of the EmailBodyTEXT argument for the body of the email
- Fixed: Removed a trailing LF in the output after using readKeys action.
- Fixed: Made dictionary entry corrections to the following actions: “convert date”, “convert date time” and “convert time”.
- Fixed: Add a check to “submit form to DB” action to prevent an error if the specified form element no longer exists.
- Fixed: allow renaming of screens in Project Browser. Improved speed when renaming screens
- Fixed: Populate correct keys in the text element’s no-code dropdown for templated text.
- Fixed: Layouts will now replace templated text with empty when the key was never set in the database
VERSION 0.9.2 (2022-10-12):
- New: “Reset element” action in the “utility” category to reset certain types of elements to their default state.
- Improved: Make touchpoints for dropdowns in PI bigger
- Improved: Make button elements autosize by default
- Improved: Manage singular vs plural language for script error dialog.
- Fixed: Fixed “copy” and “cut” options when right-clicking a screen in the project browser.
- Fixed: Low code - Prevent line selection when arguments are unfolded
- Fixed: Low code - Prevent popup of arguments when dragging lines and letting go
- Fixed: Low code - Fixed hiding of arguments checkbox when low-code editor closed
- Fixed: Low code - Fixed drag/drop broken operation
- Fixed: Low code - Fixed Argument Triggering
- Fixed: Low code - Invisible Script Error Number
- Fixed: Low code - Fix for dragging actions to another line
- Fixed: Low code - Copy not reliable when selected lines are not contiguous.
- Fixed: Low code - Fixed a bug where input methods would not appear when clicking on action arguments
- Fixed: Low code - Check actions for errors when commenting or uncommenting events.
- Fixed: Low code - If an element has already been selected in Element Input Method, maintain that selection, including orientation
- Fixed: Low code - Fixed a bug where selecting the value argument in the “else if property” control structure in the low code editor always displayed a dropdown.
- Fixed: Low code - Fixed a bug where the incorrect input method may be shown in the low code editor when selecting the value argument in “set the property” action, “if property” control structure, or “else if property” control structure.
- Fixed: Low code - Adding an action after selecting a line in an event other than the first event would cause the action to display incorrectly
- Fixed: Low code - Fixed a bug where the low code right-click menu for a selected action line may not display “cut” or “copy” options.
- Fixed: Minimum size for low code editor events section
- Fixed: fixed a bug that would occur when deleting a screen with the right-click menu in the project browser
- Fixed: Make screen responsively resize when changing to custom platform size
- Fixed: Make refresh the form action work when there is no data
- Fixed: Make copy paste of forms and layouts retain internal links to their children
- Fixed: Make copy paste of low code actions that specify specific element types maintain links
- Fixed: Copying and pasting dropdown element was retaining original values event after changing properties.
- Fixed: Add overlay to template editor for datacontext/field
VERSION 0.9.1 (2022-10-05):
- New: New “get the version” action in the “utility” category which retrieves the current version of Appli IDE or Appli Player the device is running.
- New: Allow Dropdown elements to be collapse/expanded via context menu while in edit mode
- Improved: Low Code - Commented Lines are now ignored in script verification.
- Improved: Low Code - New actions can be added to the bottom of event or below the last of the selected lines. To control where new actions are added, select a line and the next actions will be added below it.
- Fixed: Issue when Radio Element had multiple options with a number as their first word.
- Fixed: Allow setting of text from asset manager when text size is dynamic
- Fixed: Update script inspector’s error description if it’s displayed when low code changes are made.
- Fixed: PI was losing focus and deleting lines after each option input.
- Fixed: References to LowCode events are deleted from message dispatch when elements are deleted.
- Fixed: Low Code - Disabled the possibility of accidentally selecting the hidden “end” line of an event flow
- Fixed: Low Code - fixed a bug where adding an action to the default event would cause subsequent actions added to the event to be disconnected
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where setting the line height of a text element would have no effect
- Fixed: Maintain accuracy when moving rows in the table element.
- Fixed: low code script error inspector now displays errors for deleted screen and element arguments
- Fixed: Handle setting text font/alignment/style for selected chunks better
- Fixed: Fix an issue where selecting the font dropdown would cause text to be unselected
- Fixed: Fixed a case where some deleted or renamed elements in arguments of the low code actions weren’t being handled
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that would cause a color component in the asset manager to disappear if its color was changed and the same color was selected
- Fixed: The text element was storing the name “text” even if user entered a different name.
VERSION 0.9.0 (2022-09-28):
- New: Low Code - Script Error Inspector
- New: Version number to sign-in screen
- New: Copied/cut actions can now be pasted into another element.
- New: ‘Count Record’ action for layout element
- Improved: Low Code - Better recognition of missing END statements in control structures.
- Improved: Low Code - Dragging action lines between events
- Improved: Low Code - UI of code line options
- Improved: Make editing button label resizing more real-time.
- Improved: Ensure Appli developer is authed when switching from play mode to edit mode.
- Improved: Add marketing opt-in checkbox to create account page
- Fixed: Low Code - Script Errors Field appearance
- Fixed: Hide photo viewing interface when re-initializing camera element.
- Fixed: Fix execution error when opening Appli for the first time
- Fixed: Elements created from a component will no longer stay in sync when their component is deleted from the asset manager
- Fixed: search element field was disabled after changing zoom levels
- Fixed: Don’t change text font for password input fields of create account element when text font property is changed.
- Fixed: Fix issue where text element text couldn’t be highlighted and changed.
- Fixed: Setting the password property of a field from a “set the property” action to true/false did not work on desktops.
- Fixed: Make all options work for button layout
- Fixed: Update seach output field with correct element types
- Fixed: Search element incorrectly repopulating data
- Fixed: Layout element was getting the incorrect endpoint range for the number of rows and chopped off data after resetting the search element.
- Fixed: Prevent an error from occurring when adjusting text color property while editing a button element’s label text.
- Fixed: Double-clicking to edit a button element’s label didn’t allow the insertion point to move to the clicked location.
VERSION 0.5.1 (2022-09-21):
- New: Action script to clear search element
- New: Low Code - Comment Action: displays as Greyed Out (after argument is set). To change comments, user must unfold action
- New: getLineFromVariable action. Get the specified line from a variable
- New: Answer dialog action. Display a message with 1-3 choices as buttons
- Improved: Low Code - Argument Unfolding
- Improved: Low Code - Code Line Options
- Improved: Low Code - Collapsing / Uncollapsing
- Improved: Low Code - Rearranging within Event Flow
- Improved: Low Code - When adding a conditional structure, a whole block is added to help give clarity to user
- Improved: Low code - update visual UI when lines are cut
- Improved: Low code - Improved repositioning of Event Flows
- Improved: Scrolling for layout element on desktop
- Improved: The minimum IDE width support 1080 for Mac and 1350 for Windows.
- Improved: Allowed sizing the IDE to a width of 1080 to help when developing on smaller monitors.
- Improved: Search element - set Element types with drop down options.
- Improved: Automatically handle “missing data from array” error.
- Improved: Make scrolling speed faster in Low Code
- Improved: Setting the file of an image element through the property inspector will now reset to the natural aspect ratio of the image
- Improved: Label Placement Options and Text alignment for switch element.
- Fixed: Low Code - Fixed Display error when removing entire events
- Fixed: Low Code - Fixed indenting of IF conditions
- Fixed: Low Code - Fixed error triggered when Appli IDE already has existing flows
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that would cause an error when refreshing a layout element on desktop
- Fixed: Don’t move the cursor to the end while typing in non-native field elements.
- Fixed: Search element - Clearing output with trash can icon.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that would prevent actions deleteKeys and readKeys from displaying the table keys correctly
- Fixed: Lock Text toggle now works with autoHilite set to false. Text Lock Icon is fixed to match with dynamic text size toggle.
- Fixed: Make spacings with tab key always disappear correctly
- Fixed: Make CSV import work again
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that would prevent listRecords action from displaying the table keys correctly
- Fixed: Prevent redundant pop-up in duplicated text element
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where some properties weren’t hiding/showing in the property inspector after another property was toggled.
VERSION 0.5.0 (2022-09-14):
- New: lock for components in asset manager. Locked components are unaffected when elements created from that component are updated. Unlocked components are updated when elements created from that component are updated.
- New: New “toggle password” action in the “utility” category.
- New: “Disconnect from Component” option in right-click menu for component elements. This option will disconnect the selected element from other component elements making it so it no longer stays in sync with them
- Improved: Lowcode Editor - Visual changes for events and inputs
- Improved: Retain scroll position when a layout element is refreshed.
- Improved: Set minimum element height and width to 1
- Improved: improved drawing rect visibility when drawing elements on dark backgrounds
- Improved: Added properties to the login element to turn dialogs on or off.
- Improved: Added properties to the login element to allow custom dialog text.
- Improved: Error prevention for empty fields. Enabling login events for custom low-codes.
- Improved: components on different orientations will now stay in sync
- Fixed: Use contains instead of begins with for searching fonts
- Fixed: fixed a bug that would occur when returning to edit mode after using the get_auth action in play mode
- Fixed: fixed a bug that would occur in play mode after an unsuccessful login
- Fixed: fixed error reporting for get_auth_status action
- Fixed: allow multiple image/media files to be dragged into project at once
- Fixed: Fixed an issue where Windows OS would not allow a mouseUp to take place during a ‘repeat while mouse is down’.
