Actions: Date/Time

add value to date

Outputs the sum of a value and a date(represented as seconds) into the selected format.

Argument Description
Output The location of the output of both the value and the date (variable or text or field element).
OutputFormat The desired format for the sum of the value and the date in the formats provided by the date element.
Date The location where the date in seconds is located (variable or date element).
DateFormat The format of the inputted date.
Value The value added to the date in seconds.
ValueType The type of value being added to the date in either: day, month, or year.

age to birth date

A rough calculation of the birth date from an age value.

Argument Description
age The age to be converted to a birth date. The date should be followed by the letter ‘m’ for months or a number for years. A decimal value will provide a higher level of accuracy.
Output The location where the result will go (variable, text or field element).

bind date picker

Binds a date element to a field element.

Argument Description
FieldFormat The format of the date from the field.
Date The date element to bind to a field element.
Field The field element to bind to a date element.

bind time picker

Binds a time element to a field element.

Argument Description
FieldFormat The format of the time from the field.
Time The time element to bind to a field element.
Field The field element to bind to a time element.

check date range

Determines if the date falls within the specified range. Range includes the start date and end date (inclusively bound).

Argument Description
RangeFormat The format of the start and end dates.
Output An output statement specifying whether the Date is ‘within’, ‘below’, or ‘above’ the range.
Date The location of the date to check whether it falls within the start date and end date (variable, text, field element, or datepicker).
InputFormat The format of the inputted date.
StartDate The start date of the range.
EndDate The end date of the range.

compare dates

Determines if the date is before or after the date being compared to.

Argument Description
Output An output statement specifying whether the Date ‘Occurs Before’ or ‘Occurs After’ the compared date. Otherwise they are the ‘Same Date’.
Date The date being compared with (variable, text, field element, or from date picker).
DateFormat The format of the date being compared with.
ComparedDate The date being compared to (variable, text, field element, or from date picker).
ComparedDateFormat The format of the other date.

convert date

Converts date into the selected format.

Argument Description
Input The location of the date that will be converted (variable or text or field element).
InputFormat The current format of the date.
OutputFormat The desired format for the date.
Output The location where the converted date will go (variable or text or field element).

convert datetime

Converts the date and time into the selected format.

Argument Description
OutputTimeFormat The desired format for the time.
Output The location where the converted date and time will go (variable or text or field element).
Input The location of the date and time that will be converted (variable or text or field element).
InputDateFormat The current format of the date.
InputTimeFormat The current format of the time.
OutputDateFormat The desired format for the date.

convert month

Converts a line-delimited list of months to the specified format.

Argument Description
Output The location where the converted month or list of months will go (variable or text or field element).
Input The variable or text or field element that contains a line-delimited list of month names or numbers.
Format The desired format for the month(s).

convert time

Converts time into the selected format.

Argument Description
Input The location of the time that will be converted (variable or text or field element).
InputFormat The current format of the time.
Output The location where the converted time will go (variable or text or field element).
OutputFormat The desired format for the time.

date difference

Get the difference between two dates or times in multiple formats.

Argument Description
Element1 The first date in the comparison (variable or field element).
Element2 The second date in the comparison (variable or field element).
Format The format of the resulting comparison (verbose, seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years). Verbose will provide a value like: 2 years, 3 months, 7 days, 15 hours. The other values will return the raw value of each format, unrelated to each other. They may contain non-integer values.
Output The location where the result will go (variable or text or field element).

find day of week

Outputs the day of the week based on the date given.

Argument Description
Date The location where the date is located (input, variable or text or field element).
DateFormat The format of the date.
Output The output location of the day of the week based on the given date (variable or text or field element).
Abbreviation Optional parameter to abbreviate the outputted day of the week.

find relative date

Finds the first or last day of the month given a date.

Argument Description
Output The location to store the first or last date of the month (variable, text, or field element).
Date The location where the date in seconds is located (variable, field, text, or date element).
DateFormat The format of the inputted date.
DatePosition Specify whether to return the first or last day of the month.
OutputFormat The format of the first or last date of the month.

get current date

Retrieves the current date in the selected format.

Argument Description
DateFormat The desired format for the date.
Output The location where the date will go (variable or text or field element).

get current date and time

Retrieves the current date and time in the selected format.

Argument Description
Output The location where the date and time will go (variable or text or field element).
DateFormat The desired format for the date.
TimeFormat The desired format for the time.

get current time

Retrieves the current time in the selected format.

Argument Description
Format The desired format for the time.
Output The location where the formatted time will go (variable or text or field element).

get date

Retrieves the date value from a date element and convert it into the selected date format.

Argument Description
OutputFormat The desired format for the date.
Input The location of the seconds that will be converted to a date format.
Output The location where the converted seconds will go (variable or text or field element).

get date format

Gets a format from a list of date formats.

Argument Description
DateFormat List of date formats.
Output The location of where the date format will go (variable).

get date part

Retrieves the day, month, or year component from the given date.

Argument Description
Date The location where the date is located (variable, field, text, or date element).
DateFormat The format of the inputted date.
DatePart The date component to be retrieved.
Output The location to store the outputted date component (variable, text, or field element).

get time

Retrieves the time value from a time element and convert it into the selected time format.

Argument Description
OutputFormat The desired format for the time.
Input The location of the time that will be converted to the specified time format.
Output The location where the converted seconds will go (variable or text or field element).

hide picker

Hides the date or time picker.

Argument Description
Picker Shows the date or time picker.

set date

Sets the selected date element to the provided date.

Argument Description
Element The date element to modify.
Date The specific date used to modify the date element.

set date part

Modify a date by setting the day, month, or year.

Argument Description
OutputFormat The format of the outputted date after setting the date component.
Output The location to store the modifed date (variable or text or field element).
Date The location where the date in seconds is located (variable, field, text, or date element).
DateFormat The format of the inputted date.
DatePart The date component to be modified.
Value The value to change the day, month, or year.

show picker

Shows the date or time picker.

Argument Description
Picker Shows the date or time picker.

subtract value from date

Outputs the subtraction of a value from a date(represented as seconds) into the selected format.

Argument Description
Output The location of the outputted difference of the value and the date (variable or text or field element).
OutputFormat The desired format for the output.
Date The location where the date in seconds is located (variable or date element).
DateFormat The format of the date input.
Value The value subtracted from the date in seconds.
ValueType The type of value being subtracted from the date in either: day, month, or year.

toggle picker

Toggles the visability of the time or date picker.

Argument Description
Picker The date or time picker to toggle

validate date

Determines if the date is valid and returns an output of true or false.

Argument Description
Output A binary ‘true’ or ‘false’ statement specifying whether the date is valid.
Date The date being validated(variable or text or field element).
DateFormat The format of the date being validated.

This chapter was last updated on Tue 4 Feb 2025 14:41:12 GMT