Actions: User Accounts
create account
Creates an account for a user. Takes in their name, email, and password.
Argument | Description |
ConfirmPassword | (Optional) field to confirm the password matches. |
Verified | Users that are verified will not receive a verification email. |
FirstName | The location of the user’s first name. (Element or Variable). |
LastName | The location of the user’s last name. |
The location of the user’s email. | |
Password | The location of the user’s password. |
get auth
Authenticate the user using email address & password.
Argument | Description |
UserEmail | The user’s email. |
UserPassword | The user’s password. |
get auth status
Get the current auth status of CanelaDB.
It returns the
authetication status from either the local or cloud database as either
true or false.
Argument | Description |
Output | The location where the auth_status will go (variable or element). |
Target | The type of authetication that will occur (local or cloud). |
get logged in user
Get the email address of the logged in user.
Argument | Description |
Output | The location where the logged in user’s e-mail address will go (variable or element) |
get user first name
Get the first name of the logged in user.
Argument | Description |
Output | The location where the logged in user’s first name will go (variable or element) |
Logs out the current user.
read user record
Reads the user record from the cdbUsers table of the user with the email provided.
Argument | Description |
UserEmail | The email of the user whose record will be read. |
Output | The location where the results will go (variable or element). |
This chapter was last updated on Fri 13 Sep 2024 12:57:31 BST