- Fixed: Fixed occasional bug when adding empty event
- Fixed: fixed a bug that would occur when toggling the “border” property of a text element
- Fixed: Add prompts for missing password/email on login.
- Fixed: Fixed automatic focus on argument inputs
- Fixed: components from the app project will now load for newly created apps
- Fixed: Prevent populating empty, field element inputs with hint text if user is currently typing.
- Fixed: Make cut/copied elements that refer to themselves in low code still refer to themselves after pasting
- Fixed: Fixed password’s font to update after toggling pw checkbox. Re-mask pw field after mode change.
- Fixed: fixed a bug that would cause an error when binding data to a text element
- Fixed: Disabling false login on dev credentials on fields requiring user credentials. Updating proper global auth output.
- Fixed: fixed a bug that prevented player settings from being updated
- Fixed: fixed a bug that would cause the login element to show a successful login message when login failed
VERSION 0.4.4 (2022-08-31):
- New: “Send Verification Email” property for create account element
- Improved: Validation for email and password matching on createAccount action script.
- Improved: Update internal database and backend
- Fixed: Enable createAccount event for field and button elements.
- Fixed: Fixed an error that occurred when an image element inside of a layout element is linked to a key.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where changes to the “text size” and “text style” properties of a switch element wouldn’t occur.
- Fixed: Changed scope of the field and button element to allow visibility on login’s events for low-code customizations.
- Fixed: Make password matching confirmation work for CreateAccount element on mobile
- Fixed: Clear password input fields when switching screens.
VERSION 0.4.3 (2022-08-26):
- Improved: Use native fields for CreateAccount element
- Improved: Use native fields for Login element
- Improved: Add scrolling support for appligroups
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where renaming an app caused issues displaying apps from other projects.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that prevented non-native field elements from using the password font when the “password” property is on.
- Fixed: Addressed not updating the a common variable used to check the auth status making it difficult to cover common usage of the feature.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that caused the login and create account elements to lose their low code.
VERSION 0.4.2 (2022-08-24):
- New: Low code action: create_account - alternative Create Account Element to allow a user to create an account with their name, email, and password.
- Improved: Smoother auto-scrolling when reordering columns in a table element
- Improved: Low code action get_auth takes in end-user’s username and password– get_auth_status will then return the status of the authentication based on the targeted location (cloud/local).
- Fixed: Allow field to be blank when hintText is removed
- Fixed: Allow deletion of last screen in app
- Fixed: Make scrollbars in field element more consistent when changing zoom
- Fixed: Fixed bugs that could occur after setting all the key values of a record to empty in a table element
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that could occur when reordering rows and columns in a table element
- Fixed: Table element destination indicator accurately displays where a row is being moved to
- Fixed: Stop scrolling when there is no horizontal/vertical scrollbars
- Fixed: Make script icon appear correctly when adding code to new screens
VERSION 0.4.1 (2022-08-17):
- New: Low Code action - list_the_files
- Improved: Update element and screen names in an action’s arguments if they have been renamed.
- Improved: Mark errors in actions if their arguments contain an element or screen that has been deleted.
- Fixed: Fix issue with cleaning variables when deleting screens
- Fixed: Low Code Editor - second mouseClick handler would be added if an empty one had previously been saved.
- Fixed: Actions related to lineGraph do not work
- Fixed: Saving Appli Low Code actions would cause issues
- Fixed: Error when dragging in project browser
- Fixed: Make Login element functional
- Fixed: Make graph element show up correctly as a preview in edit mode
VERSION 0.4.0 (2022-08-11):
- New: New Charting Element - replaces LineGraph element. This element allows line graphs, bar charts, and pie charts, utilizing the Chart.js library.
- New: File I/O Actions for lowcode editor - Create_Folder, SetFolder, Save_Text_File, Save_Binary_File, Load_Text_File, Load_Binary_File
- Improved: Option to autosize or specify width and height of search element’s icon.
- Improved: Restrict “openScreen” and “closeScreen” low code events to screens. These events are still backwards-compatible, but it’s recommended to move all actions from these events into screens.
- Improved: Restrict “loginSuccess” and “loginFailed” low code events to the “login” element. These events are still backwards-compatible, but it’s recommended to move all actions from these events into the “login” element.
- Improved: Restrict “accountCreated” low code event to the “create account” element. This event is still backwards-compatible, but it’s recommended to move all actions from this event into the “create account” element.
- Improved: Updated platform setup to match on-boarding setup.
- Improved: You can now edit the label of a button element by double-clicking on it
- Improved: Lowcode editor now remembers mouseClick as default behavior once it asks you whether to use it
- Improved: Make saving action scripts undo/redoable.
- Improved: Use current device orientation in “print to PDF” action.
- Fixed: Custom sizes can now be set for phone and tablet when updating the current device.
- Fixed: Change mouse cursor appropriately.
- Fixed: Prevent naming elements with multiline text.
- Fixed: Actions assigned to an appligroup will now trigger if the target child element of the appligroup does not have an action assigned to it
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where “print to PDF” action wasn’t working on Android.
- Fixed: Adjust paper size when using “print to PDF” action to prevent cutting off the rect of the specified element.
VERSION 0.3.5 (2022-08-03):
- New: Elements created through the components section of the asset manager will now stay in sync when they are updated
- Improved: Show screen in Project Browser. Allow screens to apply Low Code.
- Improved: Default to the element type when asking for element name
- Fixed: Prevent actions in mouse events from running in parent elements when interacting with their child element.
- Fixed: Hide elements from display on top of the “show loading” action dialog.
- Fixed: Elements with the same properties in different sections were incorrectly being shown/hid
- Fixed: Allow “move out” of parent from inside project browser by dragging to the left
- Fixed: Prevent unrelated hotkeys from triggering when viewing the low code editor.
VERSION 0.3.4 (2022-07-27):
- New: Components section for the asset manager. Right-click on an element to save it as a component. Components are global to all apps in an app project. Components can be added to a screen of an app by clicking on the component in the asset manager
- New: Low-code - New “get the platform” action.
- New: Low-code - New Date and TIme actions allows users to get the current time and date.
- New: Low-code - New Date and TIme conversion actions
- Improved: Added ripple effect option to buttons
- Improved: UI for Zooming, especially on Windows platform
- Improved: Added hotkey commands and additional zoom options to zoom level dropdown.
- Improved: Zoom to fit content and zoom to selection now zooms to the nearest whole percentage.
- Improved: Upon creating a text element, the user is prompted to name their field after entering the initial text.
- Improved: Upon creating a button element, update the text of the button to match the name.
- Improved: Make Form setup save as a single command, add cancel button to Form and Camera Setup
- Fixed: Avoid an execution error when working with lineGraph Element
- Fixed: Fixed issue with incorrect parameters in low-code
VERSION 0.3.3 (2022-07-20):
- New: Low code - “Switch” control structure
- New: Low code - “Try” and “Catch” control structure
- New: Low code - “If/ElseIf Property” control structure
- New: Low code - “If/ElseIf Variable” control structure
- New: Low code - “Else/End if” control structure
- New: Low code - “Repeat” control structure
- New: Low code - “Wait” action
- New: Low code - “Set Item Separator” action
- Improved: Verification of low code editor
- Improved: Display valid input(s) as ghosted text in field elements that have a validation type and no hint text.
- Improved: Actions in elements will auto-update to be compatible with changes from Appli ver. 0.3.1 upon loading the app.
- Improved: Search element now allows customization of icon
- Improved: No-code setup for dropdown element. Can now assign a table and key to display options
- Improved: Indentation and Colorization in the low code editor
- Improved: Increased size of event flow headers
- Fixed: Colorization issue in low code editor
- Fixed: General bug fixes for displaying hint text in field elements.
- Fixed: Icons with the same name in different families wouldn’t be chosen
- Fixed: Can now scroll the asset manager with the mouse wheel when the cursor is over the left pane background
- Fixed: Can now scroll query builder value list with mouse wheel
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that would cause Appli to throw an error when changing textStyle in the asset manager
- Fixed: Fixed text style hotkeys and typing into text elements.
VERSION 0.3.2 (2022-07-13):
- New: Hotkeys to apply text styles while editing text elements.
- New: “Validation type” property to field elements.
- New: getTheDifference low-code action
- New: getTheDivision low-code action
- New: getThePower low-code action
- New: getTheRoot low-code action
- New: getTableKeys low-code action
- Improved: Add optional error handling parameters for low-code math Actions
- Improved: Tooltips for settings, sync to cloud, account, no-code, and low-code buttons
- Improved: Low Code Element input method now shows parent/child relation for elements
- Improved: Allow text elements to use templates when setting their datacontext
- Improved: Added shortcut keys for zoom levels, ability to zoom to selected elements, and ability to zoom to fit all.
- Improved: Clicking on a line that contains an action in the low-code editor will highlight the line
- Improved: Allow multiple keys to be used for sorting layouts
- Improved: Actions will be added when clicking the “+” button, rather than when the action is selected.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug with the element input method which prevented filtering screens
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where drag-and-drop in the low code editor would lose accuracy after scrolling.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that would occur when pasting into a “mouseClick” event.
