Actions: Utility

answer dialog

Displays a dialog box with a given message and 1-3 choices as buttons.

Argument Description
interfaceTextColor The color of the header and buttons (variable or input). If the argument is empty, the default dialog text color in the player settings will be used.
iconID The ID of the blob that will be displayed as an icon on the answer dialog. If the argument is empty, the icon set in the player settings will be used.
Title The text displayed in the header (variable or input).
Choice1 A variable or input to be displayed as a button in the dialog box.
Choice2 A variable or input to be displayed as a button in the dialog box.
Output The location where the selection will go (variable or text or field element).
Message A variable or input to be displayed in the dialog box.
Choice3 A variable or input to be displayed as a button in the dialog box.
interfaceColor The color of the header and buttons (variable or input). If the argument is empty, the default dialog interface color in the player settings will be used.

blank action

This is an action you can type into to quickly filter from the list of all Appli actions. Clicking or pressing enter in the auto-completion field turns the blank action into the selected action. Any remaining blank actions get deleted when you press ‘Apply’ .

check internet status

Checks the status of the internet connection, and returns ‘true’ or ‘false’.

Argument Description
Output The location where the internet connection status will go (variable or element)

combine multiple values

Combines two or more values together and places the result in a Variable or Text element.

Argument Description
Value6 A variable, input, text or field element to be combined.
Value4 A variable, input, text or field element to be combined.
Separator A separator placed between the values being combined. Use ‘LF’ for a line feed.
Value1 A variable, input, text or field element to be combined.
Value3 A variable, input, text or field element to be combined.
Output The location where the combine value will be stored (variable, element).
Value2 A variable, input, text or field element to be combined.
Value5 A variable, input, text or field element to be combined.

combine values

Combines two values (input, variable, text or field element) and stores the result in a specified variable.

Argument Description
Value1 A variable, input, text or field element to be combined.
Separator A separator placed between the two values being combined. Use ‘LF’ for a line feed.
Value2 A variable, input, text or field element to be combined.
Output The location where the combination of the two values will be stored (variable, element).


Add a helpful comment to your code.

Argument Description
TheComment The comment string to display

dispatch event

Have Appli process an event anywhere in the current app.

Argument Description
Result Optional output to a variable or element than contains details about how the dispatch was processed: handled, unhandled, or passed.
Event Select an event to dispatch.
Element Select an element that contains the event you want to activate.

email pdf

Emails the specified element’s rectangular boundary of a given screen as a pdf file.

Argument Description
Subject The subject of the email.
Body The body of the email.
Screen The screen to be emailed.
Element An element whose rectangular boundary specifies the area of the screen to be emailed as a pdf.
Recipient The email where the pdf will be sent.
FromEmail The email that will be displayed as the sender’s email.

filter duplicate lines

Removes duplicate lines from a list.

Argument Description
Input The variable or text or field element that contains a line-delimited list.
Output The location to store the filtered list (variable or text or field element).

filter lines

Filter lines from a list.

Argument Description
ListToFilter A variable that contains a line-delimited list.
Operator Which operator (with or without) to filter the lines by.
Filter A variable that contains a line-delimited list.
Output The variable to store the filtered list.

get element value

Retrieves the value of the specified element.

Argument Description
Element The element (dropdown, field, radio, slider, switch, date, time, checkbox, or text) whose value will be retrieved.
Output The location where the result will go (variable or dropdown, field, radio, slider, switch, date, time, checkbox, or text element).

get platform

Retrieves the specific platform of the current device (Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android).

Argument Description
Output The location where the result will go (variable).

get screen rect

Retrieves the dimensions of the screen’s rectangle of the current device. If there are multiple screens, the rectangle of the screen containing the app’s center location is returned. Results are output in the format width,height in pixels.

Argument Description
Output The location where the result will go (variable or field or text element).

get tax

Retrieves the tax rate of a given location.

Argument Description
Address A variable containing the address of the location.
City A variable containing the city of the location.
Zip A variable containing the zip of the location.
Output The location where the result will go (variable or text or field element).

get version

Retrieves the current version of Appli IDE or Appli Player the device is running.

Argument Description
Output The location where the result will go (variable or text element).

hide element

Hide an element.

Argument Description
Element The element to hide

hide loading

Hides the loading dialog box.

lock screen

Locks the screen to prevent actions from being visible on the screen.

play audio clip

Plays a sound from a file. Supported formats are WAV & MP3.

Argument Description
AudioFilePath The path to the audio file to play.

replace text

Replaces the specified text from the provided source with other text and stores the result in a variable or text or field elenent.

Argument Description
textToReplace A variable, input, text or field element containing the piece of text that will be replaced.
replacementText A variable, input, text or field element containing the replacement text. Use ‘LF’ for a line feed.
originalText A variable, input, text or field element containing the original text that will be modified.
Output The location where the modified text will be stored (variable, text or field element).

reset element

Resets the specified element to its default state. Supported elements: field, radio, search, dropdown, login, create account, image.

Argument Description
Element The element to reset.

set element value

Sets the value of the specified element.

Argument Description
Element The element (dropdown, field, radio, slider, switch, date, time, checkbox, or text) whose value will be set.
Value The value the specified element will store (input, variable or dropdown, field, radio, slider, switch or text element).

set item separator

Set the item separator for this code block.

Argument Description
Separator Specify the string character(s) that will act as an item separator within (this) event’s code

show element

Show an element.

Argument Description
Element The element to hide

show loading

Displays a dialog box with a given message and a loading spinner.

Argument Description
Message A variable or input to be displayed in the dialog box.

sort lines

Sorts lines from a list.

Argument Description
Input The variable or text or field element that contains a line-delimited list.
Direction Which direction (ascending or descending) to sort the lines by.
SortType The type of data stored in each line to sort by.
Output The location to store the sorted list (variable or text or field element).

toggle password

Show or hide password input in a field element. The “password” property must be on for this action to occur.

Argument Description
Element The field element to have its password input shown or hidden.

unlock screen

Unlocks and renders the updated screen.


Wait for a specific amount of time, in milliseconds. (The wait is non-blocking).

Argument Description
Number Specify the number of milliseconds to wait

This chapter was last updated on Thu 25 Jul 2024 11:35:29 BST