Actions: Blobs

batch create blob

Creates one or more blobs containing the data of the specified files.

Argument Description
Output Where the resulting array that contains the blobs’ record IDs of uploaded files will be stored.

Example Output:
Data A variable storing an array that contains the filepath and type of each data file to be uploaded.

Example Array:
Target The place to create the blob(s) (local or cloud).

batch delete blob

Deletes one or more blob records.

Argument Description
Data A variable storing an array that contains the record IDs of the blobs to be deleted.

Example Array:
Target The place to delete the blob(s) (local or cloud).

batch read blob

Retrieves the path(s) where the specified blob records can be accessed.

Argument Description
Output Where the resulting array that contains the blobs’ filepaths will be stored.

Example Output:
Data A variable storing an array that contains the record IDs of the blobs to be read.

Example Array:
Target The place to read the blob(s) (local or cloud).

batch update blob

Updates one or more blobs and replaces the existing data with that of the specified files.

Argument Description
Data A variable storing an array that contains the blob record ID whose data will be replaced and the filepath of the new file to be uploaded.

Example Array:
Target The place to update the blob(s) (local or cloud).

clear temporary blobs

Clears the temporary blobs for this project.

create blob

Creates a blob containing the data in the specified file. You can specify a filepath using a variable, or allow selection of file by the user.

Argument Description
BlobID Where the resulting blobID should be be placed.
DataFilePath The filepath to where the data for the blob can be found. THe path can be in a variable or can be selected by the user.
Target The place to create the blob (local or cloud).

delete blob

Deletes a blob from your app’s blob table. This can not be undone.

Argument Description
Output Where should the result of the delete function be placed
BlobID The ID of the blob to be deleted.
Target The place to delete the blob (local or cloud).

read blob

Returns the URL where the specified data blob is accessible.

Argument Description
BlobID Where the data for the blob can be found
Target The place to access the blob (local or cloud).
OutputFormat Specify whether the blob’s URL or DATA is returned.
Output Where the resulting blobID should be be placed.

update blob

The update blob action will replace an existing blob with an updated version.

Argument Description
DataFilePath Where the new data for the blob can be found.
BlobID The ID of the blob to be updated.
Target The place to access the records (local or cloud).
Output The to place the result of the update.

This chapter was last updated on Tue 4 Feb 2025 14:41:12 GMT