- Fixed: Size Low Code dropdown list input method to fit content
- Fixed: Allow events and actions to execute when optional parameter are not provided
- Fixed: Error where some dialogs in the low-code area were not showing
VERSION 0.3.1 (2022-07-01):
- New: Event Handling – you can now handle different events, such as “openScreen” and “mouseEnter” in the low code editor. Full tutorials on will be released in the future
- New: Low code validation – your low code events will not fire and will notify you if arguments are not correctly filled.
- New: Low code Folding – you can now click to minimize event handlers
- Improved: When creating fields, buttons, or grouping elements, display a dialog to name the element. The default name will be used if no name has been entered.
- Improved: Added “secondary color” property to graphic elements with gradients.
- Improved: You can now sort app projects by date created and date modified.
- Improved: Updated header title on Projects screen
- Improved: Fields default to their name for hint text unless manually set
- Improved: Low code: Clicking on an event header will fold and unfold code
- Improved: Low code: You can now drag/drop line(s) of code, both within and between event handlers
- Improved: Copy/paste of low code: Copy whole handlers by right clicking the handler line
- Improved: Copy/paste of low code: Paste into the top of another handler by right clicking handler name > paste
- Improved: Copy/paste of low code: Paste below another line by right click line > paste
- Improved: Text elements can now be used in data binding for form elements.
- Improved: Form element data binding is now more visual. All form elements will need to have keys and elements linked in the no-code window in order for form element actions to function.
- Improved: Low code element input method will default to the current orientation
- Improved: Allow variable viewer to resize smaller
- Improved: Allow apps to be sorted by device type
- Improved: UI and UX improvements for viewing and creating app projects and apps
- Improved: Update Notch handling - Top Level elements that touch the edge of the screen are now given the option to stretch into the notch (X or Y)
- Fixed: Using the platform setup will now modify the existing platform instead of creating a new platform
- Fixed: fixed a bug which caused the sort icon to move behind the sort label when sort is set to “ascending” for app projects
- Fixed: Add cancel button to Layout’s datacontext setup
- Fixed: Allow dragdrop to work for CSV/Images
- Fixed: Clear the project browser search and close its dropdown when switching screens or apps.
- Fixed: An app with multiple platforms will be split into multiple apps, one for each platform, when it is loaded. This will only happen if you approve it; however, apps with multiple platforms are no longer supported
- Fixed: Added “paste” option, if applicable, to right-click contextual menu when elements are selected.
- Fixed: Stop deletion of non-existing rows in layout
- Fixed: Fix issue in SetTheProperty action where clicking on the property/value would always error out saying that the Element had not been selected yet
- Fixed: Add Cut/Copy Screen when right-clicking
- Fixed: App sort label will now display correctly on startup
- Fixed: Fixed an error that will occur when opening a project after cloning a duplicate sample app.
VERSION 0.3.0 (2022-06-15):
- New: Appli now has app projects. App projects can contain multiple apps. Apps within an app project can share data
- Improved: Smoother local save process when the playground has scrollbars.
- Improved: Unified the look and feel for a few more contextual menus.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where the order of elements in the project browser may be displayed incorrectly.
- Fixed: Position switch element’s label correctly when an app is loaded.
- Fixed: Hide native elements beneath a dropdown element’s options when the dropdown is expanded.
- Fixed: Hide fixed guideline indicator when resizing an element on the edge of the playground.
- Fixed: Adjust a layout element’s scrollbars when zoom levels are changed.
VERSION 0.2.42 (2022-06-08):
- Improved: Add property/support for ios notch
- Improved: Added spacers between logical groupings in contextual menus
- Improved: Elements can be renamed from the right-click, contextual menu
- Improved: Grouping elements will now put the new group into the lowest common parent of the elements
- Improved: Panning will only occur while spacebar is held down – no longer a toggled mode
- Fixed: Display an error message for “get the sum” action if the parameters passed are not numbers
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where fixed guidelines can be dragged outside of the playground area if there are off-screen elements
- Fixed: Don’t select a child element whose parent element is not within the selection area
- Fixed: Error when changing style/color of text chunk
- Fixed: Handle dynamic text size in asset manager
- Fixed: Keep text in asset manager from losing title if property is changed to the same value
- Fixed: Fixed a case where elements that were highlighted by the asset manager don’t stay highlighted
- Fixed: Make Cmd/ctrl-scroll work with when over an element
- Fixed: Undoing grouping was throwing errors in some circumstances
VERSION 0.2.41 (2022-06-01):
- New: Pan tool. You can click the Pan tool (or press spacebar) to pan around
- Improved: Added ability to unlink table and record ID in form no-code setup window.
- Fixed: Asset manager options can get cut off when collapsing a section and the scrollbar is hidden.
- Fixed: Dropdown element’s border property doesn’t remain off between loads.
- Fixed: Make first line of CSV show up as keys when dragging onto table element
- Fixed: Allow side-scrolling in table element using left/right scroll and shift scroll
- Fixed: Make tabstops work with zooming
- Fixed: Make textElement scrolling turn off vertical alignment
- Fixed: Offscreen elements can show in play mode.
- Fixed: First screen may not be selected when loading an app that has multiple platforms and screens.
- Fixed: Fixed an error that can occur when loading an app with multiple platforms.
- Fixed: Handle zoom switching while in play mode
- Fixed: Add backwards compatibility for lineElement zooming
- Fixed: Allow undoing of lineElement deletion to work at different zoom levels
- Fixed: Form no-code setup window wasn’t displaying linked record ID.
- Fixed: Make sure fixed guidelines have correct behavior when loaded
VERSION 0.2.40 (2022-05-25):
- New: Zoom capabilities. You can now zoom in and out of the playground by using the dropdown in the top right of the screen, or by using cmd/ctrl+scroll
- Improved: Fixed guidelines will now save
- Improved: Hide guidelines and indicators when switching to play mode
- Fixed: Update Ask/Answer icon
- Fixed: Handle elements on both orientations correctly when undoing delete screen
- Fixed: Make Form Element draw correctly when there are multiple
- Fixed: Make Tab Element draw correctly on responsive resize
- Fixed: Keep playground scrollbar visibility consistent when “go to screen” actions are performed in play mode
- Fixed: The position of screens could get out of sync after entering play mode or when a save occurs
- Fixed: “Download Sample App” button was not functional.
- Fixed: Allow hotkeys to be used immediately after opening project, without having clicked on anything
- Fixed: Make fixed guidelines draw in correct location when platform is resized, or when elements are partially offscreen
- Fixed: fixed various bugs that could occur with a radio element
VERSION 0.2.39 (2022-05-18):
- Improved: Adjust apps scrollbar after an app is deleted or a new app is created
- Improved: Visual improvements when resizing a radio element
- Improved: Hiding and showing the label of the radio button positions the options correctly
- Improved: UI improvements for apps screen
- Improved: Added errorHandling parameter to get_the_product action. This specifies the action to take if an error occurs. By default, it will now display an error message and stop all execution. The errorHandling options include: display error message, stop this execution, stop all execution, display error message and stop this execution, display error message and stop all execution.
- Fixed: Handle bug where making table column too small would cause Appli to hang
- Fixed: Allow deletion of an app that has just been loaded and returned to the home screen without selecting another app first
- Fixed: Fixed guideline indicators now retain their position and size when elements are outside of the playground.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where the guideline indicator does not become visible.
- Fixed: IconList editor was incorrectly showing the template icon
- Fixed: Make tabElement default properties match what is actually drawn (coloration)
- Fixed: Fix an issue where deleting elements would sometimes cause selection error
- Fixed: Update switch element sizing to be more consistent at smaller sizes
- Fixed: Radio Element label no longer cuts off
- Fixed: Radio Element orientation no longer changes when its width or height are changed
- Fixed: Fixed bug where typing doesn’t occur in email and password fields of login screen when Appli is initially opened on Windows.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that could occur when updating the thumbnail of a screen
- Fixed: The menu for the user icon now shows the same menu for both left and right click
- Fixed: Selection UI now retain their position when a local save occurs.
- Fixed: Fix issue where line element selection would draw off by 1 pixel
- Fixed: Allow selection of nested table elements with double-click.
- Fixed: Fixed selection UI when a table element is resized.
- Fixed: Fixed bug where some elements don’t return to their original appearance when resizing is initiated but doesn’t occur.
- Fixed: Fix issue where roundrectdots were still showing on images when not usable
- Fixed: On desktop, deleting all text in a field element would deselect the field
- Fixed: Make CreateAccount element save its width/height when set in Property Inspector
VERSION 0.2.38 (2022-05-11):
- Improved: Accounts on LiveCloud plans can now switch to Appli tiers.
- Improved: Variable viewer can now be resized
- Improved: Updated thumbnails to show ‘Highlight elements’ in the asset manager (WIP).
- Improved: Removed clipboard usage when updating the thumbNails of screens.
- Improved: All thumbnails are kept current in real-time.
- Fixed: Autosave will no longer reset scrolling on screen.
- Fixed: Handle switching to a delayed, promo tier correctly.
