Actions: Disk I/O

ask for file path

Ask the user to set a desired file path. A filepath contains a filename and its folder path.

Argument Description
FilePathVariable The variable that will contain the filepath. It will contain ‘Cancel’ if the user cancelled the selection.
DefaultFileName Pass a default file name to the selection dialog.

ask for folder

Ask the user to select a folder.

Argument Description
FolderSelectionVariable The variable that will contain the selected folder. It will contain ‘cancel’ if user cancel’s the selection.Folder path INCLUDES the trailing slash /

create a folder

Create a folder inside the user’s ‘documents’ folder.

Argument Description
FolderName The name of the folder to be created in the current user’s ‘documents’ folder

list files

List the files in a specified folder inside current user’s ‘Documents’ folder.

Argument Description
FolderName The name of the folder to list the files from, inside current user’s ‘Documents’ folder
VariableName The variable to load the file list into

load a text file

Load a text file from specified folder inside current user’s ‘Documents’ folder.

Argument Description
VariableName The variable to load the text file into
FolderName The name of the folder to load from, inside current user’s ‘Documents’ folder
FileName Name of the text file to load

load binary file

Load a binary file from specified folder inside current user’s ‘Documents’ folder.

Argument Description
VariableName The variable to load the binary file into
FolderName The name of the folder to load from, inside current user’s ‘Documents’ folder
FileName Name of the binary file to load

save a binary file

Save a binary file into specified folder inside current user’s ‘Documents’ folder.

Argument Description
VariableName The variable to save into a binary file
FolderName The name of the folder to save into, inside current user’s ‘Documents’ folder
FileName Name of the binary file to save

save a text file

Save a text file into specified folder inside current user’s ‘Documents’ folder.

Argument Description
VariableName The variable to save into a text file
FolderName The name of the folder to save into, inside current user’s ‘Documents’ folder
FileName Name of the text file to save

select file

Ask the user to select one or more files.

Argument Description
FileNameVariable The variable that will contain only the file name of the selected file. Or a list of filenames, if multiple files are selected
SelectedFileVariable The variable that will contain a line delimited list of selected files
AllowMultipleFiles Set to true to allow for selection of multiple files

set working folder

Set the working folder (inside the user’s ‘documents’ folder).

Argument Description
FolderName The value to set variable to (input or another variable)

This chapter was last updated on Fri 13 Sep 2024 12:57:31 BST