Actions: Date/Time
add value to date
Outputs the sum of a value and a date(represented as seconds) into the selected format.
Argument | Description |
Output | The location of the output of both the value and the date (variable or text or field element). |
OutputFormat | The desired format for the sum of the value and the date in the formats provided by the date element. |
Date | The location where the date in seconds is located (variable or date element). |
DateFormat | The format of the inputted date. |
Value | The value added to the date in seconds. |
ValueType | The type of value being added to the date in either: day, month, or year. |
age to birth date
A rough calculation of the birth date from an age value.
Argument | Description |
age | The age to be converted to a birth date. The date should be followed by the letter ‘m’ for months or a number for years. A decimal value will provide a higher level of accuracy. |
Output | The location where the result will go (variable, text or field element). |
bind date picker
Binds a date element to a field element.
Argument | Description |
FieldFormat | The format of the date from the field. |
Date | The date element to bind to a field element. |
Field | The field element to bind to a date element. |
bind time picker
Binds a time element to a field element.
Argument | Description |
FieldFormat | The format of the time from the field. |
Time | The time element to bind to a field element. |
Field | The field element to bind to a time element. |
check date range
Determines if the date falls within the specified range. Range includes the start date and end date (inclusively bound).
Argument | Description |
RangeFormat | The format of the start and end dates. |
Output | An output statement specifying whether the Date is ‘within’, ‘below’, or ‘above’ the range. |
Date | The location of the date to check whether it falls within the start date and end date (variable, text, field element, or datepicker). |
InputFormat | The format of the inputted date. |
StartDate | The start date of the range. |
EndDate | The end date of the range. |
compare dates
Determines if the date is before or after the date being compared to.
Argument | Description |
Output | An output statement specifying whether the Date ‘Occurs Before’ or ‘Occurs After’ the compared date. Otherwise they are the ‘Same Date’. |
Date | The date being compared with (variable, text, field element, or from date picker). |
DateFormat | The format of the date being compared with. |
ComparedDate | The date being compared to (variable, text, field element, or from date picker). |
ComparedDateFormat | The format of the other date. |
convert date
Converts date into the selected format.
Argument | Description |
Input | The location of the date that will be converted (variable or text or field element). |
InputFormat | The current format of the date. |
OutputFormat | The desired format for the date. |
Output | The location where the converted date will go (variable or text or field element). |
convert datetime
Converts the date and time into the selected format.
Argument | Description |
OutputTimeFormat | The desired format for the time. |
Output | The location where the converted date and time will go (variable or text or field element). |
Input | The location of the date and time that will be converted (variable or text or field element). |
InputDateFormat | The current format of the date. |
InputTimeFormat | The current format of the time. |
OutputDateFormat | The desired format for the date. |
convert month
Converts a line-delimited list of months to the specified format.
Argument | Description |
Output | The location where the converted month or list of months will go (variable or text or field element). |
Input | The variable or text or field element that contains a line-delimited list of month names or numbers. |
Format | The desired format for the month(s). |
convert time
Converts time into the selected format.
Argument | Description |
Input | The location of the time that will be converted (variable or text or field element). |
InputFormat | The current format of the time. |
Output | The location where the converted time will go (variable or text or field element). |
OutputFormat | The desired format for the time. |
date difference
Get the difference between two dates or times in multiple formats.
Argument | Description |
Element1 | The first date in the comparison (variable or field element). |
Element2 | The second date in the comparison (variable or field element). |
Format | The format of the resulting comparison (verbose, seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years). Verbose will provide a value like: 2 years, 3 months, 7 days, 15 hours. The other values will return the raw value of each format, unrelated to each other. They may contain non-integer values. |
Output | The location where the result will go (variable or text or field element). |
find day of week
Outputs the day of the week based on the date given.
Argument | Description |
Date | The location where the date is located (input, variable or text or field element). |
DateFormat | The format of the date. |
Output | The output location of the day of the week based on the given date (variable or text or field element). |
Abbreviation | Optional parameter to abbreviate the outputted day of the week. |
find relative date
Finds the first or last day of the month given a date.
Argument | Description |
Output | The location to store the first or last date of the month (variable, text, or field element). |
Date | The location where the date in seconds is located (variable, field, text, or date element). |
DateFormat | The format of the inputted date. |
DatePosition | Specify whether to return the first or last day of the month. |
OutputFormat | The format of the first or last date of the month. |
get current date
Retrieves the current date in the selected format.
Argument | Description |
DateFormat | The desired format for the date. |
Output | The location where the date will go (variable or text or field element). |
get current date and time
Retrieves the current date and time in the selected format.
Argument | Description |
Output | The location where the date and time will go (variable or text or field element). |
DateFormat | The desired format for the date. |
TimeFormat | The desired format for the time. |
get current time
Retrieves the current time in the selected format.
Argument | Description |
Format | The desired format for the time. |
Output | The location where the formatted time will go (variable or text or field element). |
get date
Retrieves the date value from a date element and convert it into the selected date format.
Argument | Description |
OutputFormat | The desired format for the date. |
Input | The location of the seconds that will be converted to a date format. |
Output | The location where the converted seconds will go (variable or text or field element). |
get date format
Gets a format from a list of date formats.
Argument | Description |
DateFormat | List of date formats. |
Output | The location of where the date format will go (variable). |
get date part
Retrieves the day, month, or year component from the given date.
Argument | Description |
Date | The location where the date is located (variable, field, text, or date element). |
DateFormat | The format of the inputted date. |
DatePart | The date component to be retrieved. |
Output | The location to store the outputted date component (variable, text, or field element). |
get time
Retrieves the time value from a time element and convert it into the selected time format.
Argument | Description |
OutputFormat | The desired format for the time. |
Input | The location of the time that will be converted to the specified time format. |
Output | The location where the converted seconds will go (variable or text or field element). |
hide picker
Hides the date or time picker.
Argument | Description |
Picker | Shows the date or time picker. |
set date
Sets the selected date element to the provided date.
Argument | Description |
Element | The date element to modify. |
Date | The specific date used to modify the date element. |
set date part
Modify a date by setting the day, month, or year.
Argument | Description |
OutputFormat | The format of the outputted date after setting the date component. |
Output | The location to store the modifed date (variable or text or field element). |
Date | The location where the date in seconds is located (variable, field, text, or date element). |
DateFormat | The format of the inputted date. |
DatePart | The date component to be modified. |
Value | The value to change the day, month, or year. |
show picker
Shows the date or time picker.
Argument | Description |
Picker | Shows the date or time picker. |
subtract value from date
Outputs the subtraction of a value from a date(represented as seconds) into the selected format.
Argument | Description |
Output | The location of the outputted difference of the value and the date (variable or text or field element). |
OutputFormat | The desired format for the output. |
Date | The location where the date in seconds is located (variable or date element). |
DateFormat | The format of the date input. |
Value | The value subtracted from the date in seconds. |
ValueType | The type of value being subtracted from the date in either: day, month, or year. |
toggle picker
Toggles the visability of the time or date picker.
Argument | Description |
Picker | The date or time picker to toggle |
validate date
Determines if the date is valid and returns an output of true or false.
Argument | Description |
Output | A binary ‘true’ or ‘false’ statement specifying whether the date is valid. |
Date | The date being validated(variable or text or field element). |
DateFormat | The format of the date being validated. |
This chapter was last updated on Tue 4 Feb 2025 14:41:12 GMT