- Fixed: Fixed an error that can occur when loading an app with more than one platform.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where elements can be dragged into nested elements whose parent elements aren’t visible.
- Fixed: added filename parameter to print_To_PDF action. Will no longer default to “invoice”
VERSION 0.2.37 (2022-05-06):
- New: Variable Viewer. Can be accessed in the low code editor by clicking the variable viewer icon in the bottom left of the code section. Can be accessed in the playground with shift + V
- Improved: clearTemporaryBlobs.action - Action name changed for consistency with other actions
- Improved: LowCode editor minimum dictionary height changed to 310
- Improved: LowCode editor panels remember their sizes for the entire session
- Improved: Update thumbnails view for all screens in real-time.
- Improved: Allow hotkeys when the low code editor is open
- Improved: Added error checking and dialogs to “send email” action.
- Fixed: Apps renamed in Appli will load correctly in the player
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where clicking on an action’s name in the low-code editor doesn’t display its dictionary entry on Windows.
- Fixed: You can now create fixed guidelines when showing offscreen elements
- Fixed: Don’t show the fixed guideline indicator in play mode
- Fixed: Reset Category pane minimum sizes
- Fixed: Fixed bug where “EmailBodyHTML” parameter is always used in “send email” action.
VERSION 0.2.36 (2022-05-03):
- New: Low-Code Events pane controls added
- New: New Actions - checkInternetStatus, getLoggedInUser
- Improved: Key the appCodes to a particular region.
- Improved: UI tweak to events Pane
- Fixed: Don’t show scrollbar for layout element in edit mode when it is not needed
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that could cause the text size property to be disabled when it should be enabled
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that could cause app thumbnails to draw smaller and have a black background
VERSION 0.2.35 (2022-04-26):
- New: More low code actions: clearTemporaryBlobs, getAuth, getTheResult, Logout
- New: Actions for setting linegraph data - SetLinegraphAxis, SetLinegraphData, SetLinegraphDataFromTable
- Improved: fixed guidelines no longer appear in app thumbnails
- Improved: hold down the “g” key to remove all guidelines from the current screen or from the entire project
- Improved: Allow payment method removal if not on a paid plan.
- Improved: Nudging elements with arrow keys: if shift is down, large nudge (default 10) will be used. Small and Large nudge are adjustable in settings
- Improved: read_keys action - If receiving only one record of data, structure the output with only the value.
- Fixed: Fixed a UI bug that occurs after adding a payment method when there are no existing payment methods.
- Fixed: If file can’t be found when dragdropping onto playground, ask user for file
- Fixed: Nudging will no longer move the parent’s selection box when in “Edit Element” mode.
- Fixed: Nudging is now undo/redo-able
- Fixed: Sometimes the Password field in login will not allow one to type.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that could occur when using the round rect dots to adjust the corner radius of a graphic element
- Fixed: Handle dragging of multiple elements better when considering moving into/out of containers
- Fixed: getAuthStatus.action - fixed Element Output to list text fields
- Fixed: Make “Edit Elements” mode respect all ancestors/children
- Fixed: Fix issue where grey rectangle would show on top of elements that were moved out of their parent
- Fixed: Form elements that are not opaque will now be highlighted correctly when dragging elements into them
- Fixed: Handle dragging into/out of appliGroups
- Fixed: Fix ungrouping inside of forms
- Fixed: native elements and widgets no longer draw over dialog messages
- Fixed: Forms will now reset even if they are not on the first screen
- Fixed: Forms opaqueness and background color are now saved correctly
VERSION 0.2.34 (2022-04-20):
- New: New action “SendEmail”
- New: New action “GetTableID”
- New: New action “SetAVariable”
- New: New action “GetAuthStatus”
- New: Linegraph element. This will allow you to draw a line chart.
- New: Prompt user before resetting password
- Improved: Updated project browser text font and text size to match the property inspector
- Improved: Project Screen Visuals
- Improved: Updated the tooltips with capitalization and other visual improvements. Tooltips are better in sync with previous visuals.
- Improved: Added a higher quality appli logo for projects screen
- Improved: a group in edit mode will remain in edit mode when an element is deleted from it
- Improved: Low Code section - disabled the showFocusBorder on the search fields on the category and actions panel
- Improved: Low Code section - Decreased the size of the search field to fit within border graphic.
- Improved: Toggle play/pointer mode with p and shift-P engages pointer mode.
- Improved: Adjusted new text elements to have their textAlign set to center.
- Improved: Make Asset name changes persistent (Save when you save your project)
- Fixed: Handle hiding of screen list at bottom of screen so it won’t cut off playground
- Fixed: Reset Asset Manager correctly after exiting project and opening different project
- Fixed: Save default white background for platforms on creation
- Fixed: SaveCloud toast will no longer disappear immediately have save is requested.
- Fixed: Make sure screen background will always be unhighlighted after dragging files onto the playground
- Fixed: Fixed an issue in when saving a project that prevented the thumbnails from updating.
- Fixed: dontWrap was not correctly set when creating a new text element. Expected setting is true.
VERSION 0.2.33 (2022-04-13):
- Improved: Offline improvements for loading apps
- Improved: Updated DB settings to improve performance
- Improved: Check if user is online for actions that require internet
- Improved: Add search field to asset manager
- Improved: “Edit Elements” option will now show border more consistently and handle drag-select
- Improved: Asset Pane now tracks Text - font, size, style
- Improved: Store/Account updated UI and plans
- Fixed: Delete local data when forgetting password so the system doesn’t throw errors
- Fixed: Fix execution error which sometimes occurs when loading app with 2 platforms.
- Fixed: Visible selection border will always be removed in play mode
- Fixed: Handle scrolling in Asset Pane
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that could occur if an app doesn’t have a thumbnail in the apps screens
- Fixed: Fixed an error that would occur when deleting the only screen in an app
- Fixed: Appli groups now honor styling properties - border properties and background properties
VERSION 0.2.32 (2022-04-06):
- New: HotKey for the Project browser (CMD + Y)
- New: HotKey for the Database manager (CMD + D)
- New: HotKey for the Asset manager (Shift + CMD + Y)
- New: Tooltips for changing orientation (shift - O)
- New: Tooltip for hiding/showing thumbnail view (V)
- New: Method to toggle the thumbnail UI on/off
- New: elements only snap to fixed guidelines when the “~” key is down
- Improved: Added additional details to error messages when loading an app.
- Improved: Update right-click options for colors on asset pane
- Improved: Lock icon next to text size. Text size will no longer be invisible when dynamicTextSize is on.
- Improved: Add/modify hotkeys
- Improved: Add option to highlight elements from asset pane
- Improved: Move deselect elements to (CMD + Shift + A)
- Fixed: Fix hash issue with CDB on Windows
- Fixed: Handle deletion of elements correctly in asset pane
- Fixed: Be able to drag the out of the bounds element back into the appli group element by selecting the element from the project browser
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where certain actions displayed blank dictionary entries when their names were clicked on in the workflow of the low-code editor.
- Fixed: fixed a bug where adding an item to a list in the property inspector would throw an error
- Fixed: Fixed issue where pressing “Enter” would throw an error in the asset manager
VERSION 0.2.31 (2022-03-30):
- New: Fixed Guidelines – You can click and drag from the edge of each screen on the playground to create your own fixed guidelines. Hide and show these guidelines with the “g” key. Drag a fixed guideline outside of the screen area to delete it.
- New: Edit Mode for container elements. All container elements (group, layout, tab, form) can now be set into “Edit mode”, where you can click on child elements. This will also show a thicker line around the parent element. You can access this mode via context menu with a right click, or by double-clicking a child element inside a container element.
- New: Asset Pane with colors. This will track all colors in the document and will allow you to edit them. You can also click to set the main color of a selected element
- Improved: Update screen thumbnails in real-time. Visible in thumbnail view and project screen.
- Improved: Add button in Property Inspector to reset image aspect ratio
- Improved: Clicking on the action name in a line of code will now display the dictionary entry for the action
- Improved: You can now right-click on colors in the Property Inspector in order to use existing document colors.
- Fixed: Drag selection of child elements when in edit mode for tab and form now works corrrectly.
- Fixed: Option+dragging child elements inside tab elements will now work correctly.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where highlighting rows didn’t populate the correct record IDs into the selected variable.
- Fixed: Make corner radius dots appear only when usable.
- Fixed: Ensure that internal variables are set correctly before deleting projects; this previously caused Appli to hang.
VERSION 0.2.30 (2022-03-23):
- New: expand/collapse sections in property inspector
- Improved: Make Images default to the correct aspect ratio and lock aspect ratio
- Improved: Load app improvements
- Improved: performance improvements when going to the “My Apps” screen
- Improved: Rename “mobile” platform to “phone”
- Improved: Add tooltips to Property Inspector with actual property names (as used in actions)
- Improved: Clicking a switch element’s label will also toggle it.
- Fixed: Right-click > Reset Image Aspect Ratio now correctly resets to the image’s natural aspect ratio
- Fixed: Fix issue where saving locally would fail when clicking save to cloud button (Clarence M.)
- Fixed: Fixed error that can occur when moving multiple elements that contain a parent element.
- Fixed: Actions now work when toggling a switch element.
VERSION 0.2.29 (2022-03-16):
- New: Orientation support for the player. This can be found in the “Player” tab in Settings.
