Element: Camera

This element displays the content of a camera. The camera can be a built-in camera or some attached webcam. It can also be used to scan barcodes and QR codes.

Sample Camera

The camera element shows as a placeholder while in edit mode and will only turn on the camera or scanner when in play mode.

Extra configuration

Using the no-code properties, the developer can configure which element receives the output from the camera element.


Size Section

This section is used to configure the camera size and position.

Property Description
top The value in pixels representing how far the element is from the top of the window.
left The value in pixels representing how distant element is from the left side of the window.
width The value in pixels representing the distance between the left side of the element and its right side.
height The value in pixels representing the distance between the bottom side of the element and its top side.

Geometry Section

Use the properties in this section to configure the responsive design behaviors for the element.

Property Description
lockAspectRatio Locks the aspect ratio of the element.
responsiveX how the element resizes responding to screen changes in the X axis.
responsiveY how the element resizes responding to screen changes in the Y axis.
allowUnderNotch Stretch to fill notch

Text Section

The properties in this section are used together with those in the appearance section to configure how the element is displayed on the screen. This section deals with the properties related to text used by the camera.

Property Description
textFace The font used in the element’s text.
textStyle The style used in the element’s text. It can be bold, italic, underlined, and strikethrough.

Appearance Section

This section is used to configure how the camera looks.

Property Description
blendLevel How transparent the element is.

Element Section

This section is contains properties that are specific to elements of type camera.

Property Description
name The name of the element. Displayed in the project browser.
device selects which camera device should be used for the camera element.
barcodeScanner toggles if the camera should behave like a barcode scanner or not.
flashMode configures the behavior of the flash for the camera element.
focusMode configures the focus for the camera element.

This chapter was last updated on Tue 4 Feb 2025 14:41:12 GMT