Element: Create Account

This element is a form that creates accounts. It has all the necessary fields and buttons for account creation already in place.

The fields are: first name, last name, email, password, and a password confirmation dialog. If your needs are different, you can roll your own form very easily.

Sample “Create Account” element

User management in Appli

Every Appli project has its own database. Besides the tables created by the developer, all projects have a cdbUser table that is used to keep user accounts.

Use elements such as Create Account, Login, and the actions under the User Accounts category to craft your own interface to handle user management workflows.

The User Management Tutorial explores the topic in more depth and is recommended reading.


Create account forms have a mouseUp event that can be configured using low-code. This event is triggered when the user clicks the Create Account button.


Size Section

This section is used to configure the create-account size and position.

Property Description
top The value in pixels representing how far the element is from the top of the window.
left The value in pixels representing how distant element is from the left side of the window.
width The value in pixels representing the distance between the left side of the element and its right side.
height The value in pixels representing the distance between the bottom side of the element and its top side.

Geometry Section

Use the properties in this section to configure the responsive design behaviors for the element.

Property Description
lockAspectRatio Locks the aspect ratio of the element.
responsiveX how the element resizes responding to screen changes in the X axis.
responsiveY how the element resizes responding to screen changes in the Y axis.
allowUnderNotch Stretch to fill notch

Text Section

The properties in this section are used together with those in the appearance section to configure how the element is displayed on the screen. This section deals with the properties related to text used by the create-account.

Property Description
textFace The font used in the element’s text.
textSize The text size used in the element’s text.

Appearance Section

This section is used to configure how the create-account looks.

Property Description
blendLevel How transparent the element is.
gap the distance between various parts of an element. For example, in a field form it is the distance between fields.
fieldHeight how tall the field is in pixels.
textColor the color of the text in the element.
placeholderColor The color used for placeholder text.
fieldColor The color used for the background of a field.
showBorder Turns the visibility of the element’s borders on or off.
lineSize the size of a line in pixels.
lineColor the color of the line.
buttonHeight how tall is the button.
buttonColor the color for a button.
buttonLabelColor the color used for the text label in a button.

Element Section

This section is contains properties that are specific to elements of type create-account.

Property Description
name The name of the element. Displayed in the project browser.
lowCode ActionScript that controls the behavior of the element.

This chapter was last updated on Tue 4 Feb 2025 14:41:12 GMT