- New: “o” as a hotkey to toggle on/off show offscreen elements
- Improved: Improved promo code selection and tiering in store
- Improved: Move the play button to the left of the screen
- Improved: Going to play mode will hide everything in the header expect the play button
- Improved: Add more human-readable display names to property inspector
- Fixed: Truncation of element names when editing the name using the Project Browser will no longer cause the ellipses to become part of the element name
- Fixed: Stop option-dragging when no elements are selected
- Fixed: Stop Text Elements from being selectable in play mode
- Fixed: Make downloading included apps update tableIDs for form elements
- Fixed: Update Form element to show native controls on player
- Fixed: Fixed errors that can occur when loading an app that has multiple platforms.
- Fixed: Fix issue where elements removed/deleted from Forms would cause issues
VERSION 0.2.28 (2022-03-09):
- New: Ask which platform to load when loading an app if there are more than 1 platform set up
- New: Keyboard shortcut to toggle between play and edit mode with shift + P
- Improved: Property Inspector visual rework – make font sizes and spacing smaller
- Improved: Hide footer in play mode
- Improved: The play button now toggles between play and edit mode
- Improved: Reset table name and record ID selections when unchecking “link to key” in a text element’s no-code screen.
- Fixed: Handle Vertical Alignment and Ellipses clipping of text elements better
- Fixed: Creating a new app will clear previous apps in the playground
- Fixed: Handle spacing on Project Browser when expanding/collapsing groups
- Fixed: Toggling the vis of the left pane would cause the selection rect to draw incorrectly in some cases
VERSION 0.2.27 (2022-03-02):
- Improved: visual improvements after selecting an app to load and transitioning to the playground screen
- Fixed: Consistently resize low-code editor to the correct size.
- Fixed: Prevent a local save from occurring after a project has just been loaded.
- Fixed: Use the correct color for the first row in layout elements after a project is loaded.
- Fixed: setting the text of a field element to empty with an action will now manage the hint text on mobile devices
- Fixed: applying an action to an element will no longer interfere with its built in behavior
- Fixed: Toggling the switch element will now set its “value” property correctly.
- Fixed: Make Undo/Redo with images/media work correctly.
- Fixed: fixed an error that would occur when signing in to Appli a second time
- Fixed: can type in search element again
VERSION 0.2.26 (2022-02-23):
- New: Ability to export invoices in the account page.
- Improved: Renamed “Video” element to “Media” element, as it can be used for both video and audio
- Improved: Increased width for lowcode editor
- Improved: Prevent the lowcode editor inputMethods from drawing outside the lowcode editor
- Improved: Cutting/Pasting lines in the lowcode editor will now manage the scrollbar
- Improved: Delete line icons in the lowcode editor now move with scroll
- Improved: Visual improvements after signing in and transitioning to the apps screen
- Improved: Make form set its children’s value when recordID is set in play mode
- Fixed: Action scripts now work for search elements
- Fixed: Included Projects will now download images/media when cloned
- Fixed: Make Undo/Redo of image/video deletion/resetting of images work
- Fixed: Delete line icons no longer draw outside lowcode editor
- Fixed: InputMethods in the low code editor now draw above other ui elements when they are displayed
- Fixed: Getting the text of a field element with an action will now return the correct value on mobile
VERSION 0.2.25 (2022-02-16):
- New: New Invoices tab on the accounts page. This will allow you to see you billed invoices.
- Improved: Internal handling of indexes for Layouts
- Improved: Internal handling of types for appliGroups
- Fixed: Fixed an issue where action scripts could not be assigned to image elements.
- Fixed: Allow older apps with no app-code to be deleted
- Fixed: Fixed an error that may occur when outputting a search element to a layout element.
- Fixed: The layout element no longer displays extra rows after receiving output from a search element.
- Fixed: All platform controls will now be correctly returned instead of just those on the selected screen.
VERSION 0.2.24 (2022-02-10):
- New: Account screen located in the user icon dropdown of the projects screen.
- New: “Payment methods” screen in the account menu.
- New: Form Element. This element can contain other elements that take user input and submitted to the DB
- New: new “print_to_PDF” action
- New: new “email_the_PDF” action
- New: new “hide_Loading” action
- New: new “show_Loading” action
- New: new RefreshTheForm action: will reset form to empty or to the linked table/record’s current value
- New: new Submit Form to DB action. This will add or update a record from a form
- Improved: preserve the low code editor vScroll when moving lines of code
- Improved: Added Subtypes to appliGroups – these will be improved with addtional functionality in coming releases.
- Improved: Add empty button to inputMethodField
- Improved: App Code Management. You will now need to check your app code under “settings” in order to add it to your player.
- Improved: Newly created text elements now have “text” as their default text
- Improved: Appli no longer automatically deletes empty text elements
- Fixed: border now draws for native multiline field elements on mobile devices
- Fixed: Applying the multi-selection input method after filtering will now populate the argument with all selected items.
- Fixed: Appli no longer saves local changes when switching between edit mode and play mode
- Fixed: Appli no longer saves local changes when switching between edit mode and play mode
- Fixed: Layout elements with multiple rows display a row color in play mode despite alternate row colors being off.
- Fixed: Keep position of selection UI in sync with the selected element(s) or screen.
- Fixed: Don’t populate empty rows in layout elements with templated text.
- Fixed: Don’t allow scrolling with mouse wheel in layout elements whose “show scrollbar” property is off.
- Fixed: Allow Layout template binding to be backwards compatible with text elements that previously didn’t have their “text” property explicitly set
- Fixed: Allow auto-ellipses for text elements work with data binding
- Fixed: Update cases where cdbApps table was not available locally
- Fixed: Fix issue with downloading sample project when a project of the same name already exists in your account
VERSION 0.2.23 (2022-01-26):
- New: New “Format the Text” action
- New: New “Combine the Values” action
- New: App code feature - when creating a new app, a code is generated. It can be copied in the settings window.
- New: Load app code when it is not known. Show it from cache if available.
- New: The ability to store the record IDs of selected rows in a table element into a variable. This variable can be assigned in the table element’s no-code setup window.
- New: You can now download sample apps to edit/view in Appli
- Improved: Update actions with record ID arguments to accept variables as input.
- Improved: Added “cdbRecordID” to the keys argument of “List Records” action.
- Fixed: Fixed dictionary entry for “Delete Keys” action.
VERSION 0.2.22 (2022-01-19):
- New: New “Get the Sum” action
- New: New “Set Browser URL” action.
- New: New “Get the Date” action
- New: New “Get the Tax” action
- New: New “Sum the Column” action
- New: Ability to copy, cut, and paste actions in the low-code editor. Hold CMD/CTRL/SHIFT and left-click to select actions. Right-click to see the options menu.
- Improved: Highlight rows in table elements with a single click. Click a cell in a highlighted row to edit it, if applicable.
- Fixed: Actions that take an element for a parameter will now correctly perform the action on elements inside of a layout.
- Fixed: refresh_the_layout fix for layout elements that are not nested
- Fixed: get_the_property action will now return the correct “text” value for field elements
VERSION 0.2.21 (2022-01-12):
- New: New Get_The_Product action. This action takes 2 numbers and stores the product in a variable.
- New: new “Refresh the Layout” action
- Improved: Dropdown element - options no longer show empty space
- Improved: Dropdown element has new property to control number of options to display
- Improved: Setting a field to empty using an action will show its hint text
- Improved: Variables will now show up in the variable picker as soon as they are first created
- Improved: LookupValue action can now choose recordIDs from variables
- Improved: allow DeleteTheRecord action to take either a variable or a value
- Improved: allow UpdateTheRecord action to take either a variable or a value for the recordID
- Improved: Added property “hintTextColor” to fields
- Fixed: Dropdown elements will display above it if there isn’t room below the label
- Fixed: Set text color for fields correctly when changing text property programatically
- Fixed: Fix issue where projects wouldn’t load if you had deleted a screen using a different computer
- Fixed: Changing the size of a dropdown element if its options has a scrollbar now resizes correctly.
- Fixed: Nested layout elements will now draw correctly in play mode.
- Fixed: Fixed issue where scrollbars were appearing on fields unnecessarily
- Fixed: Moving an element with the arrow keys will now update the position of any elements within it correctly
VERSION 0.2.20 (2021-12-22):
- New: New action deleteKeys allows a developer to delete the content from specific keys in a record.
- New: New “Get the Property” action.
- New: New “Count Displayed Records” action.
- New: New Count Records action will count the number of records in a given table.
- New: can now put the text of a field element into a variable in the low code editor.
- New: can now set the text of a text element from a variable in the low code editor.
- Improved: Elements and variables can now be used as values in the array input method.
- Improved: The Actions column is now sorted ascending in the low-code editor.
- Improved: Allow template strings for text elements inside of layouts.
- Improved: readTheRecord can optionally output to a text element. Data is converted to comma and lf delimited data.
- Improved: Added better support for placing the result into a text element.
- Improved: Using inputMethodMultiSelection instead of dropDownList.
- Improved: allow search element to use Layout as output.
- Improved: When using the drag to create method for a text element, dontWrap, and verticalAlign are now automatically set to true. These settings should better align with how this element is most commonly used.
- Fixed: Fixed empty orientation text in element input method when an action’s element argument is empty.
- Fixed: LC integration action did not support all forms of commands correctly.
VERSION 0.2.19 (2021-12-15):
- New: New “Calc Update the Record” action.
- New: New “Sync Records” action.
- New: New “Sort Records” action.
- New: New “Read Keys” action.
- New: New “Query Records” action.
- New: New “Set Variable From Property” action.
- New: New “Set Property from Variable” action.
- New: New “Set Variable from Context” action.
- Improved: Add Local/Cloud options to search element.
- Fixed: Gracefully handle deleted elements when selecting an element in lowCode.
- Fixed: Make delete icon for lowcode align correctly on Windows.
- Fixed: Make dragging of code lines align correctly on Windows.
- Fixed: Handle case where dragging lines of code was causing errors.
- Fixed: setVariableFromProperty fixed api command name
- Fixed: When hiding a group with a native control, the native control will now hide correctly.
- Fixed: The dynamicTextSize checkbox in the property inspector is no longer disabled for newly created text elements.
VERSION 0.2.18 (2021-12-08):
- New: inputMethodElement for low code editor.
- New: inputMethodMultiSelection for low code editor.
- New: inputMethodArray for low code editor.
- New: New “Refresh the Table” action.
- New: New “Update the Record” action.
- New: New “Create the Record” action.
- Improved: update setTheProperty action to use inputMethodElement. This will allow setting of properties for elements on different screen/orientations.
- Improved: Set dynamicTextSize to true by default to better support responsive design expectations.
- Improved: Add sort option to order layouts.
- Improved: Allow local/cloud setting for layout data linking
- Improved: Allow changing of layout data table, data recordID and data target using property setting
- Improved: Dictionary entry for listRecords.action updated.
- Improved: listRecords.action functionality improved
- Fixed: Locked elements could be moved with the arrow keys.
- Fixed: Error no longer occurs when toggling an element’s lock icon and moving it with the arrow keys.
- Fixed: field elements now observe their text alignment when they are loaded
- Fixed: appliGroups inside of a locked appliGroups will no longer be selected with drag-select
VERSION 0.2.17 (2021-12-01):
- New: New “Delete the Record” and “Flush the Cache” actions.
- Improved: Updated CanelaDB libraries to newest
- Improved: right-click contextual menu in project browser now allows copy/cut when multiple elements are selected
- Fixed: Allow elements with action scripts to be copy/pasted
- Fixed: Delete screen dialogue text will display the correct name after the screen has been renamed.
- Fixed: Fixed bug where multiple selected elements could be dragged into a non-visible tab, group, or layout element on the playground.
- Fixed: Correctly display screens in thumbnail view after screen order was changed.
- Fixed: Playground no longer loses its background color when toggling “overridePlatformColor” in the property inspector.
- Fixed: Allow action scripts to work inside of groups, layouts, etc.
VERSION 0.2.16 (2021-11-24):
- New: New action, look_up_value, to look up the value of a specified key for a given record.
- New: New action, readTheRecord, to read one or more records in a table.
- New: Notion of variables to the low-code editor.
- New: New APIs to retrieve variable names and manage variable metadata.
- New: New “showBorder”, “lineSize”, and “lineColor” properties added to the field element to allow customization of its border.
- New: New action, cdbList, to retrieve one or more keys from a table.
- New: New APIs to retrieve a list of a table’s keys or record IDs.
- Improved: Clear out text before displaying the field input method.
- Improved: Allow right-click deletion of screens.
- Improved: Improved field element to work with look_up_value action.
- Improved: Fixed resizing of inputMethodVariable when there are no existing variables.
- Improved: Resizing code for inputMethodVariable UI.
- Improved: The dictionary field no longer wraps text to support more data.
- Improved: Add dates to the changelog.
- Improved: The management of errors returned from selecting an action’s argument.
- Improved: Switched dictionary’s header from “options” to “arguments”.
- Improved: Manage scrollbars in the workflow area when an action’s argument receives an input.
- Fixed: Allow fields to be un-deleted correctly.
- Fixed: Forced conversion to RGB when setting a native android field.
- Fixed: Make sure property change references work correctly.
- Fixed: Groups with layouts in them will now load/be copied correctly.
- Fixed: Reset projects completely when the refresh button or logout is clicked. Otherwise, if you reload the same project, it will not attempt to download updates from the cloud.
- Fixed: Make dragging to move actions set correct variables.
- Fixed: Prompt users to save their local changes to the cloud before closing Appli’s window.
- Fixed: Fixed management of spaces in front of the search term.
VERSION 0.2.15 (2021-11-17):
- New: Error checking for loading actions. If an error happens, the action is removed from the element, and the developer is notified. This issue is generally due to the beta state of actions and is not expected to be a problem once the code is finalized.
- New: liveCode_integration action allows developers to utilize code written in LiveCode and run it inside of Appli projects. The action currently supports functions only. The code written in LiveCode should do computation or database calls. We do not support references to UI. This action is experimental in nature and will probably change.
- New: Refresh button in the low-code editor will reload actions and sync the LiveCodeIntegration table to make new code available to Appli.
- New: Now copy and cut elements with the right-click contextual menu in the playground and project browser. Paste elements by right-clicking on a selected screen.
- New: New API to return a list of sorted, non-Appli-internal tableNames to publicAPI.lib
- New: New input method for the low-code editor that works with date values.
- New: Verified support for actions for every element in Appli. Note: Not all elements are ready for actions yet.
- Improved: Login element improvements. Element has new properties in the Property Inspector to control the size of the fields and buttons.
- Improved: Create account element improvements. Element has new properties in the Property Inspector to control the size of the fields and button.
- Improved: Display a dropdown for the “value” argument in the “set the property” action if the selected property takes certain values.
- Fixed: The Text Element was immediately deleted if created with a single click (dynamic width/height).
- Fixed: The Text Element now updates its size immediately when a dynamic option is chosen.
- Fixed: The input method filter does not show all the results with partial match.
- Fixed: This action stopped working with the recent changes to low-code support. All uses of this action will need to be applied again.
- Fixed: Hide icon when creating a button element.
- Fixed: The dropdownlist input method didn’t get cached on the first search attempt.
- Fixed: Better handling of arguments with commas in their values (eg: RGB values).
- Fixed: Dropdown search in low-code editor now resets correctly on launch.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that prevented the categories and actions search bar in the low-code editor from repopulating their respective lists.
VERSION 0.2.14 (2021-11-10):
- New: Add InputMethodColor for action scripts. The method uses logic for handling color names, RGB, and Hex values. Includes an eye dropper, color picker, and color sample.
- New: Added inputMethod for whole numbers.
- Fixed: Make the camera element use no-code action for output instead of low-code.
- Improved: Make camera output undo-able.
- Improved: General improvements to input methods when clicking on an argument.
- Improved: Make DataContext changes to layout undoable.
- Improved: Added search capability to the dropdown list input method.
- Improved: Made creating dictionary entries a lot easier by separating the design from the content.
- Improved: Updated slider properties in property inspector to return whole numbers if the input contains decimals and slider’s “numberformat” is empty.
- Improved: “Set the Property” action can now handle numerical inputs in the value argument.
- Improved: Allow dragging to move lines of low-code action flows.
- Improved: low-code editor input field UI and functionality
- Fixed: Make Camera element use no-code action for output, instead of low-code.
- Fixed: Elements with a “set the property” action now load correctly when loading an app.
- Fixed: Fixed a function related to goToScreen.action.
- Fixed: Allow actions to parse inputs with commas.
- Fixed: Can now set the text alignment of a button element.
- Fixed: Fixed issues when deleting lines in a flow of actions.
- Fixed: Fixed issues where the Project Browser may balk at property changes to an element made after switching to a different screen.
- Fixed: Addressed issues where action flows with multiple lines would not draw correctly.
- Fixed: Addressed a bug where clicking the ‘Cancel’ button in the low-code editor would try to update the element’s code anyway.
- Fixed: Moving the mouse out of a selected screen will no longer throw an error.
VERSION 0.2.13 (2021-11-04):
- New: set_the_property.action can process certain valid requests. The only supported properties are those that have boolean values. Other property types are coming soon.
- New: New input methods (UI when changing arguments in the low-code editor: Boolean properties.
- New: Action scripts now support all Appli elements.
- New: Search in Categories and Actions for low-code editor working now.
- New: New graphics property for gradients.
- New: UI to adjust gradient coordinates for graphic elements.
- New: Show/Hide Gradient Coordinates option in the right-click menu which will toggle whether to keep gradient coordinate UI on-screen when the mouse is not over the selected graphic element.
- New: color settings for “dropShadow”, “innerShadow”, “outerGlow”, and “innerGlow” properties
- Improved: Project browser dragging improved for dragging into tab element and groups.
- Improved: Positioning of low-code editor window.
- Improved: Error checking for broken references in “Go to Screen” action.
- Improved: Can now resize the dictionary in the low code editor.
- Improved: Make cut its own undo-able action.
- Improved: Update undo/redo to be separate for each platform. Jump to correct screen/orientation on undo/redo.
- Fixed: Fixed many bugs related to adjusting the arguments of an action.
- Fixed: Element selection in inputMethodDropdownList now displays all elements. Previously one element was being left out.
- Fixed: Clicking on an empty line in the element selection dropdown will now hide the dropdown instead of putting an empty argument. This will prevent us from being in a state where we can no longer select an element argument.
- Fixed: Graphic elements with gradients will apply correctly in a repeat grid.
- Fixed: Make screen deletion work with undo/redo.
- Fixed: Make screen copy/paste work with multiple elements on screen.
- Fixed: Gradient coordinates of a graphic element within a layout element are no longer offset after loading an app.
- Fixed: Graphic elements no longer have a border after loading an app when the showBorder property is toggled on and off.
- Fixed: API goToScreen.action was not correctly referencing its inputMethod.
- Fixed: Empty actions code will no longer try to store partial scripts.
VERSION 0.2.12 (2021-10-27):
- New: [WIP] Initial release of setTheProperty action. Only the first two arguments work as expected. The third argument is still under development.
- New: [WIP] New input methods for certain arguments in the low-code editor.
- New: new “dropShadow”, “innerShadow”, “outerGlow”, and “innerGlow” properties in the property inspector for graphic and button elements. Clicking on the checkbox will engage the property and reveal more settings for the effect.
- New: New properties have been added to apply gradients to rectangle and ellipse graphic elements.
- New: Error handling for broken element references.
- New: There is now a script icon in the project browser entry for elements. This icon is ghosted when the element does not have a script and unghosted when an element has a script. Clicking on the icon, whether it is ghosted or unghosted, will open the low-code editor for the element.
- Improved: Sizing of Input Methods more robust.
- Improved: Actions with multiple arguments are more robust.
- Improved: Placement of inputMethods for low-code editor is more robust.
- Improved: No longer auto select first Category and Action if the element already has code applied.
- Fixed: We no longer get duplicate values when clicking on the property argument in setTheProperty action.
- Fixed: Error/Notification dialog is hidden behind the low-code editor.
- Fixed: Text in the Settings page is no longer cutoff on Windows.
- Fixed: Clicking on the General tab in the Settings page no longer throws an error on Windows.
- Fixed: mouseUp action scripts no longer interfere with the right-click contextual menu in Appli.
VERSION 0.2.11 (2021-10-20):
- New: New API appli_getPropertyListCurrentElement in publicAPI.lib
- New: New API appli_getElementListCurrentScreen in publicAPI.lib
- New: Dictionary support in .action files.
- New: Support for displaying dictionary entries in the editor.
- New: Settings page. The sprocket icon now takes you to the settings page.
- New: New table added to project to support LiveCode a future integration feature.
- New: Ability to reset account password.
- Improved: Updated the dictionary entry for goToScreen.action
- Improved: Allow vertical scrolling of the dictionary if needed in low-code editor.
- Improved: Refactored robustness of low-code editor argument management.
- Improved: Set argument names in actions to one word if possible.
- Improved: UI for drop-down list input method. The method places itself near the selected argument. Removed unnecessary UI from the method.
- Fixed: When resizing Appli with the editor open, the dictionary resets to the default value.
- Fixed: Arguments do not follow specified order for placement in the editor.
- Fixed: Multi-argument support does not properly set link values when opening existing code for an element.
- Fixed: appli_buildLowCodeDetailsArray is not building its internal array correctly when the argument count is greater than one.
- Fixed: Adjust the layering of the dictionary field so it does not draw over the buttons.
- Fixed: Key presses now work on Windows after creating a browser element, changing a browser element’s URL, and switching between play mode and edit mode when a browser element is on-screen.
- Fixed: Project browser search field no longer gets focus after loading an app.
- Fixed: Region dropdown now closes when you select it again.
VERSION 0.2.10 (2021-10-13):
- New: Argument support uses a reusable input method. Currently, we have a drop-down list method with the ability to support other forms of input in the future.
- New: Support for managing one of many new input methods for arguments.
- New: UI elements for drop-down list input method
- Improved: Appli low-code editor received a pass on plane placement and color palette.
- Improved: Added more comments for developers in goScreen.action.
- Improved: Simplified the code dramatically in goScreen.action.
- Improved: Removed deprecated code in publicAPI.lib.
- Improved: LowCode Editor and Action model can now support multiple arguments per action API.
- Improved: Relaying between child elements in a parent element is more robust in the project browser.
- Improved: new “autoSize” property for appliGroup elements. When “autoSize” is true, resizing an appliGroup will scale elements within the group. When “autoSize” is false, resizing an appliGroup will only resize the group, and elements in the group will be unaffected.
- Improved: Can now change the data table being displayed in a table element by using the no code UI.
- Fixed: Opening the code of an element that already has actions does not properly set up the arguments to be modified.
- Fixed: Can not change the value of an argument that has already been assigned within the same session.
- Fixed: Clicking on a category does not update the actions pane.
- Fixed: Use the file path of the current OS for map and browser element preview images.
- Fixed: Remain on the projects screen if an app fails to load when errors in syncing tables happen.
- Fixed: New platforms and switching platforms will now show the correct screen name.
- Fixed: Prevent a button’s icon from drifting to an edge when the “maintainIconRatio” property is toggled.
- Fixed: Existing buttons will draw correctly again.
- Fixed: Table creation from CSV after typing an existing name will now work.
- Fixed: Tables will now work with copy/paste without throwing errors.
VERSION 0.2.9 (2021-10-06):
- New: Introduced an ‘Apply’ button to save the code to the selected element and close the low-code editor.
- New: Introduced a ‘Cancel’ button that ignores changes to the selected element and will close the low-code editor.
- Improved: Allow copy/paste to work for screens.
- Improved: Undo/redo system is more robust.
- Improved: Removed the close widget from the low-code editor.
- Improved: Simplified the go_screen action and added comments to help others make their actions.
- Improved: Improved error reporting when data usage has consumed plan limit.
- Improved: Added lock icon to size section of the property inspector to maintain the aspect ratio of an element when it is resized.
- Improved: Action script parser will consider the platform and make mouse/touch messages native to the intended device.
- Improved: Changed the global hiliteColor of the low-code editor to blue.
- Fixed: Fix issue where creating a table after deleting a table would cause Appli to get into an unrecoverable state.
- Fixed: Error message for saving to the cloud now remains on screen.
- Fixed: Clicking on a category does not update the actions pane.
- Fixed: UI was initially drawing all categories with all actions for each category on startup of the editor. It was changed to draw each category and only the actions for the selected category.
- Fixed: Empty searches in a search element will now display the entire contents of a table element when a query contains more than one key.
VERSION 0.2.8 (2021-09-29):
- New: Add functionality to interact with answer dialog using keyboard.
- New: Add frontscript to handle enter/return key, along with l/r arrows
- Improved: Set minimum dimensions for Appli to support laptop values most frequently used.
- Improved: Center the lowCode Options dialog.
- Improved: Reorganized some of the elements in the lowCode editor.
- Improved: Namespace prefix added to lowCode behaviors.
- Improved: Automatically vertically align hint text, unless we are multiline.
- Improved: Check for non ascii keys before showing the csv import ui.
- Improved: All new lines of code should automatically have a delete delete line widget.
- Improved: Convert colors in defaultProperties.lib to hex
- Improved: Switched the default url from to in the browser element.
- Improved: Make “stretch” the default responsive option. Most of the time we will want to use stretch to make sure everything stays on screen.
- Fixed: Results fields and body are drawing too small.
- Fixed: Delete widgets are missing when opening the editor from and element that has code.
- Fixed: Unify hiliteColor for results and body fields.
- Fixed: When resizing Appli, code needs to align delete widgets correctly.
- Fixed: When a line of code is removed, the delete widgets need to realign.
- Fixed: Fixed an error that occurs when dragging a tab element within itself in the project browser.
- Fixed: Set textSize correctly when creating element.
- Fixed: App icon manager text is cut off on Windows.
- Fixed: Updated to use cdb_importCSV. CSV import will now handle commas correctly.
- Fixed: Resize allows group “center” to grow out of control.
- Fixed: Delete line widgets are too large.
VERSION 0.2.7 (2021-09-27):
- New:
- Improved: Make sure mobile keyboard doesn’t cover fields when they are focused.
- Improved: Trap touch messages on mobile
- Improved: New “gap” slider in PI. This slider controls the gap size between the fields and button.
- Improved: Don’t flag an element with “update” if pValue is the same as the initial value. This will prevent save dialogs after loading an app then going home without making any changes.
- Improved: Removed test browser buttons.
- Fixed: Fixed crashing bug when attempting to create a browser element.
- Fixed: Fixed an isuse with being able to use the map element.
VERSION 0.2.6 (2021-09-24):
- New: Temporary test buttons in header for checking Appli crashing with browser element
- New: Support for setting the background color of a project.
- New: Ability to reset your icon to the default app icon in the app icon manager
- Improved: Use the appli icon as the default app icon.
- Improved: Setting default orientation on new projects based on device type. Mobile and tablet are portrait. Deskop defaults to landscape.
- Fixed: Added backwards compatibility to platform and screen properties
- Fixed: When saving to the cloud, check if screens in local changes exist before trying to update their thumbnail.
- Fixed: Unsubscribe controls from topics if the screen they are on is deleted.
- Fixed: Remove deleted screens from local changes and save locally.
- Fixed: Tabs may be removed from the tab element before an option is selected in the dialog.
- Fixed: SelectedTab value in the property inspector isn’t updated after removing tabs.
- Fixed: Index for the tab element may get out of sync if tabs are removed.
VERSION 0.2.5 (2021-09-22):
- New: “adjustColumnsOnPlayer” property. This property will adjust the column widths of a table on the player when the table is resized with responsive resize. It will increase or decrease each column by the same ratio used on the width of the table.
- New: Low-code to the following elements: images, rectangles, ovals, lines, display fields, search, radio buttons, switches, groups, input fields
- Improved: Resize column support for mobile player
- Improved: Removed special code to handle low-code support when adjusting properties of an element. Now using a method specific to low-code support.
- Improved: No longer saving script prematurely when adjusting parameters of action. This will allow us to introduce a cancel button in the low-code editor.
- Improved: Adjusted namespace using appli_ as a prefix for public facing APIs.
- Improved: Command applyActionScript will work with elements of liveCodeTypes other than groups.
- Fixed: Setting the lineColor will now change the borderColor for the table, not just the lines of the header and body field.
- Fixed: “selected element” in the low-code editor would not properly identify the name of the element selected.
- Fixed: Found an appli API that did not reference the updated naming scheme of appli_APIname
- Fixed: Missed a touchpoint for renaming the “placeholder” graphic in tab elements.
- Fixed: Renamed “placeholder” graphic in tab elements to fix a bug with resizing the tab element when a browser or table is inside it.
- Fixed: Removed duplicate “visible” property from the customProperties of button, browser, and repeat grid.
- Fixed: While in Play mode, allow mouse wheel to scroll horizontal scrollbar.
VERSION 0.2.4 (2021-09-20):
- Improved: Updated Appli executable to use LiveCode 9.6.3 stable.
- Improved: Updated icon to match expected standards for macOS and Windows.
- Improved: Updated internal pathing routines to make Appli’s shared libraries with the player more compatible.
- Improved: Changed out disk icon for a cloud icon to be more representative of what the feature does.
- Fixed: Removed some debugging code from auto-update code.
- Fixed: Action scripts would not work after reloading a project.
- Fixed: Added a missing function that does ascii range checks.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug in pathing related to patch notes.
VERSION 0.2.3 (2021-09-17):
- Fixed: Search Element fixed to handle non-matching searches and
- Fixed: Handle app Icon pathing correctly in player
- Fixed: Fix Data Manager key adding/deleting
VERSION 0.2.2 (2021-09-15):
- New: App Icon Manager for setting the icon for apps.
- Improved: Made drag-drop of images/video/csv work even if over other elements. Dragging images onto graphics will only create a mask if the cmd/ctrl key is down.
- Improved: UI of LowCode Editor
- Improved: resize quality of images is now sharper
- Improved: Color picker now allows for pasting Hex,RGB, or Color names
- Fixed: Fixed issue where list editor in Property Inspector couldn’t take v key
VERSION 0.2.0 (2021-09-08):
- New: Visual Changelog. You can now see the changelog when Appli is updated.
- New: Actions. You can click on the “Low-code” button underneath the property inspector to bring up the actions editor. Here, you can choose things to do. For now, there is “goScreen”.
- New: Video Element. You can drag mp4 videos onto the playground to create video players, or draw from the toolbar.
- New: Icons for Apps. You can now create an icon for your app to show within the player.
- New: Undo/Redo System. You can now undo and redo.
- New: Element validation system. This allows updates to automatically fix old elements that don’t have correct properties.
- Improved: There are now “No-code” and “Low-code” buttons at the bottom of the Property Inspector. These allow you to set more complex properties/actions for some elements.
- Improved: Siginificant improvements to scrolling for native objects
- Improved: Added a lot of properties to Tables to allow for more customizability. Includes rowHeight, rowVerticalAlign, TabStops
- Improved: Improved click areas and tab stop handling for Tables
- Improved: Table/Layout refresh UI
- Improved: Updated the Project Browser to have easier drag/drop and nesting
- Improved: Changed some keyboard shortcuts, added ctrl/cmd-z, ctrl/cmd-d
- Improved: Blob backend handling for Images/Video. This makes things more performant.
- Improved: Updated UI of camera element
- Improved: Add properties for letterboxing and maintaining aspect ratio for images
- Improved: Add drag-handle to left pane for resizing
- Improved: Allow custom regions in LiveCloud so we can connect to custom regions
- Fixed: Fixed an issue with opaqueness of layouts
- Fixed: Fixed an issue where layouts wouldn’t work with multiple rows without data-binding
- Fixed: You can now drag multiple elements into a tab/layout at once
- Fixed: Tab children are now placed correctly on load
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where copying and image and then deleting the copy would affect the original image.
- Fixed: Stack shouldn’t be resizable on login/project screens
- Fixed: Stop slider editor from changing properties as soon as it is drawn
- Fixed: Don’t select locked elements with Ctrl-A
- Fixed: Prevent non-ascii characters when dragging in CSVs
- Fixed: Fix some dynamic text sizing issues
VERSION 0.1.23 (2021-06-18):
- Improved: Refactor updateProp to be common among elements (internal change)
- Fixed: Dropdown, Login, Create Account elements can now be nudged correctly (arrow keys).
VERSION 0.1.22 (2021-06-15):
- Improved: Error messages from creating a new app now give more information.
- New: [WIP] Ability to scale the playground canvas. Use the scroll wheel to adjust the scale of your project. The feature is not complete and does not properly scale every element. The potential is there and it will very useful when we are feature-complete.
VERSION 0.1.21 (2021-06-04):
- Fixed: Made a correction for loading landscape elements into the index.
VERSION 0.1.20 (2021-06-03):
- Fixed: Project browser search no longer shows elements on both orientations.
- Fixed: Project browser search field no longer auto-fills with “all items” if the field is empty and user is still typing.
- Improved: Hide project browser dropdown if clicking into the search field.
VERSION 0.1.19:
- Fixed: Project thumbnails will update after saving to the cloud and refreshing the projects screen.
- Fixed: Project UI is no longer duplicated when refreshing, sorting, or deleting a project.
- Fixed: Update projects in user settings if a project is deleted or renamed.
VERSION 0.1.18:
- Fixed: Screen thumbnails no longer show an incorrect screen or have a large gray space.
- Improved: All changed, screen thumbnails will be updated when saving.
VERSION 0.1.17:
- Improved: Removed double-clicking to change image source.
- Improved: Added support for resetting the natural aspect ratio of single and multi-selected images to a contextual menu.
- Improved: Removed shift-double-clicking method to reset the natural aspect ratio of an image.
VERSION 0.1.16:
- Improved: Allow scrolling a layout element with the scroll wheel while in edit mode when multipleRows is false.
VERSION 0.1.15:
- Fixed: Thumbnails in projects screen no longer have large gray space.
- Improved: Adjusted default fontSize of tables to 20
- Improved: Log is using updated cdb_autoSetupAuthKey() to support init code being in a behavior.
- Improved: Using latest CanelaDB libraries
VERSION 0.1.14:
- Fixed: Make background for transparent elements show up when selected
VERSION 0.1.13:
- Fixed: Option click drag to copy works again.
VERSION 0.1.12:
- Fixed: Make right click work consistently on Windows
VERSION 0.1.11:
- Fixed: Make Option-Drag to duplicate groups that have groups inside of them work.
VERSION 0.1.10:
- Fixed: Allow copy/paste of text inside text elements and other fields
VERSION 0.1.9:
- Fixed: Add checks for thumbnail in case of corruption
- Fixed: Make line deselectable with cmd/ctrl/shift click
VERSION 0.1.8:
- Improved: Text support for chunks - you can now set the font, size, and color of selections within a text element
- Fixed: Fixed Ellipsis truncation in text element so it won’t unstyle chunks or delete text
- Fixed: Fix deletion of empty fields so they will delete more cleanly
VERSION 0.1.7:
- Improved: Alignment of multiple objects and Selection is now faster
- Fixed: Alignment of multiple objects now works in standalone
VERSION 0.1.6:
- Improved: Show selected lines when they are multi-selected
- Improved: Make all footer fields have consistent capitalization
- Fixed: Make new platforms layer correctly under selection/guideline layers
- Fixed: Add lock screen when switching orientations
- Fixed: Make sure “show offscreen elements” continues to stay toggled when creating new screens/platforms/etc.
VERSION 0.1.5:
- Improved: Double click on tab name while in edit mode will switch the active tab of tab element.
- Fixed: Tabs will no longer incorrectly show as highlighted/selected on project load.
VERSION 0.1.4:
- Fixed: Cursor issue with Gap Rects in RepeatGrid (Thanks Clarence Martin)
VERSION 0.1.3:
- Fixed: Don’t allow selection of both parents and children at the same time.
VERSION 0.1.2 (2021-05-17):
- Improved: You can now drag/drop multiple items in the Project Browser at once
VERSION 0.1.1 (2021-05-07):
- New: First closed beta release
This chapter was last updated on Tue 11 Mar 2025 17:58:55 GMT